“Hold on! Give me all to hold on! ”

The sharp-eyed army commander noticed the commotion coming from the rear of the gastric biota, and felt that this was an opportunity, and he immediately decided to carry the attack of the wave of gastruls in front of him.

Compared to being hunted by the gastric creatures when fleeing indiscriminately, everyone present would rather fight to the end with the opposite side, so they chose to trust the judgment of their bosses, still guarding their positions, and sending a meal full of ammunition to the gastric creatures that attacked in front!

A round erupted, and the gastric creatures in the front row, which were used as cannon fodder, were sifted into a sieve by black bullets in an instant!

The mutilated corpse of the monster shook and fell, and the blue blood that was obviously very different from humans soaked the soil under it, but I didn’t know how many dangerous viruses that could alienate people into monsters contained in that soil at this time.

“It seems that those humans still have a bit of blood in their hearts.”

The gods also sensed a change in the direction of the human troops.

With the elf drone in the sky as the eyes that control the whole scene, Shendaili Shi naturally has a clear grasp of the situation on the human side.

Seeing that an outbreak over there directly forced the gastric creatures that pressed forward to retreat, Shen Daili Shi naturally did not give up this great opportunity, and beckoned his team members to charge forward!

The UM3-type power armor combined with the Oh tail that erupted from the Nine-Tailed Fox team members allowed a single Nine-Tailed Fox team member to directly transform into a terrifyingly efficient meat grinder in this battlefield.

Rushing into the pile of gastric creatures, the side of the nine-tailed fox team member suddenly erupted with a bloody light!

The gastric creatures surrounding the nine-tailed fox team members were like being made into living fountains, and they were beheaded by the extremely sharp Hewei, and the pale blue blood soared into the sky under the pressure in the body, as if to dye the entire sky its color.

Because they were familiar with the killing range of their teammates, all the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad tacitly distanced themselves from the others to avoid the situation of saturation of firepower and exerted their maximum lethality!

As the cell source of all people, the killing range of Shendaili is the largest in the whole field, and the killing efficiency is also the highest in the whole field.

In just thirty seconds, Shen Daili Shi killed from the tail of the gastric biota to the front of the army!

Shen Daili Shi directly killed the gastric biota in one breath!

Looking at the appearance of the god Daili in the gastric biota, the hands of the soldiers in the army holding the gun trembled slightly.

They are not sure whether to shoot or ceasefire.

Fortunately, the commander of the army was still sober in his head, and he quickly yelled in the communication channel of all the staff.

“Stop firing! Stop firing! The other side is friendly! ”

Shendaili Shi, who was still controlling Hewei’s intention to block stray bullets, naturally noticed that the density of bullets fired from the army’s side had been greatly reduced, and glanced back at that side suspiciously.

After discovering that the opposite side had stopped firing to prevent accidental injury to friendly troops, Shindai immediately issued a new order to the nine-tailed fox squad – the total annihilation of the gastric biota!

Receiving the order of Shendaili, the nine-tailed fox team members who were slaughtering in the pile of gastric creatures instantly changed their formation, forming two encirclements of the remaining gastric creatures present!

After this, the nine-tailed fox team launched a final siege against these monsters who had nowhere to escape.

The onlookers of the human army were stunned.

Originally, they thought that they might have to account for themselves in this wasteland, but what they didn’t expect was that inexplicably a small team came out from behind the army of gastric creatures to support them.

This mysterious force that suddenly appeared came out to support themselves is not finished, they have also accomplished a feat that human troops have never done before-

Without enough manpower, with the formation of a squad, the team completed the battle of destroying nearly 500 gastric creatures!

“Get rid of all these monsters.”

With a wave of his hand, the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox team all understood and dragged away the corpses that were still intact, stuffing them all into the Chrono Storage Bracelet.

Since knowing that the corpses of the gastric creatures can be exchanged for energy, Shendaili has become a garbage sorting expert, whether it is patrolling or doing exploration tasks, once she kills the gastrul, she will collect the corpses of the gastrular creatures at the first time.

Under the leadership of Shindai Rishi, the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad have also developed a good habit of recycling.

So the human army was shocked to find that after these people wearing unknown armor dragged the corpse of the original gut creature into the ruins, it would not be long before they would come out from behind the ruins again, drag the corpse of a gut monster again, and so on.

You know, just two or three monsters’ huge bodies stacked on top of each other are enough to surpass these buildings that have collapsed!

But these people dragged the corpses of the gastric creatures into the ruins three times and twice, but no monsters were stacked.

In the human army, a rumor began to circulate –

Finally, after the gastric creatures hunted humans to eat people, did humans who feed on the gastric creatures also appear?

Otherwise, when this group of guys fought with the gastric creatures just now, how did the blades behind them twist wantonly and the extremely sharp blades come out?!

It must be the ability obtained after eating the gastric organism!

The corpses of those gastric creatures that disappeared behind the ruins must have been eaten by these people!

Unknowingly, without the knowledge of Godelise, the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad has become an image of being powerful and ruthless enough to itself in the eyes of the human army.

“Who are you talking to?”

Now that the threat of the gastric creatures has been temporarily lifted, Shen Daili Shi has found the side of the human army.

Facing this purple-haired royal sister who had lifted her helmet, the soldiers in the human army only promised.

After all, even if Shen Daili is a big beauty, they have not forgotten the appearance of this beauty just killing between the original gut creatures!

She is a big killing god, and it is not strange when she pouted her tiger whiskers and was unloaded by her! And since she can eat gastric creatures, it may be no problem to eat someone!

So a strange scene happened.

Shen Daili Shi was moving forward, while the soldiers opposite her were retreating with fear of her, not daring to meet the eyes of Shen Dai Li Shi.

“What’s going on? Isn’t there anyone who can talk? ”

Shen Daili Shi frowned, and his good-looking eyes suddenly shot out a cold gaze and swept towards the human army.

Swept away by Shen Daili Shi like this, the soldiers who were already cowering did not dare to step forward.

“Ahem, this lady please let go of my subordinates, I was negligent.”

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