Tony, holding a wine glass, pointed at himself in confusion:


Before Arno could speak, a familiar voice came from behind Tony.

"No, he was talking about me..."

Future Tony slowly walked out from behind the wall.


Tony spit out a mouthful of wine and stared at future Tony with wide eyes.

"Wardfa! Who are you?!"

Future Tony said helplessly: "I am you, the future you in another parallel universe."

"Parallel universe? That's interesting, how do you prove it?"

Tony raised his eyebrows, raised his right hand to future Tony, and his palm lit up with a lava-like red light.

As long as the next answer of this fake did not satisfy him, he promised to give him a passionate fire bath package.

At the same time, the MK7 armor that he had unblocked and put on standby beside him also followed his action and aimed the palm cannon at future Tony.

Arno did not stop this, leaning on the bar and watching the show with interest.

Tony and future Tony's century-long meeting, this is not in the original book.

Future Tony didn't care about MK7 aimed at him, but frowned and looked at the red light flowing on Tony's arm.

"Extremis virus, you injected Extremis virus?"

"Shut up, this has nothing to do with you!"

Tony yelled at future Tony, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the armor beside him.

"Jarvis, why are there outsiders around, you didn't tell me?"

MK7 turned his head to look at him, and Tony actually saw a touch of humanized doubt from the cold eye display of the armor.

"Sir, because according to my scan, he is you.

Except that the physical state is expected to be your state ten years later without taking the Extremis potion.

No matter which aspect, it shows that he is you."

Tony opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

Although he absolutely trusted Jarvis, this test result was too outrageous.

"Okay, don't embarrass Jarvis. It's actually very easy to prove that I am you..."

Future Tony looked at MK7, or Jarvis who controlled MK7, with his eyes full of memories.

He tapped his chest with his fingers, and countless nanoparticles poured out from the storage core on his chest.

In just a moment, a set of streamlined armor with more red and gold as a supplement appeared on the body of future Tony.

A slightly mechanical voice came from the armor of future Tony:

"Except for ourselves, no one can make such a delicate armor, right?"

Tony looked at the nano armor on future Tony in surprise, and finally smacked his lips and said:

"Okay, you convinced me. This beautiful masterpiece can only be made by a genius like me.

So the future me, this is nano material, right? What generation of armor is this?"

It's no wonder that he believed the other party so easily. It's really that the nano armor on the opposite side that only exists in his mind can never be made by anyone else except himself in the future.

Future Tony took off the nano armor on his body, curled his lips, and said with some pride:

"Yes, this is nano metal, MK85, my latest masterpiece."

Tony nodded in praise, poured a glass of wine for future Tony, and handed it to him:

"Not bad, it seems that no matter which universe I am in, I am the same genius, which is almost the same as what I thought of nano armor."

Future Tony took the wine from Tony and was stunned:

"Huh? You have the idea of ​​nano armor now?"

You should know that he had the idea of ​​nano armor after being inspired by Zhao Hailun's life cradle during the Ultron incident.

And now, there are still three years before the Ultron incident, and six years before the first generation of nano armor is manufactured.

"In fact, I had this idea four years ago.

However, due to technical limitations, it cannot be made yet.

But I have some ideas. I believe that it will not be long before my own nano armor will be on the stage."

Tony also heard from the words of the future Tony that the other party must not have even had the idea of ​​nano armor at his time, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

It seems that although the self in each universe is a genius, the self in this universe is always the most talented one!

However, he did not consult his future self about the production equation of nano armor.

Because he has his pride, he does not need to use anyone's armor plan for reference, even the future self.

He believes that the nano armor that belongs to him in the future will be better than the nano armor made by himself in any universe!

"Okay, let's stop chatting here, so the future me, you don't hesitate to travel to a parallel timeline and go back to the past, why?"

Although Tony still has a lot of things to talk to his future self, butHe also knew that his future self must have traveled through time because of something important.

He knew that time was a double-edged sword.

When you play with time, time will also play with you.

So he would not travel to other timelines unless it was absolutely necessary.

"For the scepter in your hand, and your... uh, the cosmic cube next to my brother."

Future Tony pointed to the mind scepter in Tony's hand, and looked at Arno with a strange look in his eyes.

I didn't expect that I had a brother in this universe.

And looking at his performance in blocking the space wormhole, it is obviously not as simple as an ordinary person.

Frozen breath, thermal vision, and even able to survive in space.

How can this be so similar to...


A loud noise interrupted the thoughts of future Tony.

"Tony, I'm here to help you!"

A strong man holding a shield broke the door and rushed in.

Steve looked at the two Tonys, and the strange looks that Arno and Thor gave him.

Even though he could fight all day, he felt a little embarrassed at this moment.

Damn, why is the scene so harmonious? He thought a fight had started.

He winked at the future Tony and whispered:

"Tony, what's going on? Where's Scott?"

Thor, who was oblivious to the outside world and focused only on the bottle, burped and asked in confusion:

"Burp~ Why are you whispering so secretly? We can all hear it, right?"

Future Tony covered his face and couldn't help thinking, what kind of teammates are these.

Three teammates in a four-person team.

Except for himself, one is mentally retarded, the other is a bit nervous, and only Banner is a little reliable.


Speak of the devil, the devil is here!

Sparks lit up, and a portal opened.

Hulk's not-so-tall body was thrown out of the portal.

Ancient One, wearing a black wizard robe and drinking a drink leisurely in his hand, walked out of the portal.

She smiled slightly: "It seems that I came at the right time. All the uninvited guests in this universe are here."

Steve frowned and unconsciously clenched his shield: "Who are you? What did you do to Banner?!"

Ancient One said lightly: "Me? Just an ordinary Supreme Sorcerer."

Steve was even more confused: "Supreme Sorcerer? Isn't that Strange?"

"You are talking about him. He is not the Supreme Sorcerer yet. It should be said that he is not even a wizard.

If you follow the timeline of your universe, you came five years early.

And for this universe, he is now dating his girlfriend. Whether he will become a wizard in the future is not certain."

Ancient One said at the end and looked at Arno meaningfully.

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