The two of them were so excited that they had to fight.

"Go ahead, Xiao Li."

Kai's voice was so passionate and his smile was so youthful and brilliant.


Sha Luo looked at the scene without any change, and even felt a little disdainful.


At this moment, Xiao Li disappeared from his sight.

He reappeared in front of him.

A fist followed closely.

Fortunately, there was sand to passively resist.

But it could only barely keep up with Xiao Li's speed.

Bang, bang, bang!

As Xiao Li gradually exerted his strength and adapted to the sudden weight loss, his speed became faster and faster.

"He doesn't know spells or illusions either. That's why he spends all his time and effort on physical skills.

Even if he doesn't use other tricks, that guy won't lose to anyone.

He is a physical skill expert."

Kai said to Sakura and the others.

At this time, Sakura and the others were already stunned.

Their eyes could no longer keep up with Xiao Li's speed. They only saw the sand around Sara being broken up.


At this moment!

Xiao Li finally broke through Sara's sand defense and chopped Sara's head with a high-legged battle axe.

A blood mark appeared on his face.

Feng Zong Maji, Sha Ju, and Sha Jiulang were stunned.

He could actually hurt Sara, a monster.

This was an idea that had never appeared in their minds.

"The guy with thick eyebrows is faster than before!

Is he that powerful?" Naruto admired Xiao Li's speed.

"Youth! It's about to burst out." Kai suddenly roared


Li's fighting spirit soared when he heard Kai's voice.

Another punch.

Directly broke through the defense and hit his face.

With such a speed, other disciples said in their hearts that they couldn't fight!

[What a taijutsu expert, strong. ]

[But why do I feel that it's useless! ]

This kick and punch, two attacks, seemed to have no effect on his face, the feedback was too poor. ]

[Removing the weight increased the speed, but the strength would not change. Even with the acceleration support, the attack would not exceed one tenth of the original strength. ]

Sha Jiulang looked at Sara who fell down and stood up: "Not good!"

Naruto looked at him and smiled: "Yes, not good, that panda eye.

He was hit hard!"

Sha Jiulang: "I'm not talking to you about the same thing."

Sara at this time!

Slowly raising his head, his eyes were like those of a wild animal, and clumps of sand fell from his face.

There were many cracks on his face and body, which were actually made of sand.

Xiao Li's attack only broke through a layer of defense.

Xiao Li's pupils suddenly dilated when he saw this scene.

"What is this?

His face fell off piece by piece?" Naruto was surprised.

"He actually covered his body with sand!"

"He is totally unharmed..."

"Who is this guy?"

"He really covered his body with sand,

But I haven't seen Sara's expression for a long time!"

"In this exam, I feel that he is getting more and more unstable."

"Has the other Sara awakened?"

Different people had different psychological activities in their minds.

"Hey, what's going on? Did he defend against the attack of Thick Eyebrows just now?" Naruto asked.

Sha Jiulang: "Yes, that's called Sand Armor. Usually, sand will form a shield to protect Sha Luo.

If the Sand Shield is broken, the Sand Armor will also block the attack. That is Sha Luo's... absolute defense."

Naruto looked at Sha Luo: "Will there be no way out in that case?

There is no weakness at all!"

This time, Sha Jiulang did not speak, but just thought about the shortcomings of the Sand Armor in his mind.

The Sand Armor itself is the embodiment of Sha Luo's weakness. The armor will not automatically defend and requires a huge amount of mana.

And the defense ability is also weaker than the Sand Shield.

And the body is close, which will also consume physical strength.

"Sha Luo has to use this trick, which is also evidence that he is forced into a desperate situation!" Sha Ju also sighed in his heart.

This guy named Xiao Li is really amazing to be able to force Sha Luo like this.

But Sha Ju knows that Sha Luo will definitely win.

[I was afraid of pain, so I chose all defense? ]

[Suck, too shameless. 】

【What does the other Sara mean? Does he also have a dual personality? 】

【Didn't Sha Jiulang go there to gather intelligence? Why did he also explain it to Naruto? 】

【The river is full of irrationality again. The irrationality is that Sha Jiulang explained it to Naruto. The river is this

It's time to popularize science for us! 】

"Is that all?"

The fallen sand slowly returned, adding a layer of defense buff to itself.

In response to Sha Luo's question, Xiao Li was thinking.

The opponent's defense is fast and strong, no matter how fast the attack is, it is useless to him.

In this case, we can only use stronger power to give a stronger attack on his armor.

And this can only be done by throwing it on the earth.

Xiao Li looked at the teacher, and Kai nodded in time.


He untied the bandages on his hands and dropped two bandages.


Xiao Li immediately rushed around Sha Luo and began to look for his flaws.

"Xiao Li can use the high-speed falling broken sheath, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, he should be able to penetrate the thick armor." Kai analyzed the possibility.

"Don't waste time." Sha Luo.

Xiao Li: "As you wish."


Before Shazi could react, Sha Luo was kicked into the air by Xiao Li.

Seeing that the floating effect was not very high, Xiao Li gritted his teeth and continued to attack him upwards.

As if violating mechanics, Xiao Li kept kicking upwards, and Sha Luo was kicked higher and higher.

The speed was very fast, and Sha Luo's Shazi had no chance to save the situation, and was kicked into the air.

"What a powerful continuous kick!" Duanmu Xi was shocked by Xiao Li's strength.

And Kai clasped his hands and prayed on the side.

He knew that the sheath-breaking move was very burdensome to the body, and closed his eyes and prayed that Xiao Li must defeat the opponent with this blow.

In the air.

Xiao Li finally kicked Sha Luo to a certain height and bound Sha Luo with the straps in his hand.

"Take it, sheath-breaking."

Holding Sha Luo, he spun down from a high altitude at high speed.


In the eyes of everyone with their mouths wide open, the floor of the ring was centered on the attack point, and the surrounding plates were lifted up.

"Hit." Xiao Li smiled.

"Great." Kai shouted.

"We won."

"Hey, how is this possible?"

"Will he die?"

"What a strong attack!"

The juniors were all very happy except for the Wind Sect.

Only Duanmu Xi was a little speechless, and his eyes did not look like he had already won.

Ji Feng approached to check the situation.

Crack, crack, crack!

The sound of glass breaking rang out, and in the eyes of everyone's doubts, it broke bit by bit like ceramic.

This is a substitute made of sand.

[Newton's coffin lid can't hold it down, right? ]

[This is Xia's territory, Newton's laws don't apply. ]

[Huh! I took a breath of cold air, if I was really hit by this Earth Throw, I would be disabled if not dead! ]

[The whole ring is out of shape! ]

[What a pity, it's just a substitute! ]

[When did you change the substitute? ]

[No wonder Duanmu Xi's eyes were not right, it turned out that he saw it. ]

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