The four fought against the two and the battle started instantly.

It was very intense.

After a while, Shizune and the other person in the distance also felt something was wrong and hurried away.

And farther away, Shikamaru also hurried with the team.


Woof woof!

"What's wrong?" Shikamaru asked.

Tuoba Zhong: "Akamaru said there was a smell of blood nearby."



Shizune and Tutian appeared on the battlefield.

At this time, the place was already devastated, with large pits and discarded weapons everywhere on the ground and trees.

The two figures were pierced by weapons and lay on the ground, life or death unknown.

"This is..."

Seeing this, Jingyin hurried to the side of one of them.

After a careful investigation, it was found that there was still hope.

Use medical spells to treat them quickly.

"I didn't expect these two people to be knocked down here!"

Tutian felt incredible, they were very strong.

And Jingyin was in the wild, and the situation was urgent, so she could only deal with it urgently.

"Miss Jingyin, I'll go after them."

"No." Jingyin shouted.


"Wait, Tutian, those guys' skills are no longer normal, ahem,

You will die if you go after them alone." Xuan Jian suddenly woke up at this time.

"Xuan Jian, stop talking." Jingyin reminded.

Tutian had no choice but to blame himself for not having as good a talent as them!


"The smell of five people, including Yuwenzuo, and the other two people collided.

From the smell of blood, the other five people are running farther and farther. What should we do?"

Tuoba Zhong reported the reconnaissance intelligence.

"It seems that there is indeed a helper leading the way."

Shikamaru felt more troubled.

"Don't worry about it, just go after Yuwenzuo."

"Naruto, you are so noisy. Shikamaru should decide on this matter.

Don't be so bossy." Tuoba Zhong said angrily.

"Since there is the smell of blood, I'm afraid a battle has taken place.

If you go there, you may get some information.

But you can't approach rashly. You can only switch to reconnaissance mode and approach slowly." Shikamaru made an analysis.

Ningji: "In this case, Yuwenzuo may have escaped the border of the Land of Fire."

"What should we do, Shikamaru." Naruto asked.

Shikamaru struggled for a while, and finally decided to chase Yuwenzuo first.

"Let's chase Yuwen Zuo first."

"Great, that's it." Naruto said with a smile.

"However, since a battle has taken place, the enemy will certainly be on high alert.

They must also consider the possibility of chasing the monks.

In short, there is a great probability of encountering traps and ambushes ahead."

Everyone's face was solemn. There was a big difference between being on alert and not being on alert.

"Listen carefully, next we must fully mobilize our vision and hearing.

Before we are ambushed, we must first find the enemy.

And if we find any strange traces,

we must not only avoid them, but also analyze them."

Shikamaru tried his best to analyze and decide.

"Okay, if I see them, I will use my new trick to beat them to a pulp." Naruto.

This guy Naruto, every time I see him, he will comprehend a new spell! Tuoba Zhong thought to himself.

He thought he had already caught up with him.

Woof woof!

"Hey, there is the smell of the enemy all around." Tuoba Zhong suddenly said.

"Everyone stop."

The five people stopped instantly, and were very alert.

[Ahhh, damn, there is no specific fighting scene! ]

[It's very intense, how intense is it! ]

[Oh, I said these two people can't beat four people. ]

[It seems to be really intense. There is no last-hit in this scene? ]

[Shizune and the others came late, otherwise they should have won from the situation of not last-hitting. ]

[Sure enough, Dugu Gang's suggestion of bringing medical care to the team is good. This is useful, otherwise the two of them might die. ]

[The one called Tutian is the foil for the strength of the two, right? ]

[It's good to have a captain with a brain, and he can take care of everything. ]

[Shikamaru is struggling to protect everyone's lives or go after Yuwen Zuo. ]

After all, if there is intelligence, their danger will be much lower. ]

[Who, who said that Ya is useless? Look, he was the first to discover the enemy. 】

"Everyone look up."

Shikamaru whispered.

Others looked up and saw a detonating tag in front of them.

"It's a detonating tag, there are five more,

This formation

Yes, barrier array." Ningci analyzed.

"Barrier array?" Choji was puzzled.

"It is a kind of trap magic, the so-called array trap,

which is activated the moment the enemy enters the array surrounded by the talisman,

a time difference trap,

the book that my father forced me to read said that this is a high-level magic."

Shikamaru said.

Takuba Tsukasa: "It seems that we can only take a detour."


Fire Sect.

Xiao Li looked up at the steep stairs and remembered the backs of Shikamaru's team who were going to die.

If you are determined in your heart, you must practice.

"Xiao Li, you can't do this yet."

Dugu Gang appeared behind him.

"Master Sect."

"Although I know you are a very desperate person,

but the operation has just ended, how can you be so anxious? "

Dugu Gang persuaded.


A breeze blew.

"Practice as soon as possible. I want to... I want to..." He also wanted to help.

"It's not just physical training that counts as practice,

don't you think so?"

Xiao Li was stunned and looked at her.

"Cultivator, in addition to physical practice, there must also be mental practice.

I understand your feelings, but this is also a kind of practice."


"Don't be stubborn, your body can't take it, okay."

Dugu Gang handed him the cane and took out a bottle of medicine.

"What is this?"

"This is the medicine I prescribed for you. Drink it and get better first, Xiao Li."


"Okay, let's go."


"Really, there have been traps since just now."

"Well, but the enemy doesn't have much time, and their traps are very crude. "

With Tuoba Zhong as the vanguard, several people carefully avoided the trap.

"Hey, Naruto, there is a wire under your feet, don't step on it."

"Got it."

Naruto looked relaxed.

"Don't move, Naruto."

This time he almost stepped on the trap, and Naruto was sweating coldly.

"Shadow imitation technique, luckily it was in time."

Shikamaru grabbed Choji's neck and controlled Naruto with magic.

"Naruto, I told you to be careful. "A roar came from the forest.

[Have you heard of trap spells?]

[No, I've only heard of counter-waves.]

[To be honest, with the same strength, if these guys traveled to the world of cultivating immortals who practice Qi refining and foundation building,

these kids would beat them to death.]

[Indeed, they are hundreds of years old. The things they are calculating seem grand, but in fact, there are not many things.]

[Xiao Li is too strong!]

[Dugu Gang: You don't want your body to continue to weaken, do you?]

[Dugu Gang is right. A cultivator who only cultivates life but not nature will not work!]

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