The other eight people were all questioning: ? ? ?

Rod was the first to react, and a machine gun popped out of his shoulder and pointed at Arno.

"No matter who you are, let her go immediately!"

This time he teamed up with Nebula to get the power gem together.

In the process, one of them was a modified cyborg, and the other was an ordinary person who needed to rely on machinery to walk.

The two of them couldn't help but resonate with each other's past, so he was also the one with the biggest reaction among the eight.

Next was Rocket, who had been with Nebula the longest. He took out a rocket launcher from nowhere and pointed it at Arno.

"Hey, tough guy, let her go for me!"

Thor didn't have so much nonsense, seeing that Arno had no intention of letting go.

Without saying anything, he rushed over directly.

He grabbed Arno's arm with both hands and tried to pry open his hand holding Nebula!

But no matter how hard he tried, the hand didn't move at all.

He felt that pulling this man's hand away was even harder than the time when he pulled the Crucible Star Ring with his bare hands in Nidavi!


Thor roared, blue-white lightning flashed in his eyes, and lightning began to shine on his body.

He was going to exert his strength!

The power of thunder burst out, Thor's strength increased greatly, and he also had magic attacks!

"Yes, it's indeed much stronger than when you were the God of Hammer."

Feeling the slight numbness from the arm that Thor grabbed, Arno gave a thumbs up to the fat boy in front of him.

But his brain didn't seem to grow with his strength.

Is he sure he wants to save people from his hands, not kill them?

After Thor's thunder and lightning, he was fine, but the nebula in his hand was smoking.

If he continued to shock for a while, the CPU of the nebula would be burnt.

This won't work, she is still useful.

Arno threw the nebula on the ground and ended her electrotherapy journey.

"Thor, look at this."

The moment Thor raised his fat, bearded face.

The punch that Arno was about to hit him on the face changed direction, and he sent him flying with a liver-blasting punch.

It was a close call, his hand almost touched something dirty!

He was afraid that if he punched Thor in the face, Thor's greasy fat face would burst and get all over his hand.

Ugh, it's so disgusting...

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop it! There must be some misunderstanding!"

Tony saw Thor being beaten and the others were ready to rush forward, so he quickly stopped them in the middle and shouted loudly.

This guy is a ruthless man who can pick up the Infinity Stones with his bare hands without changing his expression.

You know, even Thanos feels uncomfortable holding the Infinity Stones with his bare hands, so the body of his cheap brother is probably beyond their understanding.

Now even the strongest Thor among them is not his opponent, so if the others come up, wouldn't that just be a waste?

Tony still had some credibility, and the other Avengers stopped him.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief, as long as his teammates didn't send him off.

He turned to look at Arno:

"Arno, is there any misunderstanding? The Nebula in our universe has turned over a new leaf, and she is no longer the adopted daughter of Thanos' killer."

He subconsciously thought that Arno attacked Nebula because she was once Thanos' adopted daughter.

"I know, but..."

Arno bent down and lifted Nebula's smoking head up, facing everyone.

"She is the former Nebula, not the Nebula you have turned over a new leaf."


Everyone was stunned and even more confused.

Only Tony reacted with an ugly face, and said gloomily:

"This is not the Nebula of our timeline, but the Nebula of the timeline where Rod went to get the power gem! She was replaced!"

Tony was not in a good mood. It was Nebula who saved his life, otherwise she might not have survived until Carol arrived.

And now Nebula has been replaced, which means that the real Nebula has fallen into the hands of Thanos in that universe, and her life and death are uncertain.

Arno did not explain why he knew this.

Instead, he looked at the Infinity Stones on them. A blue light flashed in his hand, and the other three Infinity Stones on the people appeared in his hand.

Crushed the Cosmic Spirit Orb casually.

Dark red reality gem, purple power gem, orange soul gem.

The six stones were collected, but...

Arno held the three stones in his right hand, but frowned.

Casually threw the Nebula in his left hand to the ground and stepped on it.

Three colors of light appeared on his left hand, and the three stones of space, time, and mind in his body appeared in his left hand.

Looking at the three stones on his left hand that were obviously brighter than those on his right hand, Arno was a little confused.

"What does this mean?"Not only was the surface brighter, he could feel that the power of the three stones in his body was purer than the other three.

Was it because the three stones merged with him, or was it because of the difference in the universe?

Or was it because the mysterious figure who merged the stones into his soul strengthened the power of the three stones in his body?

Arno played with the three stones in one hand, like a walnut, thinking.

The Avengers, who had panicked when they saw the stones they had worked so hard to get disappear, shut up when they saw Arno holding six Infinity Stones in his bare hands.

Even Thor, who had just flown back with the Stormbreaker ready for revenge, put down the axe from the bottom of his heart when he saw Arno holding three Infinity Stones in one hand.

Only Tony realized what he was going to do, and hurriedly said:

"Don't be impulsive, each Infinity Stone contains infinite power, it is difficult to use without a container, let alone use six at a time!"


Arno nodded, and then held the six Infinity Stones together.

Instantly, a six-color energy like an electric current crawled all over Arno's arm.

Feeling the tearing energy storm coming from the palm of his hand.

Arno knew why it was said that six Infinity Stones could not be used without a container.

This energy storm, let alone ordinary people, Hulk would die on the spot without a container!

But he is Superman, he can do whatever he wants!

If he doesn't want to use a container, then don't use it!

Arno grinned, and his mind moved!


The dazzling six-color energy suddenly burst out from between Arno's fingers, instantly shaking several people around him away.

When the light faded, Arno breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of his burnt palms and half of the energy in his body.

Let's find a container next time...

"Okay, Tony's share is done, it's your turn."

After putting away the six raw stones, he looked at Nebula who was struggling under his feet.

"Now, start, carry out your mission, and teleport your father over."

After that, he kicked Nebula to the quantum shuttle console.

"You will regret it, my father's strength is beyond your imagination!"

Seeing this, Nebula didn't pretend anymore, and climbed onto the console with both hands with all her strength!

Although this man can use six infinite gems with his bare hands, she admits that he is very strong, but she believes that her father will be stronger!

When my father comes, he will avenge me and beat the shit out of him!

The others were swept by the power of the raw stones and were powerless to stop it.

With a vicious look in his eyes, Nebula began to quickly input the coordinates and started the quantum shuttle again.

I could only watch Nebula open the quantum shuttle.

The next moment.


A spaceship soared from the quantum shuttle and crashed through the roof, and quickly enlarged in the air.

When it completely rushed into the sky, it had become a huge battleship that covered the sky and the sun.

Thanos's Temple II battleship made a domineering appearance.

"Too high."

A cold voice came out.

Arno looked up at the huge battleship, and his eyes lit up red.


The red heat vision soared into the sky. As Arno turned his head, it was like a sharp blade cutting through a cake. The Temple II that covered the sky and the sun was instantly cut in half by the heat vision!

Boom boom boom————————————

The Temple II was domineering for only ten seconds. Before it could launch a round of saturation bombing on the Avengers base, it was cut in two and exploded!

Carrying flames, two huge pieces of spaceship wreckage fell towards the entire Avengers base.

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