I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 102 Upgrading and Clearing Level C


It is a method used by humans in ancient times to strengthen themselves when facing threats.

It is said that humans at that time believed that they and all things in the world were born from the same source and had endless potential.


In a period before language was born.

But some people have already begun to try to study the infinite potential contained in the human body.


at a certain period.

Breathwork was born.

It can make the originally weak human body possess powerful strength.

It was also from that period that, relying on the power brought by the breathing method, the human group spread rapidly and climbed to the top of the food chain step by step.

Breathing methods have also been widely circulated among humans.


With one low point after another.

Many precious and powerful breathing techniques have long been lost in the torrent of history.

Breathing techniques that still exist today.

Most of them were created by people from later generations to observe the various creatures today.

And breathing state.

It is the name of the highest state of breathing method.

It can tap out a lot of potential in the human body at once and transform it into real combat power.

It can also strengthen the practitioner's specific direction, allowing him to possess various magical abilities in a liberated state.

at this time.

Zhou Tairan looked at Chen Sheng on the screen.

"Which sect is he from?"

He asked the security guard beside him.

"President, he is a participating disciple of the Eagle Body Sect."

Upon hearing this name.

Zhou Tairan's expression suddenly became enlightened.

Eagle Gate,

Of course he knows.

A D-level sect that has long since declined.

To be honest, Zhou Tairan and Zhoujiacun also have some connections.

His ancestors came from Zhoujia Village.

When Zhou Tairan was young, he and his parents would go back to the village every year to worship their ancestors.

decades ago,

When the Zhoujiacun massacre occurred, he also conducted an investigation and got to know Zhou Li at that time.

Back and forth.

The two of them also have some friendship.


After some investigation, Zhou Tairan found nothing, so he had no choice but to give up.

He also persuaded Zhou Li to give up the investigation.

But Zhou Li refused to give up no matter what.

Later, he heard that this boy, who was originally not very qualified in martial arts, was seriously ill because of the investigation.

Now his life is long gone.


When Zhou Tairan saw Zhou Li in the association hall, he had already keenly noticed the other person's physical condition.

Originally, he felt a little regretful.

After all, the Eagle Body Gate in Zhoujiacun was somewhat famous back then.

After Zhou Li's death, I'm afraid it will be completely cut off.

But he didn't expect that the talented young man on the screen in front of him was actually Zhou Li's disciple.

This way.

At least the legacy of the Eagle Body Sect will not be cut off.

Think of this.

Zhou Tairan waved his hand and signaled the security personnel to remove the screen.

"His appearance is just caused by practicing some special skills."

"You don't have to worry."

Hearing this,

The three security guards looked at each other.

While I was relieved, I couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Such a terrifying and oppressive image is actually due to practicing a certain skill?

The three of them have worked in the martial arts association for so many years and have met many martial artists.

But Chen Sheng's existence is still far beyond their imagination.

Thinking like this,

The most courageous one among them immediately became active.

They, the staff, made handicaps in private.

Everyone can bet on the participating disciples they are optimistic about, and only one person can place a bet per participating disciple.

As long as the opponent wins the championship, there will be a bumper harvest.

He had not placed any bets before because he could not find a disciple who was strong enough to compete.

But now

"When the president said this, we felt relieved."

"Sorry for disturbing you."

at this time,

The security staff apologized quickly.

Now it has been determined that Chen Sheng is just an overly powerful disciple.

He was ready to quickly place a heavy bet on the opponent to avoid being overtaken by others.

Therefore, he eagerly wanted to send Zhou Tairan away.


Regarding the small actions of these people in private.

How could Zhou Tairan not know this?

But he just glanced at the other party lightly.

"I don't care what little games you guys want to play."

"But don't disrupt the martial arts meeting because of this, got it?"

Hearing this,

The security guard was shocked.

"President, please rest assured that I will carry out my work strictly and ensure that there are no mistakes."

He immediately puffed up his chest and shouted loudly with a serious face.

