“Don’t shoot! I accept the control of the branch! ”

A member of the Purification Faction of the USS put the gun down.

As the USS, the first purification faction, put the gun down, as if it were a Mino domino, one purification faction after another USS soldiers put the gun down.

UBID and UBCS soldiers walked into the military base and began to take over everything.

When the commander of the purification faction at the base saw that his troops began to give up resistance and accept control one by one, he sat in his office in silence for a long time.

Then he drank a glass of spirits, picked up his own gun and slowly pointed it at his head, and a gunshot sounded, announcing the change of ownership of the base.

If there were no orthodox faction represented by Chen Feng, it is estimated that there would still be many Umbrella employees in Raccoon City who went all the way to the black with the purification faction, and then sold clean.

Because they don’t have a choice.

Now that there are better options, why not take a path that was not envisaged?

And what caused the current situation is infighting in the company, which belongs to factional struggle, and in their eyes it is a high-level matter, and it has nothing to do with them.

Since Chen Feng has produced evidence that Kane and the faction behind him betrayed Umbrella, then Kane’s gang is not Umbrella’s management.

It is a traitor to the company, with the idea that he cannot betray the company with the traitor, except for a very few die-hard people, most of the Umbrella employees are very aware of the times.

Even in Kane’s headquarters, he could sense that some people’s eyes were wrong, but this was the underground facility of the hive, and he … Didn’t lose.

However, at this time, he seemed to hear dense footsteps outside the headquarters.

He looked at his adjutant: “What’s going on?” ”

The adjutant looked dazed: “I don’t know, sir.” ”

As soon as the words fell, with a bang, the door of the headquarters was kicked open by military boots, and the USS troops led by Hank rushed in, encircling the three floors in the headquarters and the outer three floors.

Two gunshots rang out, and the two command personnel who saw the situation and wanted to secretly pull out their guns were directly shot and killed by Hank.

“Don’t move at all! Otherwise shoot! ”

Where have these clerks seen this kind of battle, and silently raised their hands.

I saw the two USS guarding the door give a military salute, and then a figure walked into the command headquarters.

Kane glared angrily and looked at him with gritted teeth: “Chen Feng!!! ”

With a confident smile on his face, Chen Feng walked in front of Kane with a high spirit.

“It’s ugly, Director Kane.”

Kane snorted coldly: “Do you think you won!” ”

Chen Feng was unimpressed, the wailing of the defeated dog was just that, and the other party was a level 6 deputy director of the company, at least give the other party a “decent” way to die.

“When I came here, the victory or defeat of the war was self-evident, and you lost to Director Kane.”

Hearing this, Kane’s face turned pale.

He lamented: “Yes, you won, at least today.” ”

Chen Feng couldn’t help but sigh, a month ago, he was like a dog who lost his family, whether it was the purification faction, or Spencer, it was like a mountain, which overwhelmed people.

But now, he has the initiative, and the second-in-command of the branch that once put him above and stood high is now also a loser.

This is a loser-eats-dust, winner-take-all game, and Chen Feng is very lucky to win with a bad hand.

Chen Feng smiled and clapped his hands, and a soldier came in with two bottles of wine.

One of the glasses is champagne and one is a highly toxic wine.

The soldier poured different wines over two glasses.

Chen Feng’s glass of champagne symbolizes victory.

Kane’s glass is a highly toxic red wine.

Seeing Kane’s somewhat puzzled and fearful look, Chen Feng explained with a smile.

“Don’t worry, Director Kane, it’s a chloride, no painful nerve poison.”

Hearing Chen Feng’s explanation, Kane, who knew that he was dead, stiffened: “That’s really thank you.” ”

Chen Feng is also an executive of Umbrella no matter what, so he will still give Kane, the opponent, a slightly decent way to die, which is for his subordinates to see.

He can’t throw this goods outside to bite the zombies to death, which will hurt the majesty and authority of the company.

It’s just that the dead word is coming, and Kane’s hands that picked up the poisoned wine trembled, and the wine was passed to his mouth, and he couldn’t drink it.

The glass fell to the ground, and he suddenly knelt down in front of Chen Feng in horror, and begged with tears in his eyes: “Supervisor Chen Feng, please, please let me surrender and give me a way to live.” ”

Chen Feng shook his head slightly: “Hey, Director Kane, why can’t you maintain your dignity and die in the end?” ”

“Give me a chance, please!!! Master Chen Feng! I will be a loyal dog, I, I know the schemes of the purification faction, I am still valuable to you. ”

Chen Feng stared at him with cold eyes: “Do you still make sense to say this?” You’re really ugly like this. ”

“Master Chen Feng, please, give me this opportunity, I don’t want to die, I still have !!! value”

Chen Feng waved his hand indifferently, and Hank and a USS soldier next to him roughly pulled him away.

At this time, Chen Feng took the champagne and drank it, and then the glass shattered on the ground.

Hank directly grabbed the bottle of red wine containing highly toxic chloride and poured it into Kane’s mouth.

Kane struggled frantically, but he was a civil servant, how could he resist Hank and a USS player.

Soon, Kane’s eyes widened, he was incontinent, and stopped breathing.

Then, in the terrified eyes of everyone in the headquarters, Chen Feng stood up and slowly walked out the door.

At this time, he made a gesture of wiping his neck at Hank.

The ruthless USS soldiers raised their weapons, and gunshots rang out amid cries of pleas for mercy, wailing, and invective.

The entire headquarters flashed with the light of gunfire, and after a while Hank walked out of the headquarters first.

“Next, let’s go down there and control the entire underground facility, and those old immortal guys should also go.”

“Don’t leave a living mouth, those guys in the underground facilities are all diehard loyalists of the purification faction.”

Hearing this icy order, Hank nodded.

“Obey the order, their resistance, is not worth mentioning.”

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