The golden spider silk sticky gold, once it appears outside the body, can instantly harden, and mana cannot pass through it. Then, it can not only be secreted from the mouth, but also through the sweat glands." Kidou raised his hand and demonstrated it to Neji, with a smug smile on his face. "It means that acupuncture attacks will not work." Neji was a little solemn. And judging from the opponent's mana, the current mana is also above his, too difficult to deal with. Kidou was also very cautious in his heart, now. "Spider binding is useless, and facing the opponent of soft fist, it is impossible to fight in close combat, which means that it can only attack the blind spot from a long distance." He made a judgment in his heart. If it weren't for the consumption of the two guys before, it should be easier. Whoosh!


The leaves rustled.

Kidou roughly calculated the perspective range of the Byakugan, used spider silk to stop Neci, and then used it to leave his sight.

The Byakugan was famous, so it was impossible not to consider it.

Hiding in a tree, watching Neci running around in the forest.

"Should I leave him behind?"

Kidou was thinking whether to leave this guy behind and run away.

But he thought about it and decided to forget it. Just kill him, anyway, no one else could beat Sakon and Xia Mo.

Just treat it as a game.


A beam of spider gold shot towards Neci from a distance, with a detonating tag behind him.

Neci caught the attack route and was about to chase after it.

"Feint attack."

He instantly judged Kidou's plan.


The detonating tag exploded, and countless hidden weapons came from behind.

Ningci, who was well prepared, spun around and formed a Kaiten to block all the attacks.

"Tsk, a master of eye techniques, what a trouble."

Kido frowned when he saw that his attack was broken.


And Shikamaru and his three companions who were far away were chasing him at this moment.

And Naruto thought about the resolution of killing one man at a time, hoping that both Choji and Ningci would be fine.


"Long-range combat is not good for me, so I have to turn it into close combat anyway."

Ningci thought to himself.

And Kido analyzed that this level of attack was not enough to deal with Ningci.

And attacks that were too far away would result in insufficient attack power.

So he approached.

But he had many more black lines on his body.

"I admit that this game is somewhat difficult,

I'll show my real skills."

Kido hung upside down on the tree, looking at Ningci and laughing wildly.

Ningci froze, looking at Kido, who appeared like two different people.

Seeing the mana in his body moving was quite amazing, and that look was very similar to Yuwen Zuo.

"This guy's vision and perspective are too troublesome, and there is also that technique! In this case, then there is only one way."

Kido bit his finger and pulled out a spider web.

After making a seal, he pressed it, and a huge spider appeared.

"Based on your ability, I found a perfect way to deal with it."

If that guy releases a lot of mana and rotates it to prevent physical attacks, then I will stop the rotation of his mana.

A lot of spider silk gushed out of the big spider's butt.

After enough, Kido cut open its belly, and a lot of small spiders hung spider silk around the forest.

Neji was also surrounded.

[Small scene, but Choji is still handsome. ]

[You don't want to portray a chapter for everyone? ]

[My poor Shino, I will not forget you. ]

[As long as the author wants, he can make a person die clearly at any time! ]

[Indeed, if you don't do the mission, what are you doing? ]

[Come on, read with me, Big Pig. ]

[It seems that this guy's curse seal ability is different, the pattern is different, and he doesn't look fierce at all. ]

[Fuck, he summoned someone out of the spirit and cut his stomach, huh, scumbag! ]

The overwhelming spiders, with a huge amount of spider silk attack, this range is impossible to dodge.

But you can't be hit.

The opponent's spider silk is not an ordinary thing.

So, a huge ball rises from the spot.


Neji used Kaiten to block everyone's spider silk and spiders.

But the spider silk also entangled him.

"Use spider silk to stop Kaiten?"

Neji also guessed Kidou's intention.

Quickly cut the spider silk into pieces.

At this time, a hidden weapon flew over when he finished Kaiten.


Ningci slapped him away.

"Tsk, this move

It's too troublesome. In this case, I'll win by numbers. "

Kidō leaped on the tree, trying to stay away from Shikamaru while staying within the range of the strongest attack.

The big spider in the sky kept raining spiders.

And in the dark, there were Kidō's hidden weapons.


"Hmm? The posture changed."

Ninji looked at the huge range of spider attacks, and the posture of his hands changed from short to long.

"Eight trigrams, one hundred and twenty-eight palms."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Bang, bang, bang!

Ninji's hands turned like a big windmill.

Hands, elbows, shoulders, nothing can be used as an attack, spiders die, hidden weapons fly.

"Twice as fast as before, if you get hit, it's over.

In this case, I'll increase the number. "


The big spider in the sky roared and rained small spiders.

"Is it really impossible to turn the tide? "

Ningji wanted to solve it with Kaiten, but unfortunately Kaiten was not a delicate soft fist and could not cut the spider silk.

The spider silk prevented him from fully displaying his power.


At this moment, a hidden weapon brushed past his shoulder, causing his clothes to be torn and a little blood to ooze out.

Kido's pupils moved.

"His methods all rely on the combination of the perspective eye and the observation eye.

To deal with the enemy, to put it more deeply, he can not only see through 360 degrees,

The field of vision should be wider than I thought. From the reaction of that guy just now, as long as the field of vision is calculated,

That guy's accurate field of vision should only be 50 meters.

The hidden weapons at that distance can be accurately sensed.

But, for some reason, there are also hidden weapons that cannot be completely avoided.

In this case..."

Kido stretched out spider silk as a bow and spider gold as arrows.

The big spider in the sky continued to attack the small spiders.

Ningji watched this scene and had to use his soft fist to kill the spider.



Ningji felt a pain in his back and his movements became distorted.

The spider silk in the sky fell on his body.

"I see." Kido understood and smiled.

"There will be more next." "

It was the same routine again, and Neji was hit again.

Two spider gold weapons were inserted into his back.


Ningji's belt was also cut off, and he fell to the ground with his hair disheveled.

[Ningji's body is so strong, I thought sixty-four palms were the limit, but I didn't expect him to be faster.]

[That's right, men should be fast and last longer.]

[Ningji is really a genius, he can use the curse seal in normal state!]

[That being said, if it were Choji, he might be able to kill Kidou in the second stage.]

[Hmm? Did you find any weaknesses?]

[Yes, there should be some places on the back that can't be seen.]

[With just this little bit of information, he calculated it?]

[Nonsense, the curse seal can make the body function and mana will change drastically, observation and other things will also increase.

This analysis should be very simple for a ghost in the Chongxu realm, right? 】

[The brain has nothing to do with the realm. 】

[Sure enough, as long as more information is revealed, it will be different immediately. 】

[Another one died! 】

[It shouldn't be. It would be boring if he died like this. At least he should be as heavy as Mount Tai before dying, so that it will be interesting. 】

[Ningji doesn't have a large-scale long-range attack, which is a disadvantage. He was completely restrained. 】

[Indeed, I thought the soft fist could restrain the ghost, but I didn't expect it to be just a spell to restrain others! 】

[Ningji won't have a secret weapon like Choji, right? 】

[There should be, otherwise how can he win? 】

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