A large number of helicopters carrying huge metal cans engraved with Umbrella’s markings, except for a few unlucky ghosts who were bombarded by anti-aircraft artillery halfway through, all the other helicopters came to the sky over the Soviet troops.

Immediately afterwards, these helicopters untied the metal rope pulling the huge metal canister under them, and let these large metal canisters fall straight towards the position of the Soviet army!

“Spread out! Disperse and regroup into a team! ”

The officer also did not care whether such an order would cause chaos in the army, and in his opinion, it was the most important thing to dodge these horror jars falling from the sky!

A small pebble falling from hundreds of meters in the air can take a person’s life, not to mention these large iron cans that look very heavy!

With the roar of crashing through the air, one by one, the metal transport warehouses carrying the T104 Jun smashed down towards the Soviet troops below, carrying a huge amount of gravitational potential energy, and these BO transport warehouses just landed, smashing many Soviet soldiers who did not have time to escape the falling range into a pool of meat sauce!

Using the flesh and blood of Soviet soldiers as a buffer, these metal canisters fell safely to the ground.

As the sound of the hatch opening sounded one after another, the bald heads with blue faces and leather coats walked out of the cabin, carrying the metal hatch and charging the Soviet army!

What scared the officers the most finally happened.

These monsters that came out of the metal cans completely broke into the army, and the bald monsters that were almost the height of two people were extremely heavy, often killing two or three Soviet soldiers with one punch.

In turn, the AK47 of the Soviet mobilized troops hit the T104 monarch completely to tickle the tyrants, and the tank gunners did not dare to shoot at the tyrants, for fear that they would accidentally injure friendly troops.

So the battle presented itself in addition to a one-sided situation.

In addition to protecting their slightly vulnerable head with their hands, the tyrants allowed the AK47 bullets fired from the furious strafe to hit the restraints they were wearing, causing sparks.


Along with the flames that exploded on their bodies, several tyrants seemed to stand unsteadily and took a step to lower their bodies, which stabilized their bodies.

Attacked, these tyrants turned their heads to look in the direction of the attack.

In that direction, several anti-aircraft artillerymen who turned their guns and aimed them at the tyrant were trembling slightly.

Originally, I thought about giving these monsters a little nice look before they died, but when the T104 tyrant really turned his gaze, the legs of these anti-aircraft artillerymen began to tremble.

Whoever is stared at by the emotionless eyes of the tyrant will feel a mountain pressed on his heart.

“Damn monsters! If the tank can’t fire, press me up! Kill them! ”

Seeing that the tyrant was about to step forward and pinch to death those anti-aircraft artillerymen who dared to shell them, a foul word burst out from the mouth of a tank driver, and as soon as the driver slammed the throttle, the entire rhinoceros tank crashed into a tyrant!


The tyrant roared, stretched out his hands and pushed the front of the tank upwards, and the muscles of his whole body almost burst the restraint on his body!

“Don’t give him a chance! Point it at him and shoot! ”

Feeling the body being slowly lifted, the driver turned his head and roared at the gunner.

Hearing the roar of the driver, after turning the muzzle of the gun at the body of the tyrant, he pressed the button and blasted out an armor-piercing bullet!

A hole appeared in the tyrant’s chest, and the armor-piercing bullet penetrated the tyrant unabated, and incidentally broke the arm of another tyrant.

Seeing that this method worked, the drivers of other tanks also learned the same, and they all controlled the tank to crash towards the tyrant, dragged the tyrant’s hands, and then the gunner gave the tyrant a shot into the soul!

“It seems that T104 Jun is still slightly lacking in combat effectiveness when facing hordes of war machines.”

Chen Feng looked at the image of the battle situation coming from the front line and shook his head.

And at this time, Second Lieutenant Eva, Chen Feng’s exclusive liaison officer, has long looked stupid, an individual is enough to resist a rhinoceros tank with his body alone, is such combat effectiveness not enough?

“Ensign Eva, it’s too early to be so surprised.”

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and entered a command, and then turned his head to look at Yarvite beside him.

“Yalveth, prepare to drop on USS troops. By the way, let the Red Paratroopers also prepare. ”

“Yes, BOSS.”

In response to Chen Feng, Yalvet left Chen Feng’s office, leaving Chen Feng alone with Ensign Eva’s projection to stay together.

“Ensign Eva, keep watching, the good show has just begun.”

With Chen Feng’s instructions, the tyrants who were still left on the battlefield shook one after another, and the restraint clothes that were like leather coats on their bodies began to break inches, revealing the steel-like body under the restraints!

Not only that, their muscles have become more developed with the liberation of restraints, and their originally human-like hands have directly turned into a pair of claws!

Unshackled, these liberated tyrants rose a big step in power, and tyrants who would have been suppressed by tanks approaching now have a speed that Soviet tanks cannot easily catch up!

And as soon as the suppression of tanks loses its effectiveness, the result is …


“Don’t come here! Don’t come here! ”

Panicked voices and howls representing killing continued to resound within the Soviet army, and the clawed tyrants were the most ferocious beasts, piercing the bodies of Soviet soldiers, tearing their bodies in half and putting them in their mouths to chew and swallow, in this way restoring their injuries and lost energy.

“Strange, monster!”

Seeing their companions killed, dismembered, or even devoured, finally someone collapsed, dropped their weapons and fled away from the tyrant without looking back.

However, before he ran a few steps, a cold force climbed into the deserter’s heart, making him feel a pain in his brain, and then a large amount of dark red blood flowed out of his seven tips, and the whole person fell to the ground instantly.

[Those who escape, die! ] 】

This is the limit that Yuri has set in the mind controller, and Yuri does not allow anyone to escape his control.

If you want to escape, leave your life behind.

Under Yuri’s threat, the remaining soldiers were able to unite and try to fight the tyrant who had gone berserk with the weapons they had at hand.

Now for these poor Soviet soldiers, it is when the tyrant kills one of their companions, he stops to devour flesh and blood. And most of the Apocalypse tanks are still alive now, and this pause is their only chance to defeat the tyrant.

Now the question is, who to use as bait…


Suddenly, a different roar came from behind everyone, and several green figures pounced on the tyrant, firmly locking the limbs of the berserk tyrant!

“These guys are … Berserk orcs? ”

Some knowledgeable officers saw these green figures, and a rumor appeared in their minds.

It is rumored that in the Soviet Union, those criminals who committed unforgivable crimes chose to sign a contract in order to survive, and used their bodies to do experiments in exchange for an early release from prison……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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