Chapter 1: Little white flower became a piranha

“Chi Xin! Chi Xin! Wake up! No way, how can you faint just from a zombie movie…”

Her roommate’s voice was getting further and further away. There was a buzzing sound in her ears and the face of the zombie rushing towards the hero was carved in her brain. Fighting with the terror that was drowning her, her other senses seemed to awaken.

Endless screams, fire shots, the sound of flesh and blood being ripped, and the strong rancid and metallic smell of blood assaulted Chi Xin, stimulating her to open her eyes. 

A clouded eyeball fell out and the face that followed it revealed half of the bone, the stinking and disgusting mouth suddenly enlarging in her field of vision.


Chi Xin’s expression went blank with horror and her heart screamed: Zombie!!


With a gunshot, the zombie in front of her fell down but another one was coming, and then another one. The densely packed zombies formed a huge wave and the whole ground was shaking under their assault.

The place where she stood was very high and in the distance was a dilapidated city and an endless tide of corpses. The zombies came wave after wave and the giant wall beneath her feet as it would collapse under the attack.

Chi Xin lowered her head; she was holding a gun in her slender hands, the silver body very smooth and beautiful. Her body wasn’t listening to her, she trembled and almost fell to her death.

The name of the gun suddenly appeared in her mind: Desert Eagle, and the strange thing was even though her body was shaking like a leaf, the hand holding the weapon was surprisingly steady, without the slightest tremor. It seemed that as long as she lifted it up, she could dominate the whole world.

“Chi Xin, use your life to pay for this mistake.”

Despite the endless chaos, the cold voice reached Chi Xin’s ears. She turned around and the handsome face that had made her swoon earlier on the screen appeared. He was quite far away, with short black hair, fair complexion, and clear and sharp eyes behind his glasses. Chi Xin wanted to scream but the stench of blood and rot fought its way into her mouth and nose and she tightened her lips quickly.

The hero of the movie raised his gun, the black muzzle not aimed at the zombies but at herself. He was going to kill her! The thought spread into Chi Xin’s mind and her pupils dilated under the intense fear; zombies were everywhere and humans were fighting, she had nowhere to escape.

She remembered the voice in her head before she had passed out.

[Congratulations for binding the troublemaker system. After entering the world of the movie “Journey of the end of times”, the host must work hard to cause trouble every day! But because the doomsday world is highly difficult, the host can choose to add defense, attack, foresight, or other functions…]

“Journey of the end of times” was a zombie movie with supernatural powers and the heroine was named Jiang Congyun and had a portable space as a family heirloom. She didn’t know anything about it at first and this secret had been discovered by the supporting female character; she had tricked the heroine into lending her the necklace and secretly tied it to herself with a drop of blood. When the heroine had asked to get it back, the little villain had denied she ever got it until she exposed herself.

The heroine had a gentle personality and did not like to enter conflict with others. She was distraught at the thought of not getting it back but whether it was her, the hero, or the second male lead, they knew that if the supporting female character died, they would never get the pendant that had integrated itself into her body back. But not only that, when the heroine had saved the second male lead, the man had mistakenly believed the little villain was his savior. Relying on this false life-saving grace, the female supporting character had squeezed herself into the protagonist group and while they all hated her, she had forced them to protect her.

This female supporting character was the one Chi Xin had transmigrated into. She had taken on the entire movie’s hate value until she had come across the evolved zombie king, successfully ending her life. And of course, the current assault was her fault.

When they had reached Base L, she had believed it was safe. As soon as they had entered the base, she had dumped the protagonist group to seduce a few admirers willing to give her food, thanks to her weak and beautiful appearance. The end of the world had started three months prior; mankind had not entirely been wiped out yet and people had not yet acclimated to the apocalypse and needed to eat just like before.

This time, the original Chi Xin had disobeyed orders; she had made a scene and acted recklessly, asking one of her admirers to take her out of the base to… find cosmetics. Unfortunately, she had also provoked powerful zombies on the way. They had rushed back to the base and brought back with them thousands of zombies.

