I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 142 Interrogation and Visit from Old Friends


Chen Sheng stood quietly, looking at the hidden waves of the river in front of him.

The river water kept rushing to the shore, soaking his feet.

Under the river, a dark shadow loomed.


Accompanied by another river wash.

Li Hengkong, whose arms were broken, was brought to Chen Sheng by Jiang Shui.

Chen Sheng specifically asked not to kill Li Hengkong.


The other party is currently in a coma.


Chen Sheng casually grabbed Li Hengkong's head and pulled it up from the ground.

After straightening his body.

Chen Sheng did not stop.

Given Li Hengkong's terrifying physical attributes, simply cutting off his arms and suffocating him would not be enough to make him comatose for such a long time.

The other party is pretending.

As Chen Sheng's palms continued to tighten.

Click. Click.

The whine of the bones being overwhelmed came from within the skull.


Li Hengkong's eyes opened instantly.

He looked at Chen Sheng, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and said in a trembling voice.

"What do you want to know?"

By now.

Li Hengkong already understood his situation very well.

I am a fisherman and a fisherman.

Chen Sheng didn't kill himself directly, maybe because he was needed for something.

He doesn't want to die.

If he wanted to survive, he could only obey Chen Sheng first, and then make other plans.

Hearing this,

Chen Sheng looked indifferent.

in the coming time.

With the help of Shui Shui, Chen Sheng pried out the information he wanted from Li Hengkong by torturing him.

Li Hengkong didn't know much about the Holy Religion.

Even the name of the holy sect was only learned after he heard about the incident at the Non-Martial Arts Conference.

The breathing method he possesses was obtained from other martial arts sects through various dirty means during the years when Kongming Boxing Gym was the most powerful.

Very few people knew about this matter, and most of them were silenced by Li Hengkong on the spot.

And the reason why he started collecting breathing techniques.

According to Li Hengkong, it was because of a wandering Taoist priest.

The incident happened in the 40th year when Li Hengkong became the owner of Kongming Boxing Gym.

At that time, Kongming Boxing Gym was the most powerful martial arts gym with the most disciples in Haizhou City.

Even local dignitaries in Haizhou City often came to ask Li Hengkong for help.

Suddenly, the limelight was overwhelming.

But one day.

Suddenly a traveling Taoist priest came to the door and asked Kongming Martial Arts School for breathing techniques.

Although at that time, the high tide period had not yet arrived.

But even so,

The breathing method is still a secret method of the sect, how can it be given to others casually.

The martial arts disciples present at the time wanted to drive the Taoist priest away on the spot.


All the disciples came together, and they were no match for the Taoist priest.

Until finally, Li Hengkong, who was working outside, received the news and returned to the martial arts gym.

The two competed in a venue without any outsiders.

The outcome of the competition is unknown to anyone.

But Li Hengkong told Chen Sheng.

That Taoist priest,

Just use one finger.

He then poked Li Hengkong, who was the number one person in Haizhou City at that time, almost to death.


The Taoist priest successfully obtained the breathing method.

In return, he also informed Li Hengkong about the high tide period, Qi sensers, and heavenly beings.

Also shortly after that.

After Li Hengkong used various means to collect a large number of breathing techniques, he immediately stepped down as the head of the museum and hid in the mountains and forests to cultivate his body and mind. At the same time, he continued to study the breathing techniques of various sects.

in order,

It is to improve one's strength as quickly as possible when the rising tide arrives.

But it didn't come true.

On his first day out of the mountain, he met Chen Sheng.

It's a tragedy.

at this time,

There was a thud.

Li Hengkong's body fell limply to the ground.

Through the five bloody holes on the top of its head, the red and white things inside can be faintly seen.

His eyes were wide open, as if he didn't expect that Chen Sheng would kill him if he told him to.

Chen Sheng was a little disappointed when he didn't get any information about the Holy Cult.

Fortunately, he was not without gain.

Chen Sheng has mastered all the dozens of breathing techniques that Li Hengkong has mastered.

