Deadpool spread his hands: "Please, have you forgotten that I am your personal bodyguard, and I will be wherever you are~"

Tony pointed at his own armor, and then pointed at the low-quality tights on Deadpool and said speechlessly:

"Do you think I need protection? And are you sure that this thing can protect me?"

"Then I don't care. Master Arnold said that your flesh under this steel suit is still extremely fragile. He gave me a basic salary of 10 million a year and asked me to protect you closely. Close~Oh~"

Deadpool deliberately emphasized the word "close" and made a heart shape to Tony with his butt sticking out.

Tony felt nauseous and looked at his red armor, and then at Deadpool's red tights.

For the first time, he thought whether he should change the color of his Mark series.

This pervert has defiled this color, and he feels like vomiting when he sees it!

"Then don't follow me, go back to the manor, I will still give you 10 million every year!"

Deadpool said slowly: "No, Arno also said that he will give me an extra 10 million for every fatal injury he blocked for you~

And if I dare to go back, he will let me experience the feeling of flying head again~"

Tony finally couldn't help it after hearing this, and said to Deadpool:

"Fuck! You @#¥%……&"

Deadpool was not to be outdone:

"Oh thank you! How can you curse so badly, I *&……%¥#@"

Wanda and Pietro on the side covered their faces and said that they were ashamed to look at these two people with worrying qualities.


Until a dull loud noise came, it interrupted the magic bombardment between Tony and Deadpool.


Then a huge wave of wind and waves swept towards them.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Tony reacted quickly, and the side armor of his legs immediately unfolded the support, and his legs were firmly fixed on the ground!

And Tony pulled Pietro and Wanda tightly to prevent them from being blown away by the wind and waves.

But Deadpool was not so lucky. Tony only had two hands and could not pull up a third person.

And even if he could pull, Tony might not pull this bastard who disgusted him.


With a long scream from Deadpool, he gradually went away with the wind.

Tony and the other two did not even look at the flying Deadpool.

Instead, they stared closely at the two people who caused the storm in the battlefield ahead.

Or one person and one monster!

I saw Arno and Hulk holding their hands together, wrestling constantly!

The ground around their feet began to crack inch by inch because of the force of both sides, and it was still sinking!

It was as if the earth could not bear their extreme power that did not belong to the human world!

And the powerful storm just now was only caused by the collision of their power!

"Yes, it's much more powerful than the Abomination, but it's not enough!"

Arno, who is 1.95 meters tall, is undoubtedly a small man in front of the Hulk who is more than 3 meters tall.

But body size has never been the decisive factor of strength in the supernatural world!

Arno left the ground and slowly surpassed Hulk's height, looking down at Hulk.

Hulk obviously didn't like the feeling of being looked down upon by a small man, and kept trying to pull Arno down with both hands.

But even if he used all his strength, Arno remained motionless in mid-air.

Seeing that Hulk's green face was flushed with strength, Arno couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

Just let him pull it down for the sake of this kid's hard work.

Do it as you think, Arno was pulled over by the force of Hulk's downward pull.

But before Hulk was happy, Arno suddenly raised his head and headbutted Hulk's big head!

Boom! ! !

With a muffled sound, Hulk fell to the ground, with a big bump on his forehead.

But the extreme anger did not make him faint, but made him stronger.


With the big bump on his forehead, Hulk stretched out his huge palm angrily, grabbed Arno in the air and threw him to the ground.

Then he raised his fists to the fallen Arno and started to punch him left and right crazily, performing the Hulk version of military boxing!

Where you fall, lie there for a while.

Arno lay on the ground, raised his hands and leisurely blocked every punch from Hulk.

The strength is okay, just right for massaging yourself.

But there are too many flaws, just like a child's random punching.

There is no technical content at all, the main point is a miracle with great force.

There is some disappointment in Arno's eyes, it seems that Abomination and Hulk can't let him fight well.

Not only is the strength not enough for him, but even the IQ is not good enough.

In this case, then... let's end it.

Two hands suddenly grabbed accuratelyHulk's fists were blocked.

Then Hulk immediately felt a piercing pain in his wrist.

Arno slowly rose into the air, twisted Hulk's wrist and made him kneel on one knee involuntarily!

He looked at the kneeling Hulk indifferently, just like a king looking at his subjects who surrendered to him.

Although Hulk was stupid, he was not smart either.

But he had a strong self-esteem. He ignored the pain in his wrist and stood up with a twisted face despite the risk of breaking his wrist!

Hulk's painful and twisted but still stubborn appearance made Arno feel a little bit sorry.

He was just a child who looked a little mentally retarded. He just wanted to stand up. What was wrong with him!

With this guilty mentality, Arno decided to kindly help Hulk eliminate the pain.

"Good night, Hulk."

After saying good night, Arno punched Hulk's head hard, intending to let Hulk try his own hypnosis method that worked all the time.

But unexpectedly, Hulk opened his mouth and roared at this time.


Bang! ! !

Crack! ! !

Three completely different sounds were heard.

Looking at Hulk who fell into a baby-like sleep but had broken teeth all over the floor, Arno fell into deep thought.

Hulk was quite obedient, he really didn't want to break his neat teeth.

Forget it, with Hulk's recovery ability, his teeth should grow back.


Looking at Hulk whose body gradually shrank back to the state of an ordinary person, Arno was a little uncertain.

Thump thump thump-------

The sound of helicopter propellers came, and General Ross jumped off the helicopter.

Many military armored vehicles drove around, and a large number of soldiers surrounded him.

General Ross walked forward with his head held high, showing Arno his usual arrogant attitude towards arms dealers, and said in a commanding tone:

"Arno Stark, thank you for helping the military subdue these two monsters!

But their affairs are confidential, I must take these two monsters back and imprison them personally.

Oh, and you, as the person involved, also need to go back with us to assist in the investigation!"

Without waiting for Arno to reply, he waved his hand and asked people to take away Bronski and Banner who had regained their human form.

In his opinion, these arms dealers are just dogs raised by the military, and there is no reason for the owner to need the consent of the dog he raises to do things.

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