12 – Dangerous Invitation

A peaceful morning, as always, a morning that felt the same no matter when it came. Whatever one might say, the right morning had arrived, just like any other time.

If there is routine, there must also be special events.

“Ivan Priest, please accompany me for a while today.”

Today, Sister Selena called me for some reason.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Is it perhaps for the treatment of a critically ill patient?”

“No. Today, a request designated by the priest has come in.”

Though it was a bit awkward to receive a summons after freely moving about for a few days, I followed without a word, as listening well to the superior’s words increased the likelihood of being appointed as a high-ranking priest.

“Please, have a seat here.”

I carefully sat on the sofa, following her words.

“So, about the request…”

“The client will be here soon to explain. And… please don’t be too nervous.”

Even with her saying that, I couldn’t help but feel a tremor.

Perhaps because I had never been called by the nun for anything good, my body trembled for no reason.

“I’m curious, but does the Cathedral also take requests?”

“Yes. Even though Mother can hear the voices of all creation, the voices of the sick reaching our ears are limited.”

“Then, are requests free of charge?”

“While requesting is possible for free… to assess the severity of the illness, we do charge a fee.”

Hmm, I see.

I thought volunteering at a cathedral would involve unpaid service, but it seems they get paid for their work.

Well, priests need money to make a living too, so it’s understandable. Still, it’s a bit disappointing that it’s not entirely voluntary.

The nun chatted with the visitor for about half an hour.

Finally, someone either the client or the person they were waiting for, arrived.

When the nun opened the reception room door, a man in extravagant clothing entered.

“Hello, Priest, Sister.”

The man had red hair and wore quite a flashy outfit with various patterns, making it evident that he wasn’t an ordinary person.

Seeing the green sheath at his waist, he seemed to be a viscount living in the capital.

And then,

“I’ll be leaving now.”

The nun left the room, passing the baton to the man as if in a relay.

‘Ugh, leaving me alone?’

Though I felt the urge to detain the novice nun who abandoned me, both she and I were busy, and I wasn’t a child relying on adults, so I decided to handle the guest on my own.

“Welcome, Viscount. May I ask why you have summoned me?”

“Before we get to the main point, let me introduce myself, Priest. I am René Ackyd, the head of the Ackyd family.”

“Ah, yes. I’m Ivan Ai, a mid-ranking priest. But… ‘Ackyd’?”

“Yes, René Ackyd, the head of the ‘Ackyd’ family.”

Realizing his status, a slight tremor ran through my entire body.

It wasn’t because he was a viscount that I was unsettled.

The imperial business trip is nothing new to me, but being summoned by a mere viscount? Ridiculous.

…Well, Viscount, of course you’re esteemed, but anyway!

The reason I’m a bit nervous is that the viscount is not just any viscount but the ‘fallen’ Akied Viscount.

‘If it’s the Akied family, it must be a place on the verge of ruin. Why would the head of such a family seek me out?’

I used to have no interest in politics, but the downfall of the Akied family became such a big topic that even in the market, people talked about it, so I had to know at least out of curiosity.

The emperor, suspicious of the Akied family’s recent actions, conducted a thorough investigation and revealed the crimes committed by the Akied family to the public, backed by various pieces of evidence.

The contents were so shocking that the common people were buzzing about it all day.

“If you’re worried about recent issues with our family, please don’t be. Today is not about such matters.”

“Ah… alright.”

Continuous use of the black market, slave trade, contact with cults, kidnapping, human sacrifice.

All unimaginable major crimes, either suspected or proven, committed by the Akied family.

It’s strange to be told not to be nervous when the leader of a family that committed such crimes is right in front of you…

But what do I care?

If you’re a professional SSS-level detective, you know how to manage your expression even in front of a major criminal.

I relaxed the tense expression while regulating my breath.

“So, what brings you here?”

“You seem composed. That’s good. Let’s get to the point.”

Seated on the sofa, he rested his chin on his hand and began to speak with a serious tone.

“Can you, by any chance, save a person’s life?”


“Then, I shall take my leave.”

Count Eykid exits through the door he came in.

I remain seated, leaning against the sofa.

The sofa, soft and plush, engulfs my frail body.