"It's good to know."

Zhou Tairan's expression remained unchanged and he nodded slightly.


He walked out of the monitoring room.

Come to the door.

A middle-aged man in a suit was waiting at the door.

He is Zhou Tairan's assistant, Zhou Qiming.

"Forget it, go and get three of them. Take five of the elixir and give them to the Eagle Body Gate of the C-level building."

"But there's no rush to go now, we'll go in two hours."

Originally I only wanted to give away three plants.

But Zhou Tairan thought of Chen Sheng.

For the other party to be able to perfect the breathing method at this age, he can indeed be regarded as a genius.

It's better to give him a favor.


Assistants never question Zhou Tairan's decision.

After receiving the order, he turned around and left.

Zhou Tairan also went downstairs together.

But he didn't leave immediately.

Seeing the assistant's back gradually blending into the night.

He raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of the Grade C building.

A trace of regret suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Such a genius."

"If we can have a better environment and resources."

"The road ahead must not stop here."

"But now it's a pity."

Say it.

Zhou Tairan withdrew his gaze, turned and left.


to what is happening outside.

Chen Sheng had no idea.

At this time, he was focusing on the changes in his body.

The tearing sensation coming from the muscles in various parts of the body gradually weakened.

The pressure on the internal organs in the body also slowly dissipated.

But the body is still in the process of getting stronger.

Time gradually moves forward.

Two hours later.

Chen Sheng opened his eyes.

Feel the surging power that fills every part of your body.

He carefully stood up from the ground.

I'm afraid that if I don't pay attention, I will destroy the things around me.

The huge body slowly rose up.

The shadow instantly covered a large area of ​​ground in front of him.

Chen Sheng's head almost touched the ceiling.


Chen Sheng tried to take a breath.

In an instant,

The air poured in like sea water, rushing into Chen Sheng's body.

So fast and so powerful.

You can even faintly hear the scream of compressed air.

Chen Sheng today.

With the basic attributes greatly improved, he entered the breathing state again.

It is unprecedentedly powerful.


Stand still.

With a thought in Chen Sheng's mind, he raised his muscular right leg and thrust it into the air in front of him with great force.


The air was instantly squeezed and exploded, causing a loud noise.

So loud.

It's like someone detonated a bomb.

The sound echoed in the sparring field.

Chen Sheng's ears twitched.

He suddenly heard commotion and exclamations in the rooms next door and above.

With Chen Sheng's room as the center, warriors came out of the room from time to time to check the surrounding situation.


It was still the case that Chen Sheng didn't exert much force at all.

He had no doubts.

If the kick I just slapped was on someone.

I'm afraid it can directly split the enemy into two.

Think of this.

Chen Sheng restrained his movements again.

After carefully testing his current strength, he exited the rabbit form.

Call up the panel.

【Chen Sheng】

【Strength: 31.5】

[Agility: 33.7]

[Physique: 31.2]

[Skills: Eagle Body, Rabbit Body, Xuanming Zhenwu lv0]

[Skill points: 13.1]

Strength increase 3.3

Physical fitness improved by 3.2

Agility increases by 4.2

Without the assistance of elixir, the attribute improvement brought by Rabbit's Breath is even slightly worse than the first upgrade of Eagle's Breath.


This still makes Chen Sheng's attributes comprehensively exceed the thirty-point mark.

And now, he has two ultimate forms of breathing techniques.

Each time one of them is turned on, Chen Sheng's basic attributes can be increased by half.

If both are turned on at the same time.

Then his current attributes will be doubled directly!


Now that he is in the martial arts association, he dare not release two breathing states at the same time.

It’s not that I’m afraid that others will know.

Rather, they are worried about causing unnecessary disturbances.


Chen Sheng needed to find a place where no one was around to verify his conjecture.

That is, with the two breathing states superimposed on each other, whether your body can adapt to the huge pressure brought by practicing Xuanming Zhenwu.

if you can.

His speed of progress can be improved again.


