Loki's eyes widened in disbelief.

"How is this possible!!!"

He waited in the control center of the Rainbow Bridge for a long time until Laufey and the Midgard strongman were "both injured".

He caught the right moment and fired the fatal blow of the Rainbow Bridge at the perfect time. He couldn't think of any way to avoid this shot except perfect virtualization!

The fact was indeed as he expected. They did not dodge. The beam of the Rainbow Bridge successfully hit the two people, and Laufey was also wiped out.

Asgard has lost a big enemy since then, and there is no threat from the Frost Giants!

But what frightened and shocked him was that the strong man of Midgard actually withstood the star destroyer attack of the Rainbow Bridge with his flesh!

Even then, he could only use his own energy rays to compete with the energy attack of the Rainbow Bridge!

You know, the Rainbow Bridge gathers the energy of the entire Asgard, and his energy alone can actually compete with it. Is there a planet in his body? !

Loki panicked.

If Arno smashed the ice meteorite that could destroy a country, he still had the confidence to kill him with the Rainbow Bridge.

But when his final resort, the Rainbow Bridge, his biggest trump card, was held up by this man with his body, he felt desperate.

It seems that no creature can withstand the blow of the Rainbow Bridge!

But the fact is that the Rainbow Bridge is really useless to the Midgard strongman now.

It's over, it's completely over. If the Rainbow Bridge is useless, then other means are even more useless.

Loki let go of the long sword that controlled the Rainbow Bridge in his hand in a daze, and his steps kept retreating, feeling panic and regret in his heart.

He was panicked by Arno's powerful strength.

He regretted provoking an invincible strongman for Asgard.

After the impulse, there was endless regret and a little bit of luck.

Not only did he regret that he had provoked such a powerful enemy under his irrational impulse, but he also felt a little lucky that his brother Thor was not really killed by him.

As for the reason, it may be that he himself dare not face it. He still loves his brother and every member of his family.

Buzz buzz buzz——————————————

Suddenly, a sound of being overwhelmed came from the Rainbow Bridge. Loki stopped retreating and looked at it.

The next moment, his eyes widened even more.

I saw a black shadow in the colorful beam of destruction of the Rainbow Bridge quickly going upstream.

He followed the network cable to find it! ! !

Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

Arno released an unprecedented huge heat vision to resist the attack of the Rainbow Bridge, pushing it back into the sky, saving the earth from destruction.

But the energy attack of the Rainbow Bridge is endless. Although he still has enough strength in his body, plus the sun's shining, he can basically keep stalemate with the Rainbow Bridge.

But he doesn't have the time to compete with the Rainbow Bridge to see whose energy will be exhausted first.

So he simply concentrated the energy of the heat vision at one point, broke a channel, and went upstream directly along the beam of the Rainbow Bridge!

The Rainbow Bridge is not only a weapon that can destroy planets, but also a space device that can be teleported to any corner of the universe.

Even if it is in the Star Destroyer mode, the space energy cannot be turned off.

In other words, in theory, as long as your body is strong enough in the Star Destroyer mode, you can also withstand this destructive energy and teleport to Asgard in reverse.

It's just that no one has ever done this before, and it is impossible to do it.

But Arno is going to break this impossibility today!


In the rainbow beam, a tall black shadow rushed out, like a sharp sword, directly smashing the entire central operating console.

Arno's black battle suit has been tattered by the energy of the Rainbow Bridge. The upper body battle suit has almost disappeared, revealing his sculpted muscles, and there are many charred burns on his body.

But although it looks very embarrassed, it is actually just a superficial injury. The epidermis is just a little burned by the energy of the Rainbow Bridge. It is not even a wound for him.

He stood up from the ruins, shaking his head. The burns on his body were visibly healed, and the red light in his eyes slowly extinguished.

But because he had been running for too long and the power was too high, Arno's eye sockets were now full of red veins, making him look as hideous as a demon.

Suddenly, Arno reached out to grab the air on the right without warning.

