"Elfrey, what do you want? Can't you just let me go?"

Lu Ge was lifted up in the air by her and was quickly breaking through the border of Dragon Country, while Long Kui, who received the news from behind, was chasing him with murderous intent.

The large number of bats were constantly buried in the sea of ​​fire, which was particularly spectacular.

In order to snatch Lu Ge, Elfrey's subordinates suffered heavy casualties, but she was still unwilling to give up on him!

"Lu Ge, don't be so naive, okay? If I let you go, I will lose a lot of money?"

Elfrey didn't feel sorry for her subordinates at all. When her strength was improved, she would have the ability to restore and train no matter how many subordinates she lost now.

But if she gave up Lu Ge, she would lose everything!

"Although you captured me, you can't trap me for long now."

Lu Ge was not panicked. Now that his main task was completed, he had a three-day buffer period and could leave this parallel world at any time.

Go to other worlds to earn points, and then improve your strength enough to come back. Elfrey can't catch him at all!

"Haha, you are in my hands now, and you are still stubborn?"

Elfrey didn't think so, but looking at the fierce and murderous trouble behind, she privately urged Andre to help.

But Andre also wanted to scold his father at this time, because in addition to Long Kui, a witch who came to support, another witch Lin Xiyao also came back.

Her extreme cold storm pressed Andre to move, and he couldn't even go to support.

That's it. After learning that Lu Ge was kidnapped, An Xin and the Demon Extermination Department cooperated to develop a new weapon. Although it has not been tested, she still took it out.

When the people of the Demon Extermination Department took the new weapon and found that the thick-skinned werewolves were easily penetrated by the new weapon, they were instantly excited.

They all started various rigorous training since childhood, and their hand and foot skills can fight one against a hundred.

The reason why he was beaten by the werewolves before was because his weapons could not penetrate the werewolves' thick skin.

But now he changed his weapons, and he could kill them one by one. In addition, Mu Qingling and the Taoist magic masters were holding various talismans and buffs, so they soon fought back.

Seeing this, Andre's face became more and more ugly. When did the weak humans in their eyes become so powerful?

Now let alone supporting Elfrey, Andre found that he could not protect himself.

Because it also underestimated Lin Xiyao's strength. Not only was her ice magic powerful, she was also a Taoist magic master. Various sky thunders and palm thunders were her specialties.

While tearing Andre with ice magic, a few sky thunders hit Andre, and Andre was charred.

Andre was the weakest second S king, how could he be the opponent of the three S witch, especially now that Lin Xiyao was still in a rampage state!

Elfrey didn't see Andre's response for a long time, and her face became more and more ugly. She was about to be caught up by Long Kui.

She sped up and called for other kings for support.

Because Long Kui and Lin Xiyao returned to defend, the five kings in front joined forces to attack. Yuanyi and Elena couldn't resist, and a gap was exposed in the border wall.

For a while, countless dark creatures rushed in, and those kings also broke in one after another.

One of the kings who had a good relationship with Elfrey quickly went to support after receiving Elfrey's request for help...

Because the seven kings joined forces to erode, the situation began to become serious. Now they humans have only awakened five witches, and it is obvious that they cannot beat the seven kings.

So the Dragon Kingdom could only increase its efforts to find the other two witches...

"Elfrey, how come you are so embarrassed by a witch?"

After the demon king Astis came to Elfrey's aid in time, he couldn't help but laugh at her being chased by a witch.

As the kings of dark creatures, their strength is generally higher than that of a single witch.

The reason why witches are so powerful is that they need 7 people to work together to mobilize the power of natural rules to suppress their kings.

Now there are only 5 witches, and their power is incomplete, so witches usually can't beat them alone.

Because the magic power of witches will be consumed, while their dark kings will not be consumed.

So Astis saw Elfrey, the triple S king, being chased by a witch so embarrassed, and felt that she was too useless.

"Oh, is this the weakness of the witch you mentioned? She's a little succubus!"

Soon the Demon King found out that Lu Ge had the blood of a succubus, and that meant she was a subject of the Demon King and would obey her orders unconditionally!

"Little succubus, how about obeying the King's orders?"

After the Demon King said that, he wanted toHe reached out his hand, but was knocked away by Elfrey.

"Astis, he is mine." Elfrey declared her sovereignty in a cold tone.

"Hey, Elfrey, if you like succubi, I have quite a few under my command. If you want one, just say oh to me and I'll give you a few."

The demon king saw that Elfrey was protecting her child, so he did not forcefully enslave Lu Ge, the little succubus.

"Hmph, I only have him."

Elfrey snorted coldly, and then hugged Lu Ge tightly in her arms, looking at Astis vigilantly.


But Lu Ge, who was having difficulty breathing, wanted to avoid her generous heart.

After a while, Long Kui caught up with him. Seeing the two dark kings appear, she frowned, holding the red flame knife tightly in her hand, and her expression was solemn.

"Tsk tsk, it's just a succubus, I won't fight with you for it, you should think about how to kill these annoying witches." The demon king said disdainfully.

At the same time, her eyes fell on Long Kui: "Fire Witch... This temperature really makes me hate it!"

"Hmph, you better let Lu Ge go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Long Kui is now one against two, and is not a match, but she saw Lu Ge being hijacked, even if she can't beat him, she will fight!

"Is it so lively? Then I came at the right time!"

As soon as the voice fell, a black vortex suddenly appeared beside Elfrey.

Then a tall woman in a tight black robe with complex silver runes embroidered on the robe.

It can be seen that she has a slender figure and elegant curves, and her skin also presents a cold paleness.

Her face is delicate and beautiful, with a high nose bridge and rosy lips, like a blooming rose, and a faint smile hanging at the corner of her mouth.

Her eyes were deep and bright, and she wore a pair of tassel earrings on her pointed ears. At the same time, she had a dark aura and looked strange.

"Dark Elf King, Alice!"

Seeing the tall beauty who suddenly appeared, facing the three kings opposite, Long Kui was shocked, and the difficulty of snatching Lu Ge from Elfrey was greatly increased.

For a moment, she was at a disadvantage and did not dare to act rashly.

"Hey! Elfrey, this... succubus in your hand? Can you show it to me?"

Alice glanced at Long Kui. A fire witch? No threat.

So her eyes fell on Lu Ge. Although he was now in the form of a succubus, Alice felt a familiar breath on him.

So without waiting for Elfrey to refuse, she reached out and snatched Lu Ge to her.

Looking at Alice's eyes, Lu Ge felt a majesty from his bloodline, and then his succubus form faded, and the next moment he turned into a male elf.

However, compared with the dark and gloomy aura of Alice, the aura of the elves on him was very pure and friendly.

"So you have the blood of elves... In one body, there are the blood of humans, demons, and elves. It's incredible. I really want to dissect and study it!"

After seeing Lu Ge's pure and gentle appearance after turning into an elf, Alice's smile deepened, but a strange look flashed in her eyes.

She was originally a pure elf, but she chose to fall for the sake of powerful power, and she also killed all the pure elves.

Now there is another pure elf, and she has the idea of ​​catching him back to study carefully, why can he still integrate the dark demon blood in his body.

"Alice, he is mine!"

However, Elfrey took Lu Ge back and declared sovereignty again.


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