
Bishan smiled, and more and more mana entered his body.

And inside.

The five people's physical strength was also slowly consumed.

"My body is gradually running out of strength." Naruto sat on the ground.

Ningci watched Naruto's mana being sucked away: "Shikamaru, what should we do if this goes on?"

"Before we confirmed the enemy's ability, we were trapped. It was a mistake, and inside..."

Shikamaru looked at his teammates.

Akamaru took out a pill over there, trying to punch a hole in the wall before all the mana was sucked away.

"It's the Bigu Pill."

After Akamaru ate the pill, the whole dog turned blood red and was extremely ferocious.

"Double Poison Dragon Drill."

After making hand seals and casting spells, Akamaru turned into Tsukasa, and Tsukasa's body also showed the limbs of a beast, and the man and the dog turned into a physical tornado.

Bang bang...

"Good job, Tsukasa." Naruto shouted at the powerful Tsukasa.

Bang bang bang!

Many holes appeared inside, but unfortunately they were useless. After a while, Tsukasa and Akamaru disappeared.

And Bishan outside felt the movement and smiled disdainfully.

"Damn, the gap will be restored soon, and the same is true for the ground."


Tsukasa looked at the holes he made and said angrily.

Shikamaru observed the holes made by Tsukasa and found that the holes in different places had different recovery times.

"If this goes on, we won't be able to hold on for 10 minutes, and our mana will be sucked out and we will be wiped out." Tsukasa said.

Naruto also tried to break the Rasengan, but he found that this kind of spell that requires extremely high mana control cannot be performed in such an environment where mana is sucked.

Shikamaru used the bandage to make a device on his hand, looked at the recovery of the holes and spoke.

"Hey, outside, I want to say something to your leader. We have decided not to chase Yuwen Zuo, so let us out."

Naruto was puzzled: "Hey, what are you talking about?"


"Hehe, begging for mercy? It's really interesting, but unfortunately, you are my prey, I won't let you out." Bishan laughed.

"Well, even if it's just one person, just let me escape alone,"

The other teammates had different reactions when they heard his words.

Naruto and Tuoba Zhong gritted their teeth in anger, and Dingci and Ningci were calm.

"I'm tired of this kind of battle." Shikamaru.

Tuoba Zhong roared: "Asshole, do you know what you are saying?"

"Shut up, Zhong."

"What did you say?"

"Hahaha, internal strife? You are the captain, but you are begging for mercy and want to live alone. When faced with a life-and-death decision, human nature is exposed.

A fool like you is not worthy of holding the lives of your teammates tightly. You are a scumbag."

When he said Shikamaru was a scumbag, Dingci's face was furious.

"Not only did he give up Yuwen Zuo, he also betrayed his companions. Is this the inner disciple of the Fire Sect?"

Dingci's mind echoed what Shikamaru said in front of the Fire Sect, and his face became more angry.

"People like you should die, don't even think about coming out." Bishan taunted.

Naruto: "Shikamaru, we trusted you so much, I really misjudged you, get out of here."

Tuoba Zhong said: "He can't get out, so he begged for mercy, idiot."

"What do you mean by I'm an idiot?"

"Aren't you? Idiot."

"Ah, you said idiot again."

The two of them started to quarrel with each other.

[Didn't I say that his attack couldn't be more focused? Why is it so chaotic? ]

[Sure enough, he is the most useless one here! ]

[I feel desperate for them, his realm is lower than others, and he is trapped by others! ]

[Naruto is also in trouble, he can't even cast a spell, too useless. ]

[Oh, it seems that I have found a way. ]

[No way, the way is to beg for mercy? Impossible? ]

[How could such a responsible man in front beg for mercy? He should want to try to let him go, so that he can be rescued. ]

[Obviously the enemy is not that stupid. ]

[Does Naruto and the dog owner really not trust each other? ]

[Choji and Neji obviously trust Shikamaru. ]

[Good fellow, they quarreled over an idiotic sentence. ]

Choji yelled, "You, please be quiet."

The two stopped and looked at him: "Choji."

Ningji looked at Shikamaru, who was making a circle with his hands.

"He actually squatted down this time. What the hell is he thinking!" Naruto said


Crack, crack!

Naruto turned around after hearing the sound and saw Choji eating: "Hey, why are you eating snacks like crazy?"

Takuba Tsukasa: "So whenever I get angry, I'll eat snacks like crazy. Really, this guy is useless!"

"There's no other way. Now I can only rely on the shadow clone." Naruto.

"Stop it. There is a lot of enemy mana flowing on the wall. Even if it is damaged, the wall will recover immediately." Ningji said.

"In other words, it is necessary to use destructive power, and physical attacks that can break the wall in one blow will make sense."

"The only one who can sue above me is Choji, but look at him like that..."

Takuba Tsukasa was speechless as he looked at Choji who was eating like crazy.

Naruto: "Damn, what should I do now?"

Suddenly, Shikamaru smiled.

"Ningji, please use your mana to observe the flow of mana behind you and behind Choji."

"I understand." Ningji.

"Shikamaru, shut up." Naruto yelled.

"Naruto, don't you understand? Think about what Shikamaru said when he called everyone together." Choji said.

Naruto was stunned and began to recall.

"Choji, don't speak loudly next time. Tsukasa, try to attack Ningci and the wall behind Choji again." Shikamaru continued to order.

Tsukasa was stunned, but still made a seal seriously: "Although I don't understand what you mean, I will make a big fuss, Poison Dragon Drill."

Bang bang!

He attacked the wall behind Choji and Ningci continuously.

The huge movement attracted Bishan's attention: "Humph, no matter how much you struggle, it's useless."

The attack inside has also ended.

Ningci observed all the mana flowing in the pit with his eyes widened suddenly.

So that's it, there...

"Ningci, please use your knife to mark there.

Choji, are you ready?" Shikamaru said softly.

"Anytime." Choji.

"Okay, let's get started." Shikamaru finally smiled.

"I say, what's going on?" Only Naruto was stupid.

[Where did Choji get the snacks? ]

[He carries them with him. His thinking is beyond your imagination. ]

[Seeing Choji eating makes me hungry. ]

[Actually, I think Neji can use Kaiten and be blown up by it. ]

[It's so easy to blow up, do you need to tell me? It's definitely not possible! ]

[Choji really won't doubt Shikamaru casually. He's really smart. ]

[Naruto is not good. He's too stubborn. He even believes that Shikamaru wants to beg for mercy. ]

[It's still Takuya, who gets it right at once, although he's also stubborn. ]

[What are you preparing? Didn't I see what Choji is preparing? ]

[Silly Naruto, even dogs shake their heads when they see him. ]

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