Although these are ordinary breathing techniques, they are not as powerful as Xuanming Zhenwu.

But what if Chen Sheng has perfected Xuanming Zhenwu but fails to obtain the same level of breathing technique.

At least he can use these breathing techniques to continuously add attributes.


Get rid of the two men from Kong Ming Boxing Gym.

But Chen Sheng still had a look of irritability lingering on his brows.

These two are just side dishes.

What really matters is Zhao Zhenfeng who is far away in Haizhou City.

Li Hengkong and Qi Ming died.

Chen Sheng will definitely be included in the suspect list.

after all,

Quanjiang City is only so big.

Compared to the mysterious strong man who jumped out of nowhere.

He, the champion of the martial arts competition, is obviously more suspicious.


Chen Sheng is not without options.

Although Li Zong is strong and prosperous.

But the country of China,

He is not the head of the martial arts association.

If you really have to,

Think of this.

Chen Sheng turned around and prepared to leave.

And behind him.

The river water keeps rushing to the shore.

Drag the two corpses originally on the ground into the river.

The flesh and blood stumps scattered on the ground were also washed away by the rain and merged into the river.

This ability is very useful for cleaning up messes.

Chen Sheng thought so.


His figure disappeared directly from the spot.

Three minutes later.

The small alley in front of Yinghui Grocery Store.

Chen Sheng hung up the phone.

The person on the call was Xu Ying.

The other party still took Zhou Li around Quanjiang City.

I was afraid that if I stayed in one place for too long, I would be discovered.

Over the phone, Chen Sheng asked Xu Ying to go directly to the Wuhan Bureau in Jincheng District.

As for Chen Sheng himself.

He was also planning to go back to the grocery store to pack his things and then move to the Wu'an Bureau together.

The Wuhan Bureau is an official department.

Chen Sheng's master, Li Chenghu, is the captain of the Jincheng District Wuhan Bureau.

Even if it's just a local branch.

But no matter how small the land is, it is still official.

No matter how powerful Li Zong is, if he wants to take Chen Sheng away from the Wu'an Bureau, he still needs a reason.

The other party will not act rashly without sufficient evidence.

And Chen Sheng was convinced.

There is no clear evidence that he killed two people from Kongming Boxing Gym.

Think of this.

Chen Sheng put his cell phone in his pocket and walked quickly towards the grocery store.


Chen Sheng went deeper into the alley.

His expression became more solemn.

Even the pace of his feet slowed down involuntarily.

The muscles of the body are tense all the time.

He felt the breath.

And it's not the smell of ordinary people.

With a vigilant expression, Chen Sheng continued to move forward.


He stopped about ten meters away from the door of the grocery store.

A huge black umbrella came into view.

Immediately afterwards, a line of text jumped out in front of him.


? ? ?

what's the situation.

Chen Sheng's expression condensed.

I have never encountered such a situation since I had the Eye of True Seeing.

He originally thought that, like Zhao Zhenfeng, all attributes were question marks, which was already extremely outrageous.

As a result now,

There is another person who can't even detect?

Must escape.

Chen Sheng frowned and made a decision in his heart.

He can't even sense the opponent's attribute panel.

One can imagine how terrifying this existence is.

Without any hesitation, Chen Sheng was ready to rush out.

But that's it.

Maybe it sensed someone was nearby.

The black umbrella was gradually lowered.

The moment the owner of the umbrella put away his umbrella, he saw Chen Sheng standing not far away, about to turn around and run away.

The eyes of the two.

Face to face instantly.

The moment I saw the owner of the umbrella.

Chen Sheng paused.

There was a look of astonishment on his face.

at the same time.

The owner of the umbrella also showed a gentle smile.

Even if it's been a long time since we last met.

Chen Sheng's height and body shape have changed greatly.

But he still recognized it at a glance.

"long time no see."

"Brother Chen."

irritated irritated irritated.

I’m busy with work every day and don’t have much time to think. I feel unsatisfied with the manuscript I originally wrote today, so I can only delete it and rewrite it.

I’ll post one chapter first, and I’ll post the second chapter later.

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