The two of them were so excited that they were in a hurry.


Tuoba Zhong punched another self behind him and sent him flying.

Since that one was Akamaru, the one behind him must be Naruto.

What a pity!

After the figure flew out, it fell to the ground and turned into Akamaru.

Everyone, including Tuoba Zhong, was shocked.

This is Akamaru, but what about Naruto?

Just then!


There was a sudden movement behind him, and Tuoba Zhong looked back, and Naruto's figure running hurriedly came into his eyes.


Naruto kicked Zhong away with a smug smile.

Rolling to Akamaru's side, Tuoba Zhong looked at his friends who had grown up with him.

But now he was covered with wounds because of his misjudgment.

Guilt flashed through his mind.


His hands trembled slightly.

At this time, everyone understood Naruto's tactics.

They were surprised by his novel and clever mind!

"Ha, you have to think about the spells before using them, otherwise they will be used, idiot." Naruto made an international gesture and laughed.

The tactics were successful, and Naruto was extremely excited.

Duanmu Xi listened to Naruto's words. Isn't this what he said to Naruto?

It was copied completely!

After listening to Naruto's words, Tuoba Zhong bit his tiger's mouth and blood came out, using the pain to stay awake.

At his own speed, Naruto would definitely not be able to keep up. He had an absolute advantage. As long as he found Naruto's flaws and used the four-legged technique to get behind Naruto, he could completely solve him.

There was no need to rush, just stay calm and you can win.

Thinking of this, Tuoba Zhong took out a hidden weapon and prepared to test the attack.

"Hmph, are you finally serious? Tsukasa." Naruto grinned at the serious Tsukasa.

"Let me use this newly prepared ultimate move to deal with you."

"What new trick? It's just bluffing."

Tuoba Tsukasa didn't believe it at all. It must be Naruto who was bluffing.

Even Naruto's teammate Sakura was wondering when Naruto had practiced a new trick?

Only the thick-browed Xiao Li believed it and suddenly got excited.

[You can't even recognize your childhood companions, what a waste! ]

[That's right, you can already smell the smell, but you still doubt yourself, huh! ]

[That's not confident enough! ]

[If Shikamaru or Shino were to play, it would definitely not be like this. ]

[But he still knows his advantages, not bad! ]

[But what is Naruto's new move? ]

[Seduction technique, clone technique, nothing else, right? 】

【The author didn't write it, it must be some trick. 】

Tuoba Zhong: "No matter what tricks you have, as long as you are not allowed to use them, it's fine."

Take out the flying knife hidden weapon, keep running, and keep attacking.

The flying knife is extremely fast, and Naruto has not had time to complete the seal. He can only dodge when he sees the flying knife.

Up, up, left, right, front, back...

Just like playing the Xiuxian version of gymnastics, Naruto was forced to be a hot goat on the ring.

When he jumped up again to avoid the attack, Tuoba Zhong seized the opportunity and used the four-legged technique to quickly approach.

"So fast!"

"Humph, taste the power of my fist."


Naruto flew out with one punch, and was caught up by Zhong before he fell down. He punched again, and there was no time to fight back.

"Stand up, Naruto."

There were people calling out, worried, and disdainful of Naruto's strength in the audience.

"Damn it, I don't even have time to concentrate my magic power if I continue like this."

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Tuoba Zhong smiled, and rushed forward and knocked Naruto out again.

There was no time to seal.

Seeing Tuoba Zhong not giving any time, the audience was also focused.

They all thought that Naruto should have no chance of winning.

At this moment!

Tuoba Zhong rushed forward again, grabbing Naruto with his claws like a beast.

Naruto raised the corner of his mouth, risking his injury to catch the attack, and took the opportunity to grab Zhong's arm and threw him out.

Blood also flowed from Naruto's arm, dripping on the ground of the ring.

"I am a man who wants to become the master of the sect, how could I fall here."

Finally had the opportunity to seal, and made a tiger seal with both hands.

"Nonsense, you can't keep up with my speed."

Tuoba Zhong adjusted his body shape in the air when he was thrown, and landed on all fours.


Using his great speed, he hit Naruto several times again, and he fell to the ground.

However, Naruto's vitality was really strong, and he stood up again.

"I am the man who wants to be the master of the clan." Naruto said, wiping the blood from his mouth.

Everyone present felt the tenacity of the celebrity.

We must find out the flaws of Tsukuda, otherwise there is no way to fight, Naruto thought.

"Hmph, it's completely useless."

He was not forgiving.

"I really agree with your perseverance."

Tsukuda responded, thinking that Naruto should not be able to hold on any longer, so he could be dealt with quickly.

"No matter what, I will use my new trick."

"I won't let you succeed."

Speed ​​is Tuoba Tsukuda's advantage. How could he let Naruto make a seal at will? He quickly came behind Naruto when Naruto only made one seal.


When he wanted to attack from behind, he was on all fours and his body was short.


A ball of yellow gas sprayed out from Naruto's butt, and Tuoba Tsukuda just entered the attack range.

The brain went black.

The strong sense of smell magnified the fart tens of thousands of times.

Tuoba Zhong covered his nose in great pain. He had experienced the most humiliating attack in the history of mankind in Xuanhuang Continent.

The audience was even more stunned.

This accident shocked everyone. It was an accident that had never happened in ancient times and might not happen again in the future.

Duanmu Xi sighed: "Well, although that fart was just an accident, he is indeed the most unexpected cultivator!"

[I thought Naruto had run out of tricks, but I didn't expect there was still a trick! ]

[It's the disadvantage of being short. I always smell the fart first, which is a disadvantage! ]

[This story tells us that we should not exaggerate our senses. Fortunately, it was the sense of smell. If it was the sense of touch, girls would think you were taking a fever! ]

[You are not right. ]

[I would like to call this fart the famous scene of this year's screenwriting competition! ]

[Hahaha, a fart magnified tens of thousands of times, I want to know what it smells like? ]

[You are nine out of ten wrong. 】

Sakura shouted: "Naruto, here comes your chance."

"Damn, you used too much force just now.

But now it's time to experience my new trick."

No one disturbed Naruto this time, and he finally finished the seal.

Bang, bang, bang!

Five Naruto clones appeared and surrounded Tuoba Zhong.

This time, five against one, Zhong just avoided the attack of one Naruto, and was immediately hit by another Naruto. After a stumble, the four Naruto kicked him up high with their feet.

"Naruto bombs."

The last Naruto jumped over Tuoba Zhong and kicked him in the head.


The head was hit and kissed the ground hard.

A lot of blood spit out of the mouth.

Naruto also gasped.

This move made everyone look handsome!

The eternal fart: the unique skill of Naruto, a generation of genius and strong man, in his youth. He used this move to defeat the genius of the same clan, and never used it again after he grew up.

In the end, Chen Shisan also acted naughty to celebrate the end of the battle.

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