Loki, holding a golden spear, was directly strangled by Arno's neck and hung in the air, forcing him to emerge from the invisible state.

Invisibility has no effect in his eyes, unless it is completely invisible at the physical level.

Arno looked at Loki and said with some contempt: "Ha, childish little tricks, are you Loki?"

Loki was not deprived of his divine power, but in his eyes, this so-called god of trickery, except for some tricks, physical elementsThe quality is almost the same as that of the Frost Giant.

Loki's face flushed, Arno's contemptuous eyes reminded him of the contemptuous attitude of the Asgard warriors towards him, the God of Trickery.

He grabbed Arno's arms with both hands, endured the huge pressure on his neck, and said word by word with difficulty:

"I am a god... I am... the God King!"

"You have some backbone, but you are too weak."

Arno admired his courage, and he still insisted on calling himself a god in the face of death.

But this alone could not change his fate of dying in his own hands.

Although he felt an inexplicable familiarity with Loki in his heart, as if he had seen him somewhere, that was it.

Arno tightened his fingers, ready to end Loki's miserable life.


There was a crisp sound, but it was not the sound of Loki's neck being twisted.

Loki in his hand disappeared, replaced by Gungnir, which Loki had held before and was ready to attack him.

Arno turned his eyes and looked behind him.

A white-haired, one-eyed old man was standing next to Loki, who was kneeling on the ground and coughing.

Arno looked the old man up and down and raised his eyebrows:

"You are not bad. The seal on Thor's hammer must have been made by you, Odin, the father of the gods."

He felt the same sense of impenetrability from this old man as on Thor's hammer, and Odin was the only one in the God Realm who could have such strength.

Odin looked at Arno with complicated eyes, relieved and helpless:

"Child, stop, everything is over, Loki will get the punishment he deserves."

"Heh, punishment?"

Arno chuckled and looked at Odin indifferently.

"Let me do it!"


Gungnir was thrown out by Arno without warning, and almost instantly pierced Loki's heart.

Loki immediately touched his "pierced" heart in panic, but found that there was no wound.

Arno narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Gungnir in Odin's hand.

Odin smiled slightly: "Using my weapon to kill my son, this is probably unlikely."

"That makes sense. Your weapon won't work, but can you stop me?"

Arno floated slightly in the air, and the red veins in his eyes that had not completely disappeared ignited red light again.

Although he had just experienced a great battle, he was not afraid of Odin at this moment!


Loki held up his trembling hands. Although his heart was full of fear and anxiety, he still stood up resolutely and looked at Arno with a firm look.

Arno looked at Loki, who seemed to have made up his mind, and asked with interest: "Oh? Your Majesty the "God King" is going to be my opponent in person, instead of hiding behind your father and crying?"

This time, Loki ignored Arno's slightly sarcastic words, but looked at Odin with tears in his eyes and said sadly:

"Father, I hope you can understand that everything I did was for you and for Asgard..."

"I just hope to get your real recognition once, even if it's just once..."

Odin frowned, and felt a little uneasy when he noticed something wrong in Loki's tone.

"Loki, don't do stupid things, I can solve it."

"No, not this time, I've caused too much trouble, your divine power has reached its limit, fighting with such a strong man will only accelerate your death, my fault should be solved by me..."

Odin felt even more uneasy, and reached out to grab Loki, but his hand was empty, and he only grabbed a clone phantom.

"I've learned my mother's illusions quite well."

Loki appeared at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge and gave Odin an ugly smile, then looked at Arno resolutely:

"Everything in Midgard was done by me personally, and has nothing to do with Asgard. I hope you won't take your anger out on Asgard."

"No, Loki!"

Odin had guessed what Loki wanted to do, and with a flash of golden divine power, he rushed towards Loki.

"With my death, I will appease your anger..."

Loki looked at Odin with nostalgia for the last time, and resolutely jumped off the Rainbow Bridge and fell into the turbulent space.

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