“If you want to stay here or not, just to eat, we are definitely enough here.”

What Shen Daili said still made the scale of the base smaller.

Even if the child is allowed to eat with an open stomach, just relying on the livelihood equipment in the base, it is not a problem for children like Hua and Rabi to raise a hundred and eighty.

Anyway, the house made with a one-click residential module made by the base factory has all kinds of living facilities, from toilets to bathrooms, and as long as the children are taught how to use it, they can live here well.

“Can we really stay here?”

Hua widened her eyes, and although the rabbi did not speak, she was like a little rabbit and clenched her fists excitedly, looking at God with joy.

“No, it can’t be like this. Everyone is still waiting for us to bring back food. ”

Before God could agree, the flower shook her head again to deny herself, and the rabbi’s expression was also stunned, and then the look in her eyes turned into self-blame.

“I can let you bring some food back, I can still do this.”

Shen Daili looked at the two sensible children in front of him and rubbed their heads with some distress.

“Mom… Captain, I’m coming! ”

The door to the cafeteria was pushed open again, and Riko Jindai walked in from outside the door with two sets of children’s clothing that had just been produced by the clothing factory.

“This is a dress made according to the two figures, let’s see if it fits!”

Hana and Rabi were overwhelmed by Jindai’s Riko in her arms, and she was constantly gesturing at her with the two sets of dresses in her hand.

“I, I, I…”

The more shy rabbi blushed on the spot and locked behind the flower’s back and did not dare to come out.

“That, young lady, my body is dirty… I’m afraid I’ll get your clothes dirty. ”

Hana’s words were still too late, because the clothes on Jindai’s pear were already covered with dust on the flowers and the rabbi.


Shindai Riko turned his head and glanced at Shindai Rishi.

“Captain, I’ll take these two children to take a bath and change clothes first, and I’ll come back to you later.”

“Yes, let’s go. I guess I won’t be comfortable if I’m dirty. ”

Shindai Rishi waved at the two little loli and let Shindai Riko take them away.

As soon as the figure of the little loli disappeared, Shen Daili’s face suddenly changed, took out a box from his bracelet and opened it, and then poured the fresh organs inside into his mouth, chewed a few times and swallowed it into his abdomen.

“Don’t hold on to it when it’s time to eat, it’s clear that you’re a big guy, but you have to start learning ordinary Kaoru and eat less.” Didn’t you eat whenever you wanted before? ”

Linghu sat beside Shen Daili Shi and took a sip of the few cooking wine left.

“Children are here, show them how bad it is.”

The hunger on Shen Daili’s face eased, and he took out a few boxes again and ate them slowly.

“I said, or you should go and undergo an experiment. When the company researched the transformation of humans into half-kun species, didn’t it ensure that the half-kaoru species could still eat human food, do you try to get the company to help you transform it to eat human food? ”

The spirit fox finished the wine in his hand and began to persuade Shen Daili Shi.

“Besides, I just can’t eat with you too conveniently now, and it won’t affect the execution of the mission.”

The camera turned to Jindai Pear, and after the girly Jindai Riko carried the two little loli into the bathroom, she brushed the floor and threw away the rags they were wearing.

Then Jindai Riko rushed into the bathing room with these two little loli who were so shy that she was sluggish.


Hit by the warm water that rushed out of the showerhead, the flower suddenly screamed miserably, and hurriedly wanted to run out.

Instead, he was a more shy rabbi who squinted and showed a comfortable expression when he was washed by the hot water.

“Huh? It shouldn’t be hot, right? ”

Shindai Pear tried the water temperature in puzzlement and found that there was no problem at all.

“Come, I’ll wash your hair.”

Saying that, Jindai Pear took a bottle of shampoo, squeezed a little foam in his hand, and beckoned two little loli to sit in front of him.

Instead of flowers, Rabi sat down in front of Pear more quickly.

“Rabbi, won’t your eyes hurt?”

Hana hid to the side, watching the rabbi narrow her eyes under Jindai’s gentle hair washing technique, and asked curiously.

“Well, it won’t hurt, this sister has untied my hair together.” Come and wash the flowers. ”

The rabbi hummed comfortably and beckoned the flowers to come and wash them together.

“Well, okay, okay.”

Hana was still a little reluctant, but under the pull of the rabbi ground, she still obediently did it in front of Jindai Pearland.

“Well, close your eyes first, I’m going to start washing your hair.”

After Shindai Riko confirmed that Hana had done as she said, her foamy hands pressed on Hana’s messy hair.

Shindai Pear rubbed and kneaded, and suddenly he felt two soft gadgets from the head of the flower.

“What is it?”

Curious, Jindai Riko pulled the hair around the two little things and looked inside.

I saw two cat ears tightly attached to the top of the flower’s head, trembling from time to time to show the flower’s resistance to water.

“So you’re a cat lady?”

Jindai Pear poked the flower’s little ear curiously, such an act made the flower’s body shake, and immediately abandoned its resistance to water, and directly made a mess with Jindai Pear.

After some fighting, Shindai Riko finally returned to Shindai Lisei with cleaned flowers and rabbi.

Flower and Rabi, who put on new clothes, were a little embarrassed, eating someone else’s and wearing someone else’s, but not having the slightest thing to thank each other.

“Come, flower, this is a bracelet that we specially take here to store items, I will teach you how to use it.”

Put a high-tech time-space bracelet on Flower’s hand, and Shendaili told Hua how to use this bracelet and precautions.

When Hana successfully took out a can from the bracelet and put it back, Flower and Rabi’s eyes instantly lit up.

With this thing, it is more convenient for them to collect things from those wastes!

“If something happens to your gathering place, come and find us.”

As soon as Hua thanked Godelise, the rabbi next to him suddenly ran up nervously, took Hua’s hand, and leaned into her ear to say a few words.

The little face of the flower suddenly lost its blood color and became extremely white.

“The place where everyone lives is attacked?”

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