I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 40 Inquiry and subsequent handling

In the forest, Shen Ziming squatted down in front of Chen Sheng.

In the sky above the two of them, there was muffled thunder from time to time.

It is going to rain.

"If it's not what I expected, someone called the police just now."

"The nearest police station takes about half an hour to dispatch the police."

"When the police arrive, they will deduce the identity of our Qi sensers through the signs of damage at the scene."

"At that time, they will notify the Wuhan Security Bureau and start a house-to-house investigation."

Speaking of which,

Shen Ziming adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and took out his mobile phone to take a look.


He looked at Chen Sheng.

The eyes hidden behind the glasses were as calm as the deep water in an ancient well.

It was as if he had not just killed a person, but a chicken.

"We are lucky. It will rain soon, which will save us a lot of effort."

"You still have fifteen minutes, rush home and clean up the traces on your body."

"Except for what brought you here, just tell the truth."

"The more lies there are, the bigger the flaws will be. Remember."


Shen Ziming held Chen Sheng's head with one hand and pressed the bridge of his nose with two fingers.

"Bear with it."


Chen Sheng's nose bridge was restored.

"Your injuries are not serious for a Qi-sensing person. Don't go to the hospital. People from their organization may investigate and record it."

"Just keep it at home for two days and that's it."

Chen Sheng leaned against the tree trunk and listened to Shen Ziming's words.

His eyes fell on the pig-faced man beside him.

From the opponent's neck, blood was pouring into the ground like a trickle.

The eyes that have lost their vitality still retain their last emotions during their lifetime.

Reluctance, anger, and disbelief were mixed with each other.

He killed someone himself.

Chen Sheng suddenly realized this.

In the past twenty-five years of his life, he never thought that such a thing as murder would fall on him.

Kill a life with your own hands.

He should be afraid.

Or fear.

But the strange thing is,

Chen Sheng's heart felt calmer than ever before.

In this calmness, there is also a trace of strange emotions.

it seems that--


The sudden pain in his arm made Chen Sheng take a breath.

It also brought him back to reality.

Shen Ziming also reset the bones of his arm.

"You seem to be familiar with murder?"

Chen Sheng looked at Shen Ziming.

The two experienced life and death together, but knew very little about each other.

“The more you work it, the more it will be cooked naturally.”

Shen Ziming lowered his head and answered calmly.

He paused and added.

"But I kill all the damned people."

“Who sets the boundaries?”



During the conversation between the two.

Shen Ziming helped Chen Sheng up.

"Leave it to me next. You go back first and don't find any flaws."

Chen Sheng did not leave immediately.

He looked at Shen Ziming hesitantly and opened his mouth.

What is it like to become a Qi senser?

Why are some people just like ordinary people, while others regard human life as nothing?

What do the pig-faced people and the organizations they belong to want to do?

What are they looking for?

How did Shen Ziming get to where he is today.

Chen Sheng had too many doubts in his heart.

But in the end,

He still asked the most pressing question in his heart.

"You Qi-sensing people have killed too many people. Do you think you are indifferent to life and have the illusion that you are superior to all living beings?"

Hear this.

Shen Ziming smiled.

He seemed to see Chen Sheng's doubts.

"Speaking as if you are not a Qi senser."

"However, what you said is wrong."

"Being superior to all living beings is not an illusion, but a fact."

"With great power, we can do things that many people cannot or dare not do."

When saying this,

The indifference in Shen Ziming's eyes made Chen Sheng feel very strange.

But then,

He changed the subject.

"But among these things, there are good things and bad things."

“What can be done and what cannot be done.”

"Who should be killed and who should not be killed."

Shen Ziming tapped the position of his heart.

"How to do it and how to choose depends on you."

As Shen Ziming finished speaking.

Tick ​​tock.

Raindrops fell from the top of his head and hit the tip of Chen Sheng's nose.

It seemed to tell him that time was running out.

He took a deep look at Shen Ziming, then turned and walked towards the river.

"I understand the love you gave me for giving me fruits and chocolates. We have nothing to do with you from now on."

Before leaving, Chen Sheng waved his palms, as if to draw a clear line with Shen Ziming.

He didn't know why his brain twitched and he ran to save the other party.

Perhaps he felt that the other person was a good person and did not deserve to die.

Or maybe it's really because of the gift-giving sentiment.

In short,

Now the two have nothing to do with each other.

Chen Sheng didn't want to get involved in these messy things anymore.

He walked to the river, picked up the kitchen knife and flashlight he threw out, and prepared to leave.

"Brother Chen."

But after taking two steps, Shen Ziming stopped him again.

"I said, I owe you my life."

"In two days, I will give you a big gift."

Chen Sheng was stunned.

"What kind of gift?"


It rained heavily.

The sound of rain instantly filled the whole world.

Chen Sheng could only see Shen Ziming's mouth opening and closing.

But I couldn't hear what he said.


Shen Ziming ignored him and started groping around the pig-faced man.

Chen Sheng looked at the time.

Twelve minutes left.

Without further delay, he turned around and ran towards home.

Chen Sheng walked all the way.

Behind him, the heavy rain washed away all traces of it.

ten minutes later.

Chen Sheng arrived home smoothly.

He immediately sent a WeChat message to Li Chenghu and told what happened tonight.

As Shen Ziming said, he tells the truth in 90% of things.

Only the part where Shen Ziming chased after him after escaping was omitted.

After sending the message, Li Chenghu did not reply immediately.

Chen Sheng took off all his clothes and threw them into the washing machine.

Wearing a pair of underwear, he cleaned up the dirt and water stains he had brought when he entered the house.

After doing all this,

He just walked into the bathroom, ready to wash away the blood stains on his body.

Chen Sheng looked at himself in the mirror.

Every muscle on the body has sharp edges and corners, evenly distributed in every corner of the body.

Now, when he walks in the gym, no one would think that he is a newcomer who has just started exercising for two weeks.


The water rushed through the wound, causing Chen Sheng to grimace in pain.

Although the area on his hand looked like a bruise and hematoma on the surface.

But only Chen Sheng himself knows.

At that time, every time the pig-faced man attacked, dark energy seeped into his body.

Now, if he moves even slightly, he will feel a pinprick-like pain in the wound.

This is because the pig-faced man was sneak attacked by Chen Sheng, and his punching power was greatly reduced.

If it were in its heyday, Chen Sheng felt that he would not survive.

"A dark warrior?"

"So strong."

Chen Sheng murmured to himself.

The water covered the body, mixed with blood and slowly flowed into the sewer.

When Chen Sheng walked out of the bathroom, he put on a sweater to cover his injuries.

At this time, he

Apart from a red, swollen and congested nose, no other traces were exposed.

"anyone there?"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door to the front yard downstairs.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Sheng calmed his accelerating heartbeat.


He picked up an umbrella and came downstairs.

Opening the door, there were two police officers standing outside.

Because it was raining and it was night.

The police officer pointed his flashlight at Chen Sheng and saw his appearance clearly.

"What is your name."

"Chen Sheng?"

"What happened to the injury on your face?"

"I didn't pay attention while practicing martial arts, and I got injured."

"Has your new neighbor had any contact with you?"

"Yes, his name is Xu Ziwen, he goes to a nearby school."

"I have already told Captain Li Chenghu of the Wuhan Bureau about what happened just now. You can ask for confirmation."

"I am his apprentice."

Nine times out of ten what Chen Sheng said is true.

In addition, he mentioned Li Chenghu by the way.

After observing the home, the two police officers found no clues, so they ended the inquiry and went to the next home.

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