I ponder over the conversation I just had with the Count.

For some reason unknown to me, the Count asked if I possessed the ability to bring back the dead.

I’m not sure what rumor he heard to ask me such a question, but I replied honestly that my absolute healing powers do not extend to resurrecting the dead.

The Count, seemingly disappointed, then drifted into inconsequential talk about politics or his family before finally leaving.

What was he hoping for by bringing up resurrection? What was he disappointed about in me?

With no way to uncover his intentions, I could only helplessly speculate, swallowed by the sofa.

“There is something to be delivered to Father Ivan.”

At that moment, Sister Selena opens the closed door and hands me a letter.

“What’s this? Well, obviously it’s a letter, but who sent it?”

“Count Eykid asked me to deliver this to you before he left. He requested that you read the contents yourself.”

Sister Selena wishes me well, advising not to overexert myself, then leaves, closing the door behind her.

I carefully unwrap the elegantly packaged letter and read its contents.

[You are cordially invited to the grand festivity of the Eykid House. Anyone possessing this invitation may bring additional guests to the festival. Please bring a partner if possible! Sender: Renet Eykid, Count]

Hmm… Did I read that right?

A declining noble house throwing a party?

I couldn’t understand the puzzling invitation, so I examined the letters closely.

However, there were no magical devices or hidden codes in the letters.

“What could be the intention behind this unusual journey?”

Normally, a declining family would withdraw from all external activities and focus on rebuilding itself.

Most often, in order to avoid severe punishment, they would try to shift blame onto a few family members and evade responsibility.

But the Akid family, for some reason, intends to hold a party by sending out invitations.

“Should I just tear this apart?”

Rationally, it would be appropriate to tear up a suspicious invitation, but I can’t help but be curious about Lord Akid’s intentions.

Alright, let me read it one last time and then make a decision.

As I unfolded the letter and read it again, I noticed a part that I had missed before.

[P.S. The party will have various entertainment and casino facilities! If you and your partner attend, you will receive 20 casino coins!]


I, I have to go.

I must go!

I hastily concealed the letter in my embrace.

“A casino in this world? It must be what I think it is, right?”

With all the entertainment available in the world, the only earthly utopia where money flows is the casino, isn’t it?

[The goddess looks upon you with pity]

I have to go. I must go without question.

No matter what the goddess says, I have to go.

However, I’m still worried.

Thanks to the casino, the Earl Aikid’s intention for throwing the party became even more uncertain.

Is it really possible for a fallen noble family to host a party for pleasure, not for a penance show?

No matter how I think about it, it’s too suspicious.

“But I really want to go to the casino… What should I do?”

If only I could guarantee my safety, I would definitely go.

Oh, I just remembered that they give coins if you bring a partner. Maybe I should hire a strong person as my escort?

“Eureka! That’s a great idea!”

I should hire a strong person right away!

It’s better to hire someone I know, and the strongest person I know is…


“So, you’ve come to see me.”

“Yes, indeed, Your Grace.”

No matter how much I think about it, the strongest person I know is none other than Lecia.

She single-handedly subdues low-level demon groups, and she even helps me for free when I earnestly ask.

With the amount of money I have now, I can only afford to hire a beginner mercenary like Eric, so Lecia is the only suitable talent that comes to mind.

That’s why I came to the Cathedral of the Thousand Gods with the invitation in hand.

“It’s indeed strange for a fallen noble to throw such a grand party. In case of any unexpected situation, I’ll conduct an undercover investigation… Alright. Let’s go together, Priestess.”

“Yes, of course!”

I managed to persuade Lecia with some well-chosen words.

Of course, I will actually conduct an undercover investigation, but I am almost certain to be stuck in the casino.

“However, can you explain why you ran away when we met again after a long time?”

“Ah… you might not know about the holy maiden of the Heavenly Church, but the Earthly Church has legally designated restricted hours. I had to escape to make it in time somehow.”

“I see. I thought you ran away to avoid me because you didn’t know about that law.”

That’s correct.

Well, anyway, the remaining period on the invitation is about a month.

Imagining the splendid gamble that would unfold then, I held the invitation close to my heart.

From Noble mtl dot com

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