As early as more than a year ago, when Tony announced that he was Iron Man, Ivan Vanko had been planning his revenge plan.

The original blueprint of the Ark Reactor was originally designed by his father and Tony Stark's father.

Therefore, he could also make the Ark Reactor that Tony could make, and he could solve the most difficult energy problem.

The remaining steel shell was a piece of cake for him. All he lacked was professional equipment and a lot of money.

His place was so simple that it could not be called a laboratory, but a grocery store. He certainly could not build a mecha that could avenge Tony Stark.

So he needed a sponsor to provide funds and equipment to help him complete the manufacture of the mecha.

After several investigations, he really found an extremely suitable candidate for the victim.

That is Hammer Industries, which has always regarded Stark Industries as a target and competitor.

Especially now that Justin Hammer, the helmsman of Hammer Industries, is extremely envious and jealous of Tony Stark, and even imitates Tony in his dress, speech and behavior.

He was 100% sure that he could easily control the other party.

Sure enough, after he took out the crude version of the Ark Reactor, Justin Hammer was manipulated by him like a stupid dog and obediently provided him with funds.

Although he hired guards who were called bodyguards but were actually monitors to look after him.

But those simple-minded idiots with less developed limbs could not understand what he was doing at all.

He was allowed to make these mechas that he thought belonged to Hammer Industries, but were actually his revenge tools.

With the support of Hammer Industries' money, he quickly made mechas and began to mass-produce them.

But just when his mechas were almost ready and it was time to implement the key revenge plan.

He, who was always paying attention to Tony Stark, noticed a hint of abnormality in the Abomination incident a few months ago.

Although most of the news about the Abomination incident was blocked by the military, there was still a small part that could not be intercepted.

For example, before the military implemented the blockade of the scene, the crowd secretly filmed the battle between Abomination and Iron Man.

With his skills, even if the videos posted online were quickly deleted by the authorities, he still found them.

Of course, he saw the battle between Tony and Abomination.

Obviously, Tony in the video was no match for Abomination.

Then the interesting thing came, how did Tony deal with the extremely powerful Abomination later?

With his obsession with Tony, it was impossible for him not to want to know this.

So he hacked into the military archives and found the military video records of that time.

Then he saw another powerful green monster, and...

That god-like powerful man.

After using the network of Hammer Industries to query all the information about this man.

But he only got a name, the former president of Stark Industries.

Arno Stark.

And when he wanted to query more information, no matter where he searched, it showed top secret.

The level of Hammer Industries was not qualified to query, and his technology could not hack into this level of information.

And even if he could crack it by force, it would alert the enemy.

So he staged an accident and kidnapped one of the directors of Stark Industries by faking his own death.

At first, when the director saw him take out the photo of the man and asked him for information, he refused to tell him anything.

No matter how he tortured him, it was useless.

It wasn't until he brought the director's son and daughter and pulled out their tongues in front of him that the guy finally let go.

And he finally learned the information about the man.

Howard Stark's eldest son, Tony Tucker's brother, and former president of Stark Industries.

A superpower who is as powerful as a god, an invincible existence like Superman in the comics.

Arno Stark!

When he learned the news, to be honest, he was a little desperate with his mind.

With this man around, he had no chance to take revenge on the Stark family.

But his father's death and the decades of resentment he had buried in his heart against the Stark family made it impossible for him to just give up.

So he could only wait for an opportunity and not improve his mecha.

Until now, his mecha has been improved several times by him, and it is much more powerful than the beginning.

Although it is not as good as Tony's suits, which are made of top-grade materials worth hundreds of millions, at least it has been changed from the cheap alloy at the beginning to a more solid alloy.

And God always favors those who work hard, and hard work pays off. Finally, he has waited for it!

Waiting for the arrival of the miracle, the colorful divine light took away the patron saint of the Stark family!

"When God disappears, his believers should"The world will perish..."

Ivan Vanko whispered as he pressed the last button on the keyboard and slowly stood up.

The eyes of all the mechas behind him lit up red at the same time.

"Tony Stark, you are about to lose everything, everything!"

"And I will be the Avenger who ends you and the Stark family!"

Ivan sang loudly and walked towards his last masterpiece.

It was a giant steel armor that was more than four meters tall and more samurai-style than Tony's sci-fi steel armor!

The armor unfolded its chest armor and Ivan stepped in.


The cabin closed, the blue light of the armor's eyes lit up, and two whips shining with electric light popped out from both hands, making a crackling sound of electricity.

This was the gift he carefully prepared for Tony Stark, the undertaker of the Stark family.

"Whip Rope"

"Let's go, target Malibu Villa, Stark Manor!"

Ivan issued the target command he had set long ago.

That's right, he not only wants to kill Tony Stark, he also wants to destroy his home and Arno Stark's manor.

Without God, believers should perish!

Ivan's eyes were crazy, and his foot thrusters started.

In an instant, many mechas behind him soared into the sky from the Hammer Industries factory with him, and then divided into two teams, heading in two different directions!

And he flew alone in one direction.

Malibu beach villa.

Twenty mechas flew from a distance.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——————————

A burst of air-breaking sound came.

Overwhelming missiles flew in.

No harsh words, the first thing they did was a blanket attack.

But how could Tony's villa be bombed by missiles so easily? This is not a Marvel movie.

Puff puff puff————————————

The villa's automatic defense system detected the attack, and countless infrared decoy bombs were fired by Jarvis from every corner of the villa.

The missiles were intercepted, and a series of violent explosions occurred in the air.

The whole villa was shaken by the explosion of so many missiles.

Banner, who was busy in the underground laboratory, held the table with a confused look on his face.

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