After discovering the time and space cracks in the military base, the Nine-Tailed Fox Team carried out a sweep-up cleaning of the entire military base, whether it was sewers or ventilation pipes, all of which were the targets of the Nine-Tailed Fox Team’s inspection.

In these three days, Shindai Rissei led the nine-tailed fox team to eliminate the monsters in the entire military base, but unfortunately, no one survived in the entire military base.

Although a few guys in the base managed to hide and held out until the nine-tailed fox squad came to the rescue. But when he was found by the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad, the wounds on their bodies, which had already suffered from the monster attack, had scabbed over.

The moment the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad discovered them, it happened to be the last moment of their human lives.

In front of the nine-tailed fox team, the survivors wailed and stretched out their hands to the nine-tailed fox team members, shouting words like “I don’t want to die”, and their bodies quickly inflated out like inflated balloons, and a huge monster crawled out of their bodies.

After the monster was born, it was greeted by a dense firepower of the nine-tailed fox squad that was enough to completely tear his whole body apart.

During these three days, Shen Daili did not ignore the matter of the rift in time and space.

Team Alpha is specially deployed around the rift in time and space, and the team changes shifts every two hours to ensure that the gap opened from the other world is guarded for twenty-four hours, in case another monster will come to the end of the crack.

It turned out that Godelise’s decision was right.

During these three days, a monster appeared from the gap in time and space almost every six hours, and each time the type of monster was different.

In addition to tarantula monsters, among the monsters that came out of the rift in time and space, there are wolf-type monsters, crab-type monsters, and even bird-type monsters. At the same time, most of the abilities shown by these monsters are also slightly related to their appearance.

Wolf-type monsters have sturdy limbs that can move at high speeds for long periods of time; The crab-type monster really has a hard shell, and the way of action is also sideways.

As for the enemy in the shape of the bird, it was solved by the nine-tailed fox team just after flying, and the relevant data could not be obtained.

When these creatures came to this world, they all had a common feature, that is, when they came out of the rift in time and space, they carried injuries that could be considered fatal injuries all over their bodies.

Except for the crab-type monster with a hard carapace amulet, which was in slightly better condition and attacked as soon as it left the space-time rift, other types of monsters all lay in place for a long time, and only after the injuries on their bodies recovered did they launch an attack on the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Team.

After cleaning up a few monsters, Godelith received a communication from Dr. William Platinum, who hoped that Godelith would get as many live monsters as possible for his research.

With Dr. William’s request, Shendaili took in several monsters with relatively low destructive power.

And just like that, a few days later, while Jindai Riko teased the monster in the cage with a long wooden stick, a series of transport ships came out of the military base.

After several days of preparation, the scientific research team formed for the time and space rift finally arrived at the military base.

Because of carrying a bunch of sophisticated instruments, and also afraid that time-space teleportation will cause problems in space-time rifts, the scientific research team did not dare to use the space-time teleportation device, and took a dual-purpose hovercraft to move slowly to this base.

The researchers, who had been holding back on the road for several days, got off the ship, and without resting, they rushed straight to the place where the rift in time and space was, and showed the nine-tailed fox team what a scientific madman’s self-cultivation was.

“Hurry up, hurry up! Pull the instrument in and everything! ”

The workers in charge of handling were also holding their strength, and when the researchers all went in to observe the time and space rift, they began to move the precision equipment.

In the busyness of everyone, two iron pillar-like objects were erected on both sides of the space-time rift, and several instruments were linked to these two iron pillars, and the thick data lines were randomly placed on the ground. On the top of the instrument screen connected to the iron pillar instrument, a dazzling array of data is constantly beating.

Hearing that there was such a thing as a space-time rift in this world, Dr. Einstein immediately showed great enthusiasm, and found Chen Feng at that time and asked to participate in this research on the space-time rift.

Chen Feng naturally did not refuse.

After all, in this world, in terms of the degree of research on time and space, who else can surpass this German scientist whose hair and beard have grayed and a few cold jokes pop up from time to time?

So the gray-haired scientist was constantly circling the time and space rift at this time, and his mouth was constantly chanting professional terms that made God Daili dizzy.

“Dr. Einstein, I advise you not to get so close.”

Vice Captain Linghu stopped Dr. Einstein, who wanted to observe the space-time rift up close.

“After all, there will be some things that are extremely dangerous to ordinary people in this thing.”

As soon as Linghu’s words were finished, a burst of light flashed in the void rift, and a wolf-type monster covered in injuries teleported from the opposite side, and raised its head with a roar.

While he still didn’t figure out where he was, the spirit fox directly grabbed Dr. Einstein’s clothes and pulled them away, and pointed his shotgun at the monster’s head.

Pity this guy who has just experienced the torment of time travel, and only lost his life after completing a single trip.

“That’s why I said it’s dangerous here… Doc, what’s wrong with you? ”

The spirit fox turned his head, but found that Dr. Einstein, who was holding it in his hand, had begun to roll his eyes.

“Spirit Fox! Hurry up and let go and put the Doctor down! You’re strangling him! ”

Jindai Riko quickly used psionic energy to hold up Dr. Einstein’s body to relieve his poor breathing after being grabbed by the collar by the spirit fox.

“Ahaha… I’m sorry, Doctor, you are so underweight that I didn’t even notice. ”

The spirit fox quickly released her grip on Dr. Einstein’s hand, and the increase in strength brought by the exoskeleton made her directly ignore the authoritative scientist’s weight of more than two hundred pounds.

“So I don’t want to get too close to the soldiers, if I am not careful, my life safety will not be guaranteed.”

Taking a long breath, Dr. Einstein finally eased up.

However, the situation at the gap in time and space just now reminded everyone present.

If you want to continue to study this space-time rift, you must be prepared for the possibility that monsters may appear at any time.

“It seems that before starting to formally study this crack, it is necessary to send people to the opposite side to clean up the environment.”

Chen Feng’s voice came from behind everyone.

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