After bringing the children into the base, Shindairo gave the children a few days off to free them from the psychological shadow of persecution by the residents of Osaka Ward.

At the same time, Shendaili also unlocks most of the permissions for the living areas in the base for the children, ensuring that they can freely familiarize themselves with the base.

As for the military zone, for the sake of the children’s psychological construction, Shendaili decided to temporarily deny them access to this aspect.

One morning, when the clone soldiers had just completed a wave of rotation, the spirit fox received a message from Shendaili Shi.

The message said that let the spirit fox go to the conference hall in the base to find Shen Daili Shi.

After receiving the news, the spirit fox, who was about to come for a refreshing drink, had to put the good whiskey in his hand back in the wine cabinet and touched the bottle of spirit with a regretful face.

“I can only find another opportunity to drink you next time.”

After that, Linghu locked his cabinet, took a coat and draped it over his body, and headed towards the conference room designated by God.

“Vice Captain.”

“Early, Vice Captain.”

Along the way, Linghu also encountered many members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Army.

Since the number of clones produced in the barracks reached a certain number, the patrol and security of the entire base gradually began to be taken over by clone soldiers, so the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Force also had more free time.

But this does not mean that the Nine-Tailed Fox Force is completely at rest.

Without the patrol tasks on weekdays, these free time were actively used by the team members in training, and the number of training tasks was a little more than before.

Linghu responded to the team members who greeted him one by one, and then walked to the conference room designated by Shendaili.

It’s just that in front of the conference room, Linghu met a little guy who couldn’t help himself.

Jindai Pear.

“Vice Captain Linghu, did you also receive news from your mother?”

Seeing the surprised look on Linghu’s face, Shindai Lizi’s eyes rolled around, and he immediately thought of a possible reason.

“Indeed… It turns out that you are also pears? ”

The two exchanged opinions in front of the conference room, but could not figure out what it was for.

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened, and Shendaili appeared at the door of the conference room.

“Have you arrived? Then come in. ”

The three people sat in three corners of a round table, and both Shindai Riko and Linghu looked at Shindai Lise, waiting for her to speak.

Shen Daili Shi supported his graceful chin with one hand, and the other hand gently tapped on the tabletop.

After sitting quietly for a while, God spoke up.

“I’ve been thinking about one thing these days.”

Shen Daili’s expression became a little serious.

“What makes you so serious, haven’t we already saved so many children?” And they are doing so well now in our care. ”

Linghu glanced in the direction where the children lived and said.

“That’s what I’ve been thinking about lately.”

Hearing Linghu say this, Shen Daili slapped the table.

“Mother means, we can’t raise these children like this?”

“I think our resources are completely enough, we don’t even need to use energy points, just the rotation inside the base is enough for us to raise this group of children.”

Linghu was a little unimpressed.

“I see.”

Unlike the spirit fox, Shindai Riko quickly figured out what Shindai Rishi wanted to express.

“What the mother actually means is that we can give these children good living conditions, but we can’t raise these children as waste, which is not only disrespectful to those children, but also means that all the efforts we put into saving them have been wasted.”

Shendai Lizi’s interpretation just poked at the point that Shendaili Shi wanted to express, and also made Linghu understand the true meaning of Shendaili Shi.

“But we should already have classrooms to teach kids what they need, isn’t that okay?”

Linghu pulled out the building distribution map in the base and highlighted the teaching building located next to the children’s dormitory building.

“That’s what I’m thinking about.”

“Although teaching facilities have been built, I have looked through the contents in the past few days, except for some common sense of life, most of the educational content in this teaching facility is actually militarized.”

“In other words, if children are allowed to only learn the content in the school, there is a high probability that they will learn a bunch of small war maniacs.”

Shen Daili Shi couldn’t help but cover his face.

“Now my idea is to go to the Tokyo district and look for some adults who are willing to teach cursed children…”

“Mother, allow me to interject.”

Shendaili’s words were not finished, but Shendaili Lizi interrupted Shendailishi’s words.

“My lord mother, I understand your sympathy for those poor children. But we came into the world with a mission. ”

“From my personal point of view, these children have all kinds of powers in their bodies that we can fight for in this world. In terms of the combat power of a single person alone, a cursed son who exerts his own combat power can fully match several adult men. ”

“It’s a bit of a waste to have the talent to fight and not let them learn about it.”

After Shindai Lizi finished speaking, he sat down and handed over the right to speak back to Shendai Lishi.

“…… Linghu, what do you think? ”

What Shendai Lizi said did make sense, which made Shendai Li Shi feel that he was confused whether he cared about the children.

“You want me to say it?”

Linghu stretched out his hand and grabbed his messy hair.

“Actually, I think it’s their choice to do whatever the kids want.”

“Under the premise that we took them in, whether they want to live in peace or learn the knowledge of battle, these choices should be left to them.”

“We adults, just watch them from the side, at most give them some more experience for reference.”

Looking at Shen Daili’s eyes, the spirit fox grinned.

“Besides, there are so many people in the world, what about a few peace lovers or war maniacs?”

“Your answer… It really has your style. ”

Shen Daili Shi shook his head helplessly, and Linghu smiled when he saw Shen Daili Shi’s appearance.

As a result, the direction of development is still for the children to choose.

But there’s one thing you can do first…

Shindairo found the Yamashita father and son and asked them to confirm the time of departure.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Force, or the prototype of Umbrella Security in the Black Bomb World, is about to enter the Tokyo ward!

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