Friday evening, 10:30 a.m., Third Institute

After a period of unremitting efforts and attempts, Chen Feng received news from the Third Research Institute that a sample of the T-104 Tyrant had been made.

Since T-104 belongs to the classified research program, the Third Research Institute keeps it strictly confidential.

And Chen Feng also deliberately chose this time of the evening, effectively avoiding possible leaks within the company.

Chen Feng intends to use the new T-104 Tyrant as a killer tool, so he does not want the new model Tyrant to be exposed.

Seeing Chen Feng’s arrival, Dr. William and Dr. Yani welcomed Chen Feng to the testing ground very warmly.

A huge cultivation tank attracted Chen Feng’s attention.

In the cultivation tank is a tyrant who is far taller than before.

“William, this is the improved T-104 tyrant?”

Chen Feng looked at the monster in the cultivation tank with interest and asked.

Dr. William nodded, looked confident, and began to gush about it.

“As you can see, this is a prototype model of the T-104, and if it passes today’s tests, we will continue to improve it and finalize the product.”

“This T-104 is not made with a traditional T virus, but a new T virus made from mixed blood orchids.”

“We call it T-Abyss, T-Abyss virus.”

Chen Feng did not expect that they could actually come up with new virus products so quickly.

“T-Abyss virus?”

Seeing Chen Feng’s doubts, Dr. William was full of confidence.

“T-abyss is more powerful than the mutation caused by the T virus, and in experiments with mice, we found that mice at the end of the experiment do not turn into zombies, either evolve because they get enough energy, or fail to evolve and die because they can’t get enough energy.”

“Compared with ordinary T viruses, the T-abyss virus will not create a failure such as zombies, but its mutation stability and strength are far beyond ordinary T viruses.”

From here, Chen Feng judged the difference between the new T-abyss virus and the ordinary T virus.

The T virus is powerful, but it is also flawed, and after the T virus is infected, there will be a period of confusion and extreme confusion.

Because the evolution of viruses requires a lot of energy, infected people need a lot of evolution, and if they do not eat a lot of energy, they cannot successfully mutate.

At this time, those who ensure that they eat a lot of energy will mutate into lickers, and those who do not have so much energy will become zombies.

After becoming a zombie, if it can continue to eat and replenish energy, then it is possible for it to evolve, otherwise these failed products will die if they are not eaten.

The movie version of the T virus seems to be more willing to make zombies on a large scale than BOW, so the movie version of the T virus, zombies can survive strangely for a long time.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn’t help but say the guess in his heart.

“T Abyss is better used to make B.O.W, so the infectivity of the regular T virus is abandoned?”

William snorted and added: “I found that it is the same as G, the more powerful the virus, the less contagious.” ”

It’s true, the G virus is such a terrible thing, but it is very difficult to spread, and it can only be transmitted to people who are related to themselves.

This is also the reason why William looked for his daughter Shirley all day after becoming G.

The transmission conditions of the G virus are almost harsh, but the G virus can easily kill the T-103 tyrant just the G1 stage, and it has to be said that the destructive power of this virus is amazing.

At this point, Dr. William continued to introduce the new tyrant.

“This prototype T-104 Tyrant has reached a staggering height of 5 meters.”

“The height of the regular T-103 is generally 2.1~2.5, and in terms of height, the T-104 trial type is almost equivalent to the height of two T-103s.”

The tyrant in the cultivation tank, Chen Feng could clearly see its extremely oppressive body, as well as the huge terrifying alienation muscles that spread throughout its body.

In terms of styling, the Hulk is not enough to see.

“Although the prototype is still a clone of the T-103, the T-104 has a much higher rate of alienated muscle mutation than the T-103, and it even forms a hard bone that according to our tests, it can only be damaged by a special high-penetration armor-piercing bullet or an anti-tank missile.

“However, under the characteristics of blood orchids, T-abyss virus has a faster healing effect than ordinary T viruses.”

“According to tests, the power of the T-104 reached an astonishing 50T, twice that of an ordinary tyrant! This is only the initial trial model, and if the follow-up research continues, the horror values will rise. ”

“In terms of running speed, the T-104 can even run at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour, and its agility greatly exceeds that of the T-103.”

Chen Feng was very satisfied when he heard this, ordinary tyrants, the strength is about 20T, and the speed is 60 kilometers per hour.

And the values of the T-104 surpassed the T-103 model tyrant.

The only thing that worries him is the question of production: “How many T-104s can the Third Research Institute produce per month now?” ”

“If mass production starts now, the supply of blood orchids is limited, and it will take time to clone the prototype culture medium, about 10 a month.”

William suggested at this time: “BOSS, I advise you to wait?” Wait for the test to improve the model before producing the production of the production of the production of the production model? ”

Chen Feng waved his hand and rejected his proposal.

“William, I know what you mean, but we don’t have much time.”

“We need to produce the prototype T-104 now, and continue to develop the official version of the improvement and strengthening, which is our main combat unit, and we must buy us time.”

That’s right, in Chen Feng’s positioning, the T-104 tyrant is equivalent to the main combat unit on the front line, and it is likely that many of his troops will rely on cooperating with the T-104 in the future.

Although the current T-104 is not perfect, time does not wait, and he must quickly go into production.

“Okay, then do as you tell the boss, and the third research council will immediately start the production of trial tyrants.”

Chen Feng looked at the T-104 sample in the culture tank, in front of it, the current T-103 is like garbage.

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