"...I like Sister An Xin."

As soon as Lu Ge finished speaking, Mu Qingling stood up with an indignant look on her face.

Especially seeing Lu Ge's serious look, his love for An Xin didn't seem fake, Mu Qingling felt a twitch in her heart, very unwilling and uncomfortable.

But she didn't say anything else, after getting up and leaving the ward, she wanted to duel with An Xin!

It must be that the despicable An Xin did something to Lu Ge, which led to Lu Ge's inappropriate feelings for An Xin!

It must be that Lu Ge was too simple and ignorant, and was eaten up by An Xin and helped her count money!

She must rescue Lu Ge from An Xin!

After Mu Qingling left, Yuanyi wanted to say something to Lu Ge. Although she and Lu Ge were not close, Lu Ge was her life-bound person and had always attracted her.

As long as she didn't see Lu Ge for a day, she couldn't stop thinking about Lu Ge, and... she also wanted to ask Lu Ge to help her recover her magic power as soon as possible.

Because her hometown of Nihon has been hit by frequent earthquakes and tsunamis recently, and even Mount Fushi has shown signs of eruption. Her master has asked her many times to find the person who is bound by fate to recover her magic power as soon as possible, and go back as soon as possible to use the magic power to stabilize the disaster from the deep sea.

"Classmate Yuanyi, let's talk about it later. I'm tired now and want to rest."

Lu Ge spoke before Yuanyi. He knew what Yuanyi wanted to say. Looking at the beautiful girl with long legs and thin waist in front of him, he still refused.

He had no obligation to help her. He also knew that Nihon was being invaded by dark creatures. In the news, Nihon suddenly suffered so many natural disasters.

It was all done by those dark creatures and deep-sea mutant creatures. It was also Nihon's own fault...


Yuanyi opened his mouth, and a pair of gemstone-like eyes flashed a hint of loss, but Lu Ge really needed to rest now.

"Student Lu Ge, I won't disturb you to rest, but... I still hope you can give me a chance, thank you!"

Yuan Yi crossed her hands in front of her and bowed to Lu Ge 90 degrees sincerely, her face full of expectation.

But Lu Ge just remained silent.

Yuan Yi could only leave the ward disappointed.

Looking at the message sent by the master again, Yuan Yi looked back at the closed door, and a trace of struggle flashed across her delicate face.

"Ahem! If there is nothing else, please leave for a while, Mr. Lu Ge's safety will be protected by us!"

At this time, the people from the Demon Extermination Department were already guarding outside the ward, and even many people from the Demon Extermination Department came secretly to the entire hospital.


Yuan Yi also noticed that the 19th floor seemed to be controlled by the people from the Demon Extermination Department.

Helplessly, she had to put away the little thoughts that had just arisen and turned around and left here.

Lu Ge in the ward heard Xiao Xia's message: 'Lu Ge, how should I put it... things suddenly changed, that is... the timeline of this world may have changed. '

'Huh? ? ? '

'The timeline seems to have been advanced by three years... the parallel world at this time will enter the era of doomsday prophecy, and dark creatures will invade the human world.

And the mutant creatures caused by human activities will also invade the human world, and humans will enter the doomsday era, and the world witch will be the guardian of humans...'

Xiao Xia called up the timeline of this parallel world, which showed the development trend of this world.


After reading it, Lu Ge was silent and didn't know what to say.

Finally, he asked: 'So what? Am I going to be the savior? '

But isn't this a world where women are strong and men are weak? Shouldn't the savior be a woman?

He is a man with no power, so he should just lie down and fish.

'Ahem, according to the development trend of the world, the witch is the savior, and you are the key to the witch's magic recovery, so... you understand? ’

Xiao Xia told Lu Ge about the cause and effect. In fact, the end of the world has come, and he doesn’t have to worry about his safety.

Just because he is the key to unlock the witch’s magic, this identity will make him the safest man in the world!

Although he feels like a tool, for the survival of all mankind, no one will care about his feelings.

But... he will also become the most dangerous man in the world, because if those dark creatures know that he can restore the witch's witch, the dark creatures will definitely kill him at all costs.


After listening to Xiao Xia's analysis, Lu Ge felt that he was trapped in a routine.

'What about my main task? '

It's almost the end of the world, who will take the exam?

'As usual, although the timeline is advanced, the order of the human world will not collapse all at once. '

'At the beginning, there will only be some natural disasters,For example, wildfires, blizzards, high and low temperatures, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. ’

‘Fortunately, the geographical location of the Magic City is not bad, and natural disasters will not affect here so quickly. Maybe the high and low temperatures will have some impact, but we can still go to work, attend classes and take exams as usual. ’Xiao Xia said lightly.

But Lu Ge began to wear a mask of pain.

No wonder the temperature has changed so quickly recently. Yesterday, the sun was shining brightly and I was sweating from the heat. Today, I feel the autumn wind is bleak, and the slight chill is accompanied by light rain and I am shivering from the cold!

And the end of the world is coming soon, but he still has to study for exams. Who understands this!

Thinking of this, Lu Ge called Mu Yan and asked Mu Yan to bring the study materials to him for study.

When Mu Yan heard Lu Ge’s study requirements, he asked if Lu Ge’s brain was sick?

He was so sick and weak, and there were so many goddess sisters to worship him, what else did he need to learn?

But Mu Yan still brought the study materials that Lu Ge wanted.

When he handed a 500g USB flash drive to Lu Ge, he said with a winking look:

"Lu Ge, can you do this now? Don't exhaust yourself in studying, it's not worth it!"

Mu Yan wanted to persuade Lu Ge, but Lu Ge insisted on studying.

Although Lu Ge felt strange that Mu Yan only brought a USB flash drive, he didn't think too much about it.

Maybe the USB flash drive was filled with classic questions and knowledge points?

But when he took out the USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer, after clicking on the file, a vivid and exciting picture played on the computer screen, accompanied by some hesitant noises...

"Mu Yan, you dead change! What I want is the five-year GK three-year simulation test questions! You show me this?"

Lu Ge was so angry that he wanted to smash the computer, but the computer was innocent too!

"Didn't you say you wanted study materials?"

Mu Yan jumped aside and retorted.

For this 500g, he even lost face and went to several exes to ask for it!


Lu Ge was really about to laugh at Mu Yan. If he wanted to see this, would he need to watch these short videos?

That's fine. Before Lu Ge could turn off the computer, a beautiful elf-like girl suddenly came in from outside the ward...


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