While Zhou Li was still sleeping.

Chen Sheng plans to clear the four areas first and advance to the battle match.

Then take Zhou Li to leave the martial arts association and find a place where no one is around to test.

Thinking of this,

He didn't delay any longer.

He immediately stood up and walked towards the door.

But this time.

Chen Sheng's expression changed.

There is someone outside the door.

Are you here for a challenge?

There was a click.

The door opens.

But what Chen Sheng didn't expect was.

The people standing outside the door were not competing disciples from other martial arts schools.

But a middle-aged man wearing a suit.

It was Zhou Tairan's assistant, Zhou Qiming.

"Good morning, Mr. Chen."

"This is a gift from the president to you."

"I hope Mr. Zhou will take care of himself."

Say it.

Zhou Qiming handed over the wooden box in his hand.

Chen Sheng subconsciously took the wooden box, feeling a little confused.

From the president of the Wushu Association?

Does he know Old Man Zhou?


Zhou Qiming seemed to have no intention of explaining.


The gift was given and he nodded slightly.

Without waiting for Chen Sheng to speak, he turned around and left.

After he left,

Chen Sheng opened the wooden box and saw five elixirs lying quietly inside, faintly emitting fluorescence in the dim night.


Although a little confused.

But this did not prevent Chen Sheng from feeling impressed by Zhou Tairan's generosity.

As soon as he took action, there were five elixirs.

In this way, you can make some elixir soup for Old Man Zhou to drink today, and his physical condition will be slightly relieved.

Chen Sheng immediately returned to the house.

He did not boil the elixir soup directly, but put it in the house first.

Only by boiling the elixir with ordinary medicinal materials can you successfully get a elixir soup.

If you boil the elixir in plain water, its effect will be reduced by more than half.

Chen Sheng planned to wait until he left the martial arts association.

Go out again.

He looked towards both sides of the corridor.

There are only 12 sects in Grade C building in total.

Compared with D-level buildings, it is half less.

Counting the fact that some people were promoted to Class B today, there were also people who were promoted from Class D.

There are currently about eleven martial arts schools in the Class C building.

It was enough for Chen Sheng to advance.

He immediately came to the next door.

Boom boom.

"Hello, challenge."

There was a click.

The door opens.

The person who opened the door was a young man with a shaved head.

He looked Chen Sheng up and down.

Seeing that there seemed to be no injuries on his body, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

In his opinion,

This is probably due to good luck and has never been challenged by anyone.

Nowadays, there are opportunistic people who want to take advantage of others when their condition declines.

The young man scoffed.

"If you think that I and others -"

"Okay, okay."


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Sheng became impatient and interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"I'm in a hurry."

"I won't follow you through the process of showing off and slapping someone in the face."

"Just get started."


Before the young man could react, Chen Sheng grabbed his shoulders and pushed him into the house.

After a few seconds.



Amidst the panicked shouts in the house, Chen Sheng pushed the door open again and went out.

His expression remained unchanged, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

Looking into the house through the gap in his body.

The tall young man just now was suddenly lying on the ground, unconscious.


Chen Sheng counted silently.

Without stopping, he continued to move towards the next sect.

The same plot is constantly playing out in the Class C building.

five minutes later.

Chen Sheng came downstairs with an indifferent expression.

"Please take me to the second-grade building."

After an afternoon.

The staff of these associations are already familiar with these strong men at the martial arts conference.

Therefore, Chen Sheng's appearance did not shock them too much.

After verification, he was ready to take Chen Sheng to the next area.

"By the way, I remember you are not competing alone, right?"

At this time,

Only then did the staff notice that Chen Sheng was the only one who came out.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon to take him away."

The staff was a little confused.

But at Chen Sheng's urging, he had no choice but to take him to the Class B building first.

Another five minutes.

The two came to the second-grade building.

"Mr. Chen, your room at Eagle Gate is-"

"Don't tell me that."

"Wait for me downstairs. I'll be down soon."


The staff looked stunned.

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