What he wanted was to untie Wanda's knot, not just to make her forget her painful memories temporarily.

As the fierce flames engulfed the small living room, Arno's face was illuminated by the orange-red flames.

The flames swept over Arno, and he was unscathed.

Even his clothes only had a few bullet holes shot by the rebels.

But the family of four in the small home did not have the same iron body and biological stance as him.

The missile landed right on the sofa where the parents of the two children were sitting.

The warm little home was gone, replaced by a ruin and two charred bodies.

The two children didn't know whether it was good luck or other reasons, but they were just hit by the shock wave and suffered minor injuries.

They didn't have time to be too sad, and they heard the piercing air defense alarms and violent explosions outside.

Without the protection of her parents, little Wanda was confused and terrified.

Until Pietro pulled up Wanda, who was sitting on the ground, and the two hid together in the ruins, the only place they could hide was under the bed.

They held each other's hands tightly, their eyes full of fear.

Misfortunes never come alone, bad things will never let you go just because you are pitiful.

A missile with Stark Industries printed on it fell not far from the brother and sister again.

I don't know whether it is lucky or unlucky.

The missile did not explode immediately, but the red light shining on it was like the scythe of the god of death, constantly approaching.

Waiting for death is always more terrible than death itself.

They had no way to escape, the only passage ahead was blocked by missiles and rubble.

They could only helplessly pray for God's blessing under the bed.

Arno was like a bystander, witnessing the whole process.

"This is Wanda's heart knot..."

He sighed in his heart. In a cruel war, the most hurt are always civilians.

He felt guilty about Wanda's experience, but only because of his love for Wanda.

Weapons are not right or wrong, only the people who use weapons are wrong.

In the timeline where Wanda was, he was no longer in charge of Stark Industries.

He spent most of his time outside the Earth basking in the sun. At that time, Stark Industries was managed by Tony.

And Tony was also a person who didn't like to take charge of things, so the arms export business was basically managed by Obadiah.

This batch of weapons was probably sold to the rebels by Obadiah.

Drop! Drop! Drop!

In the sound of life-threatening red light, little Wanda gave up praying to the incompetent God.

A red light flashed in her eyes, and her hand slowly reached out to the missile.

A trace of invisible energy invaded the missile, and after a moment, the shining red light on the missile disappeared.

Arno looked through the inside of the missile and saw that the original structure of the missile had been forcibly changed, so it lost its effect.

Otherwise, with the workmanship of Stark Industries, there would be no duds.

"Has the ability been awakened at this time? It seems that the knot ends here."

It's time for him to appear.

Arno walked into the hut. He pushed aside the huge rubble in front of him like foam and walked in.

He came to the two people who were still full of fear and dared not come out.

The light in front of the two people who were afraid was suddenly covered, and they couldn't help but look up.

A tall figure turned his back to the fire outside the house, so they couldn't see the face of the person coming.

In the eyes of the brother and sister, He stretched out a broad palm to them.

Appeared in front of them like a god.

"You, do you want to come with me?"

The brother and sister stared blankly at the tall figure covered with holy light, and finally slowly stretched out their hands.

A red light flashed, and in an instant, the brother and sister were already fifteen years old.

The three people were no longer surrounded by ruins, but a dilapidated rooftop.

The boy and girl sat in the dilapidated shed on the rooftop, staring blankly at the tall man in the sun.

This dilapidated shed was their temporary home. It was biting in winter and hot in summer, and even homeless people disdained to live there.

Living here is simply torture, it is better to lie on a park chair.

But it is not okay for the boy.

He doesn't care, but his sister must not spend the night in a dangerous park.

At the age of fifteen, other children of his age are still growing up carefree in college.

And he has taken on the responsibility of a man, and needs to consider the food, clothing and safety of his sister.

But he and his sister are illegal residents, and they have no stable living conditions, so no one will formally hire him.

In this shitty country, you can't even find a decent job without your own house.

It's ridiculous.

So the boy can only rely on odd jobs and occasional free food and supplies distributed by caring people to survive.

The boy is not very old, but he has dyed his hair silver, looking like a gangster掩饰着这副年轻面容下脆弱的自己。











Arno stroked her hair and said softly: "Wanda, weapons are neither right nor wrong, only people are wrong.

If there is no Stark missile that day, there will be missiles from Hammer Industries and others. As long as there are still people who want to start a war, the war will still come."

Wanda's face was still a little tangled: "But if Stark Industries hadn't sold missiles to the rebels, the missiles might not have landed on our house..."

Arno shook his head: "You are right, there is indeed such a possibility. Then I have good news for you. I just killed the person who sold weapons to the rebels at noon. It can be regarded as revenge for you. . "

Wanda stared at Arno blankly, and said stupidly: "But isn't the president your brother Tony Stark? You...you crushed him to death?"

Arno flicked Wanda's forehead with a smile: "What are you thinking, Tony never sells weapons to terrorists, these are all done without his knowledge by Obadiah Stani, the third largest shareholder of Stark Industries."

"I believe you also know that Tony's life and death in Afghanistan is unknown. I came back this time to rescue Tony and clean up the traitors in Stark Industries, including Obadiah who sold weapons to the rebels. "

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