"Pepper, convene the board of directors. All directors must be present within an hour. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences. Notify in my name."

"Okay, boss."

Pepper is very efficient.

The directors arrived even faster.

They all arrived in half an hour, sweating profusely.

In the huge conference room, the directors sat down carefully one by one, not daring to make too much noise, as if they were afraid of disturbing the figure in the main seat above who was looking at the documents in his hand.

As the last bald and bearded man, Obadiah, walked into the conference room, all the board members were present.

Dong... Dong... Dong...

Arno looked at the documents in his hand, tapping his fingers on the table, and the crisp sound was like the sickle of the god of death knocking on the gate of hell.

The directors experienced the oppression that Pepper had endured before.

No, to be precise, it was not only oppression, but also fear.

After all, all those who were still alive were members who had experienced the bloody massacre more than a decade ago.

They knew even more about the horror of the real boss behind Stark Industries.

Arnault stopped tapping, put down the document in his hand, looked up at everyone and smiled dangerously:

"Do you know why I called you here this time?"

The air seemed to drop by more than ten degrees in an instant, and all the directors trembled unconsciously.

The last time Arnault laughed like this, more than half of the board members disappeared.

Physically disappeared...

"Oh, no one is talking, right? Then I will nominate myself..."

"Alfred, this name is quite interesting, are you Batman's butler..."

Arnault stood up, walked slowly, walked behind a gray-haired bald director, put his hands on his shoulders and said in a faint tone.

Alfred hurriedly wanted to stand up to show his loyalty, but was held down by Arnault and could not move.

"No, no, no, boss, I am absolutely loyal to Stark Industries, I am absolutely loyal to you, I..."

Arno covered Alfred's mouth and said slowly: "Shh~, I am not asking you if you are loyal now, I know these things myself, I am asking if you are Batman's butler?"

Alfred was covered with his mouth and could not speak, so he could only shake his head silently.

"Oh~ It seems that you are not Batman's butler, and you don't have a master who can kill my master with kryptonite, right?"

Facing the devil's whisper echoing in his ears, Alfred kept breaking down and shaking his head.

The other directors trembled even more, everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to make a sound.

Only Obadiah frowned, and his uneasiness gradually increased.

Because Alfred was his man, and he was also the one who connected the weapons sold to terrorists.

Bang! ! !

The sudden sound scared everyone.

Then they felt wet on their faces, and when they looked up, Alfred was left with only a headless corpse.

His head bloomed on the conference table like a red spider lily...

And everyone's face was stained with the petals of the red spider lily.

People marked by it, like the place where it grows, are in danger of death at any time...

"Look at me, tell me, how dare you attack the Stark family again?"

Arno glanced at everyone expressionlessly, and the strong sense of oppression made people subconsciously want to avoid his sight.

But Arno's next sentence made everyone's necks stiff.

"Look at me, whoever dares to bow his head, he will be the second Alfred!"

"Start speaking now."

The directors were sweating, thinking about their own words, but no one dared to whisper to others, or even turn their heads, and could only stare at Arno with his hands behind his back.

In the end, Obadiah, the third largest shareholder of Stark Industries and a veteran who voluntarily handed over half of his shares in the last cleansing incident, stood up.

"Arno, I am half your uncle, I wonder if you have any misunderstandings?

Maybe you are furious because of Tony's disappearance.

However, our board of directors has held several meetings to discuss how to rescue Tony.

We also fully support Miss Potts in finding a hired team to go to Afghanistan to find Tony's trace.

Trust us, Tony will be fine, we will definitely rescue him!"

Obadiah explained calmly, but the sweat under his ears betrayed his uneasy heart.

"Oh, what should I say, he is really a good uncle of me and Tony, a close friend of my father, the great Obadiah Stani, right?"

Arno narrated the words of praise, walked back to his seat, picked up the document he had just read and raised it.

"Look, do you know what this is?"

Obadiah's heart sank, he hadI have understood something.

"Arno, those materials may not be true. You know there are many people who want to cause internal strife in Stark Industries. Maybe they forged it."

Obadiah made his last struggle, and quietly put his hand in his pocket to hold the infrasonic device.

Arno just glanced at his little action casually, sneered and threw the documents in his hand on the ground casually.

"My dear Uncle Stani, maybe you haven't figured it out yet. I don't need these documents to prove anything.

I just need a list. This is a list, not evidence."

Arno smiled and looked at Obadiah, his eyes gradually red.

"Mike Dees."


Bang! ! !

"Benny Rocky."


Bang! ! !

"Aben Jess."


Bang! Bang! Bang!

As Arno called out the names, the red light made the heads of the directors explode one by one.

"Kate Tran, oh, there is another lady involved, she is so brave."

The female director who had been scared to death finally collapsed when she heard her name.

At this moment, she was crying and kneeling on the ground, kowtowed to Arno.

"I was wrong, I was wrong! I was really wrong!

Please forgive me this time, I was bewitched by Stani, I didn't mean it, I am willing to give you everything I have!

Money, shares, me, and even the entire Tran family will be yours, just forgive me this time!"

Bang bang bang!

With a series of crisp sounds, the ground was soon stained with blood, but she didn't dare to stop kowtowing.

"Nonono, ma'am, don't be like this, you know? I am actually a person who respects women very much."

Arno helped Kate up, put his hand on her bleeding forehead and comforted her softly.

"Oh my God, thank you! Thank you for sparing my life. I swear that my family and I will be loyal to you forever. I..."


The dark red liquid flowed down, and Kate's headless body fell softly.

"I think you misunderstood. I respect women equally. Men and women are equal, right?"

Arno let the blood in his palm drip continuously, and then slowly walked towards Obadiah.

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