The dead bodies were everywhere.


All dead.

Only Tang San, who was pierced with arrows and had the power of Yuxu, managed to hold on for a while, and tried to attack with a limp.

"Uncle San..." Fengxue looked at him with reluctance.


The train suddenly launched another attack, vowing to kill everyone.


A magic instrument, the menstrual wheel, appeared and blocked all the attacks. Naruto looked over and saw Yuwen Zuo approaching at a high speed.

At the same time, a flying knife with a detonating talisman was directly inserted into the center of the train and exploded instantly.

Above, Sakura also threw out the detonating talisman, calculated the bearing capacity of the top of the mountain and other factors, and artificially created a small avalanche.

Directly hit the train.


Feng Tao would naturally not sit and wait for death, the train started immediately, and escaped the avalanche at the loss of several carriages.

Yu Wenzuo wanted to chase, but Duanmu Xi stopped him, this was not their mission.


"So cruel."

Sakura Naruto looked at the troops in the distance without a single survivor.

"That's the end of not giving up.

If you don't resist, you won't see these."

Feng Xueqing said to them.

After the crew helped deal with the body, they carried Tang San to Feng Xue.

With a flash of light, he spoke out his heart.

"No matter when, we believe that Her Royal Highness the Princess will lead us to the throne again..."

The general meaning is trust in Feng Xue, and with expectations for the future of the people of the Snow Country.

"Please don't cry, Princess." After saying the last sentence, Tang San tilted his head and lost his breath.

Fengxue's face was motionless.

"What a fool, Uncle San, aren't you holding the eye drops?"

She stood up and said, "Are you satisfied now? Go back. If you continue to stay in this country, you will die. Okay, let's go."

She walked towards the convoy.

"Where are you going? Isn't this your country?

If you want to go back, then defeat Feng Tao and return to your home with dignity." Naruto couldn't stand it.

He didn't understand why Fengxue, an actor, was more indifferent than the people in their sect.

"You don't understand anything. There is no spring in this country. It is a country where tears turn into ice and hearts are frozen." Fengxue.

Sakura said in a deep voice, "But if it were you, it should be possible. At least, Uncle San firmly believes in this."

"Don't talk nonsense..." Fengxue paused and continued to walk towards the convoy.

"Wait..." Naruto chased after her and grabbed her hand, but was slapped away.

Just when Naruto was trying to persuade her.

A huge spaceship rose from the bottom of the cliff, and everyone was stunned.

But Gu Tong did not. He sent out a mechanical hand on the spaceship and grabbed Feng Xue on board before Naruto and others could react.

At the same time, marble-like weapons fell from the sky, and after landing on the ground, they immediately turned into an ice jungle.

Fortunately, Yuwen Zuo and others reacted quickly and avoided the attack, and the crew was also lucky. Although it was a large-scale attack, it happened to be in the blind spot.

But they were also trembling, and they almost died!

[After all, they came a step late. This woman is not a good person. If it weren't for her, Duanmu Xi should be able to respond! ]

[Too loyal, Brother Tang San. ]

[Yuwen Zuo is so handsome. He came out to save people at the critical moment and gave him a chance to speak. ]

[Sakura is not bad either. As expected, the author has given her a character of a top student. The combination of mathematics and geography is very good! ]

[To be honest, she is finally useful. In such a long plot, she is only used three times. The rest of the time, she is taking care of people. Look at Xiao Li and others. ]

[Please pay attention to the wording. Taking care of people is also useful. It is not easy. If you don’t believe me, find an elderly person who can’t take care of himself and experience taking care of him for a week. ]

[Well, Sakura was used three times on the battlefield. Okay! ]

[Good guy, so you also know that taking care of people is extremely difficult! ]

[This spaceship, I am afraid that no one in reality can compare with it except for speed. It is too cyber. Is this a specialty of the Snow Country? ]

"Sakura, where is Naruto?" Yu Wenzuo asked.

"No way, that guy... Could it be..." Sakura was surprised.

As expected.

Naruto tied the rope with a throwing knife and hung it on the spaceship.

"How could I let you escape so easily?" He bit the rope and formed seals with his hands.


A bunch of Naruto spread the ropes and finally stood on the ship and pulled the true form up.

Feng Xue sat on the sofa of the spaceship with a meaningless expression.

"You have become more beautiful, Xiaoxue." In front of him was Feng Tao, an uncle in a toga.

"Are you wearing the hexagonal crystal properly?"


"That's good, because that's the only bond of the Feng family!

And it's also the key to the secret treasure. "

Hearing this, Feng Xue raised her head and asked doubtfully: "Secret treasure?"

"When I inherited this country from your father, the Feng family didn't leave any assets behind. Feng Qian must have hidden the property somewhere.

I searched everywhere and finally found it. The treasure was hidden in the rainbow ice wall. I also found a keyhole that matched the shape of a hexagonal crystal.

As long as I obtain the Feng family's treasure, my country can gain military power that surpasses the five major countries. "Feng Tao laughed.

"I won't let you succeed."

Before he could finish speaking, Naruto's voice appeared inside the spacecraft.

The two quickly focused their gazes.

Fengxue: "It's you..."

Feng Tao: "How did you get in?"

"Hmph, don't underestimate me." Naruto smiled.

But before he could finish laughing, he was tied up by a sudden rope. The manipulating the rope was Feng Tao's monk soldier.

Bronze also took the opportunity to knock Naruto down.

The door at the back slowly opened, and a bunch of Narutos were tied up by Chen Yun and rolled out.

"Sorry, this kid is unexpectedly troublesome." Han Chuixue also appeared to report.

Feng Tao said with interest: "Oh, multiple smoke clones were used!"

"This kid, I don't know the details very well, but he has extremely powerful magic power." Bronze said.

"Just in case, put that device on him."

"Well, it seems that we have obtained a very interesting experimental material!" Feng Tao agreed.

Han Chuixue took out a glass lamp that looked like a big magnet and had a red light in the middle from a heavily protected secret box.

Placed on Naruto's belly, six worm-like tentacles immediately stretched out and were embedded in Naruto's body.

The effect occurred immediately, causing Naruto to scream in pain.

"What is that?" Feng Xue asked worriedly.

Feng Tao: "A mana control device that absorbs the mana of the person wearing the device and creates a mana-controlling barrier around his or her body.

So it absolutely cannot be removed or destroyed. "

Hearing this, Feng Xue looked worried.

Naruto only felt that he could not use his strength, and many shadow clones also dissipated directly after the device took effect.

[It seems that Naruto's fighting ability is also good, Yu Wenzuo didn't even climb onto the spaceship! 】

[Sure enough, it has to be the protagonist. 】

[Feng Xue is indeed an actor, and even after being caught, his expression remained unchanged. 】

[It’s because she has no idea of ​​inheriting the throne, or she doesn’t think there is a chance, so she is so indifferent, right? 】

[Emperor, who doesn’t want to do it? It must be because he knows there is no chance. 】

[Okay, I was wrong, Naruto's fighting qualities are just like that! 】

[As expected, this is a high-tech country. This kind of technology is awesome. If it is used as a hidden weapon and people who don’t know it are labeled, it will be over! 】

[Isn’t this just like their armor? Can absorb mana and convert it into mana! 】

【Technological power. 】

[On the Internet, people always compare technology with cultivating immortals. Now, you see, technology is powerful. 】

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