
SHIELD Cosmic Cube Base.

Nick Fury looked at the fallen agents with a gloomy face.

Hundreds of people in the entire base fell to the ground.

No one died, but Nick Fury was in a worse mood than if someone died.

Because the Cosmic Cube, the core of the base, was missing!

Also missing were Dr. Eric Selvig, who was responsible for researching the Cosmic Cube, and Clint Barton, the combat agent Hawkeye who was responsible for protecting and monitoring the Cube project.

After a careful investigation of the scene, there were only traces of departure in the entire base, and no trace of invasion.

The surveillance camera screen was completely destroyed by an unknown force, resulting in no clues except for the traces of departure.

But he knew that the thing he was most worried about was coming.

He knew that this time it was not as simple as an invasion and theft from the interior of the earth.

Instead, a threat from outside the earth had arrived!


He thought of the Avengers Plan that was specially formulated to deal with this situation, and his gloomy face was almost purple.

For the Avengers Plan, he originally had a complete list of candidates.

But since he had been inviting people on the list to join in the past two years, he had never succeeded once.

There were six people on the initial list.

The first one to be invited was Tony Stark, a genius scientist, Iron Man, a man with both combat power and wisdom.

But after Tony knew it was him, he didn't even meet Tony, and Pepper told him tactfully that Tony asked him to buy more cotton seeds.

The second one was Bruce Banner, who was as intelligent as Hawking when he was sane, and the most powerful person on earth except Arnold when he was offline.

But Pepper also told him that Dr. Banner felt very satisfied with his current work and life, and he didn't want to work illegally for an agent organization for the time being, especially when the leader was still a black man.

The third one is Thor Odinson, the legendary god of thunder, the next king of Asgard. Although his IQ is not high, his advantage is that he is powerful in combat, and he is even more powerful than Hulk.

But Thor told him directly that Odin asked him to follow Arno to learn more about the qualities of the real Thor. He didn't have time and didn't want to play any house alliance games with him. Moreover, he only cooperated with the strongest people in the world, and he was not worthy.

As for why Odin asked Thor to follow Arno.

The reason is that Thor couldn't find a way to restore the power of Thor two years ago, so he went to ask for help from Arno Stark, who he thought was the most reliable and the most powerful Midgardian.

In the end, after Arno threw him into a refugee camp in the Middle East for a week, he became honest, realized the harm that war would bring to civilians, and successfully took back Thor's hammer.

But it is obvious that Odin is not satisfied with Thor still being the god of hammers, so he asked him to continue to study with Arno and not return to Asgard before making further progress.

The fourth and fifth were the people he had chosen a long time ago, and they were also the two best agents of SHIELD, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. Although their combat power was not particularly high, they had their own skills, which just complemented the skills that others did not have, such as infiltration, assassination, interrogation, etc.

But now one of them was still working for someone because of a sneak attack into a private estate a few years ago, and the other disappeared with the Cosmic Cube.

Now he is sure of the last person on the list.

The sixth person, the old bacon who had just been thawed, Steve Rogers, the famous Captain America, the national hero, the world's first superhero, and the captain he chose.

But now no team members have been recruited, and there is no use for the captain! Although Captain America was once the peak physique of mankind, times have changed now!

Advanced technology, mutant monsters, superpowers, alien invaders, and even legendary gods, all the supermen in the comics appeared one by one, and a peak human being couldn't even make a splash in the midst of them.

Nick Fury rubbed his brows tiredly, and for the first time, he felt a sense of failure.

The Avengers team he originally planned was aborted before it even started.

This was the first time he failed so thoroughly in all his years as the king of spies.

Without the Avengers, how to protect the earth from external threats?

The answer is... he doesn't need to protect it.

Stark Manor.

At this moment, Arnold, Tony, Pepper, Banner, Thor, Natasha, Deadpool, Wanda and Quicksilver, Keya, and many servants of the manor gathered in the hall.

Except for Arnold, Banner, Thor, Wanda, and Keya, everyone else held aLike a potion flowing with red lava.

"Everyone, let's start, drink this perfect Extremis potion, let's complete the evolution together!"

As Tony raised the potion in his hand, everyone present, including Deadpool with superpowers, Quicksilver, and Natasha, who was transformed by the Red House but whose strength was only two or three times that of an ordinary person, also raised the Extremis potion in their hands.

That's right, the Extremis potion is an upgraded version of the Extremis virus.

During the two years of boredom, Arno suddenly remembered that Tony had an enemy in Iron Man 3 in his previous life, and the Extremis virus was successfully developed through Tony's equation.

Although he didn't watch Iron Man 3 in its entirety, he had seen Tony's short video of the tens of billions of steel fireworks, so he also knew a little about the plot of Iron Man 3, so he remembered the Extremis virus.

Based on the compassion of dying early and reborn early.

He used super hearing to find the keyword among the many human voices on Earth, the Extremis virus.

At the same time, Tony's enemy, Aldredge Killian, was also found.

Although according to the timeline, he should have a few years to seek revenge on Tony, so that Tony would set off a fireworks display worth tens of billions, and now he should have no grudges with the Stark family,

But Arnold is obviously not such a wasteful person. Tony's Mark series was all spent on the Stark family's money, okay, rounded up to his money.

And he is not a person who must have a cause before the result, and will not fight back until Killian takes revenge a few years later.

He found Killian that morning and prepared a feast for him before lunch time.

And all those who had been injected with inferior Extremis virus by Killian, as long as they had a criminal record, went down to have a feast with Killian.

And after he asked Dr. Maya to hand over the formula of Extremis virus, it was naturally confiscated by him as his private property.

Or it can be said to be a trophy.

Although Extremis virus is not perfect and full of instability, it still needs continuous use to maintain its effectiveness.

But the advantages are still obvious. First of all, congratulations, you will never be missing limbs again. A knife can kill you when you walk on the street.

Of course, the premise is that you are not unlucky enough to be stabbed by a knife and explode.

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