It was no wonder everybody was looking at her with resentment and no one was stopping the hero.

Watching the male lead gradually approach, Chi Xin wanted to retreat but was rooted in place by fear. Should she hug the hero’s thigh right away and beg for forgiveness?

“Xiubai! Stop!”

The voice claiming to be the troublemaker system overlapped with a shout coming from not too far away.

[The troublemaker system is successfully bound. Please raise your trouble value within three days otherwise the host’s body will be controlled as a punishment to forcefully obtain trouble value.]

[The acquisition of the trouble value is closely related to the caused trouble’s proportions. The system will help the host at any time, don’t worry!]

Chi Xin unexpectedly became more worried after hearing that; she didn’t want to come to this stupid world and she didn’t want to cause trouble!

“What trouble? What don’t you make some yourself? Send me back! Hurry!”

[The host needs to understand that her body in the original world is already dead. If the host wants to live, she can only get trouble value in this world.]

Jiang Xiubai’s figure gradually enlarged in her pupils and the trigger in his hand was about to be pulled… But a zombie was faster than him and rushed to Chi Xin, his mouth wide open to take a bite and disgusting saliva coming from it. Chi Xin’s entire mind went blank.

I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die… I can’t die!

She raised her hand instinctively and slammed the zombie who almost bit her with the gun in her hand. Jing Xiubai’s eyes followed her movement and the finger who was about to press the trigger stopped. 

Chi Xin’s hands were small and thin and even if she had been given a gun, nobody believed she could control the Desert eagle and its strong recoil. But those weak hands slammed the heavy weapon in the zombie’s head like it weighed nothing. Blood and brain fluid exploded on the silver handle, dripping on her slender white wrist and on her arm. 

Yu Xiang, who had noticed Jiang Xiubai was about to kill Chi Xin, only had time to call out. Seeing as his friend kept walking towards the girl, he killed the zombies around him and rushed to them. Chi Xin was hateful but she had saved his life and he couldn’t just watch her die like that… but the next second, he saw Chi Xin’s gun in the zombie’s head.


He stopped in his tracks and opened his mouth wide, like all the people who had just witnessed this scene, and stared at Chi Xin dumbfounded.

Chi Xin didn’t notice she was attracting attention. She snatched her gun back and almost suffocated as she looked at her sticky hands.

Blood! There is blood! Aaaaaah!

She was upset and words were useless at this moment; she raised her guns and shot at her surrounding like a madwoman.

As she shot and shot some more, she realized that no matter where she pointed her gun, even if she pointed it at the sky, a zombie’s brain would explode in deadly precision.

Chi Xin: Huh?

She deliberately tried to shoot behind her for the sake of experimentation and in the eyes of others, she suddenly put her hand in her back in a beautiful arc, instantly fired, and hit a zombie who was about to attack her from behind.

Chi Xin: …

Everyone: …

On the treacherous battlefield, Chi Xin’s location had become a delicate tornado. Everybody watched countless zombies trying to pounce on the slender girl in the middle. Her eyes were sad, she was silent and her body was slightly shaking but the gun in her hand was extremely steady. One by one, she killed the zombies that were coming at her. She seemed to have endless power in her thin body and her anguished gaze looked at the hell on earth before her with pity. She was like a well-trained soldier, decisive and confident, without discarding the kindest truth.

All those who witnessed this scene, whether they knew her or not, looked at Chi Xin with complexity and amazement. 

“This… What’s going on?” Yu Xiang swallowed hard and was almost bitten on his arm in his daze: “When did Chi Xin become so powerful?”

Jing Xiubai raised his slender finger to push back the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the lenses covering the look in his eyes.

“How long until the bio-cannons arrive?”

“Ten kilometers left.” Yu Xiang looked around with a worried look and withdrew his gaze after seeing a man get violently torn apart by a zombie. He whispered: “Aren’t you going to use your ability?”

Jing Xiubai kept staring at Chi Xin: “It depends on the situation.”

The emotions that had taken over and had led him to try to kill Chi Xin had disappeared and calm only stayed. 

