Chapter 32: Mutated giant wolf (1)

It was Chi Xin’s face and Chi Xin’s voice. Once upon a time, on top of a very high wall, they had watched this slender girl break through a tide of zombies and behead a high-level one with one swing of her leg. This victory had been one huge milestone for humankind and no witness would ever be able to forget it.

She had saved them one and was appearing in front of them once more. Was she there to rescue them again?

Confirming Chi Xin’s identity, the girls couldn’t hold their fear and sorrow much longer and all burst into quiet tears. They covered their faces and cried all their might for the hope that was newly glimmering in their heart.

Yangyang looked at Chi Xin without blinking. Although she wasn’t sobbing like the others, her eyes were wet and a huge tear rolled on her cheek, creating a path on her dirty face.

Chi Xin also felt very emotional. So many eager, trusting and expectant gazes were on her and it was the first time she wasn’t hating herself since she had come to this world; the system wasn’t binding her to the plot anymore and she could rescue those girls.

At least, her arrival had given them hope.

Chi Xin’s lips tightened and she smothered the softness in her heart. She walked closer to the cage and looked at the girls one by one, checking for any sort of injury.

“Sister Chi, are you here to save us?” Yangyang clung to the catch and watched her savior’s every move.

“Yes.” Chi Xin answered, “Was anyone bitten?”

“Can we leave right away?” Yangyang was starting to get excited, “I really don’t want to see those people’s faces ever again!”

“Not yet.” Chi Xin replied.

A sob sounded but no one questioned her. Chi Xin was now their only hope and they had all seen what she could do when they were all living in Base L. If she said they couldn’t leave yet, she must have a reason; nobody thought she was deliberately leaving them behind.

But Chi Xin couldn’t bear to see their disappointed looks and explained: “Right now, this base is very dangerous. If you escape, I won’t be able to protect all of you and if you leave for the mountains, the chance for survival will be even smaller.”

Now that mutated animals had started to appear in some places, she couldn’t know if they were already there. The best thing to do right now was to stay here; as long as they weren’t headed to the black market, they would be safe.

Once she had dealt with the men of the base, she would come to free them.

The girls knew Chi Xin was right and they nodded to express their understanding.

“Sister Chi, it’s alright. As long as you can kill all of their monsters, even if we don’t survive, you will save us.” A girl said as she gritted her teeth.

Hearing these words full of hatred, Chi Xin’s heart sped up in her chest. She looked at Yangyang to ask the question that had been lingering in her head for a while but dared not speak.

After a while, she said: “Base L… how are they doing?”

Yangyang’s grip on the iron cage loosened and her face broke in sorrow.

“Cao Yan is dead.” She whispered, “Han Yiyi seduced a guard and convinced him to leave the gate open during his night duty. Nobody was prepared and they were all killed in their sleep.”

Cao Yan… was dead?

Chi Xin’s throat tightened and her voice sounded hoarse: “Is everybody dead? What happened to Jing Xiubai?”

She was grieving but she was also angry at the protagonist group. Before she had left, she had done her best to warn them about the upcoming danger.

Why hadn’t they listened?

Why hadn’t they secured the base?

Why had everything gone according to the original plot?

As if feeling her anger, Yanyang shrank.

Chi Xin took a deep breath: “I’m sorry, I am not angry at you.”

“Sister Chi, don’t blame Jing Xiubai and the others.” The girl said after a long time, “After you left, they locked Han Yiyi up and they planned to stay at the base a bit longer.”

Chi Xin’s expression didn’t change.

“But the day before it all happened, Brother Jing received a message.” Yangyang continued, “I don’t know what the message was but it seemed very urgent. They rushed out the next morning but left a lot of weapons behind for the base. It’s just that… no one thought anyone would attack in the middle of the night.”

Chi Xin frowned: “Since there were so many weapons, even if the attack was at night, it shouldn’t have been so easy…”

Yangyang’s expression was sad: “I don’t know why but everyone slept very deeply that night.

Chi Xin was startled.

“What else could it be!? They obviously drugged us!” Another girl shouted, “I understand the law of the jungle in this world but such a shameful attack… When I die, I will never stop haunting them!”

Her voice was a little loud and snow on the top of trees fell not far away. Chi Xin glanced back and turned to the girls again: “Don’t say that, you won’t become a ghost for a very long time.”

“Sister Chi, we know you’re not a mere mortal.” Yangyang said with some worship in her voice, her face almost deformed with awe, “But if you are really a God who came down to save us, listen to our wishes. You must make these bastards pay for what they did to our base.”

Chi Xin smiled bitterly: “If I really was a god, how could I have let everything happen.”

Yangyang wanted to say more but Chi Xin’s eyes suddenly became serious and gestured to everyone to stay quiet. The girls watched her raise her arms and a black cloak appeared out of nowhere, just like magic. The next second, she was entirely enveloped in dark fabric and a voice sounded from not far away.

TL note: Yesterday’s chapters part 1. Next one in the afternoon, I’m missing only a small part but I’m starving :3

TL second note: Yes, Cao Yan and the others from the base were our first real supporting cast’s loss. Cao Yan was a good guy! His ending was super unfair and the Longteng Base needs to go down! Let’s march with Sister Chi!

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