Not far from where they were, Chi Xin heard what they said and was so frightened she almost dropped her gun. The hero Jing Xiubai was the son of the director of the top virology institute in Country C. When Jing Xiubai was still studying in middle school in Country S, he had been taken in for human experiments and had been injected with some kind of medicine that gave him ice powers. In the movie, having abilities was a sin and it was hidden from the public.

Although the hero had been rescued by his father, due to this terrible experience, hidden madness and alienation were in his heart, until he gradually healed from the angelic heroine’s presence.

In the movie, the hero had condensed his ice sword during this zombie siege, and coupled with the aid of the biological cannonballs specially transported from City A, he had repelled the zombie army and exposed his ability to everyone.

But now, looking at Jing Xiubai’s indifferent eyes, Chi Xin couldn’t feel the slightest sign of action and she kept pressing the trigger, crying without tears.


The magazine was empty. No one had thought of giving her supplementary ammos and she suspected the Desert Eagle had ended in her hand by mistake in the midst of the chaos; with her thin body, just by pressing the trigger and being pushed back by the recoil, she would have delivered free food to the zombies.

What to do now? Fear surged again and Chi Xin looked around in a panic, just in time to see Jing Xiubai’s calm eyes; he had no intention of lending a helping hand and Chi Xin’s heart skipped a beat. She looked at the hero with accusations: why aren’t you doing anything? Why are you just watching? This scene had not lasted so long in the movie and if this continued like this, higher level zombies would become more agitated and their number would rise.

As if sensing her thoughts, Jing Xiubai glanced at her lightly. His look was full of warning and Chi Xin shivered before inserting her gun into the open mouth of the nearest zombie.

Chi Xin: Ah, I’m going to die!

Because of past experiences, Chi Xin became expressionless when she was frightened. After staying in this position for less than half a second, her body automatically moved and she instinctively lifted her foot before kicking the sturdy male zombie, like a piece of paper. He was kicked straight down the roll and took another with him. When she turned around, her face was blank and indifferent, as if she had done the most trivial thing.

She needed to find a way to get the hero to take action, otherwise, everybody would die even if the bio-cannons arrived. An idea formed in her head and she turned around to look at Jing Xiubai. As she was about to speak, something happened.

“Chi Xin! This is all your fault! Why do you still have the face to live, you should just die!”

Someone rushed at her with a distorted expression and trembling hands raising a gun pointed straight at her, roaring wildly. 

“Everything is your fault! Why won’t you just die? Why don’t you die—”

Chi Xin saw the muzzle pointed at her and her unwillingness to die took over. She quickly raised her leg, trying to gently discourage the man…


When no one reacted, the gun in the man’s hand flew straight out. Chi Xin steadily braced herself on the ground with one foot, her entire body tilted, and her other foot raised high above her head before kicking the man’s wrist.

“I’m sorry.” Chi Xin stared at the flying gun, then at the angry man, and stopped moving for half a second. She then withdrew her leg with no expression and sincerely apologized: “I didn’t mean to.”

TL note: zombies again! Yes, I was completely in a mood last month and this one was one of my favorites along with Qingqing’s story and another one way too long for me to translate. It might sound rather similar to The vicious female character at the end of days at first but don’t worry, despite the zombies, the portable space, and the special abilities, the plot is not the same.

I actually only read the first Arc when it first came out and was saving chapters until the second was completed. Now that the author started the fourth one, I thought it was a good idea to re-read it and decided to translate it on the way because Sister Chi deserves to be shared with the world.

The chapters are rather long, longer than my other projects anyway, and will become even longer in the future. They will most likely all be divided into two or three parts so I don’t die from over-translation (that’s a thing now). 

The romance is… minimal at best and this isn’t a story about the main character hooking up with the original hero and leaving the original heroine in the dirt. I can’t say too much without risking giving any spoilers but don’t hesitate to check the little reading guide I made! The story entered its last arc (most likely), so I still don’t know how it ends. And as always, all chapters have been purchased on JJ and if you want to support the author, please do so!

Happy reading, I hope you enjoy it~

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