"No, no!

Destiny shouldn't be like this, destiny should be mine!"

Thanos' eyes became fierce again, and the aura of the king rose again.

"Who are you? You shouldn't exist in any timeline!"

"Who am I?"

Arno chuckled inexplicably, and six Infinity Stones appeared, hovering in his palm.

"Six Stones!"

Thanos' pupils shrank suddenly!

The most important things in his plan appeared in front of him, making him subconsciously reach out to grab the stones.

But not everyone's stones can be easily taken by him with absolute strength!

He forgot that this time he was the one being crushed!


A red light directly cut off Thanos' hands.

"Didn't I say that I am the terminator of your past and future!"

Arno's eyes shone with red light, and he grabbed Thanos' neck and slowly lifted him into the air.

The intense pain from the broken arms made Thanos regain his sanity from the six stones, and he finally remembered the reality that he was crushed by Arno.

But he was unwilling, his long-cherished wish was not yet fulfilled!

How could he die like this!

But what could he do if he was unwilling?

His arms were cut off and he could not resist at all, and the hand on his neck was getting tighter and tighter, and he couldn't even breathe.

His big purple face was suffocated to purple and black!

He could only stare at Arno, and struggled to ask the last question from his constantly squeezed throat:

"Who...are you...?"

Arno looked into Thanos' eyes, a trace of green light flashed in his red pupils, and he smiled grimly:

"I am a god, a real god, and this time you will not have a chance to revive again!"

As Arno's fingers exerted force, Thanos vaguely saw the shadow of another person behind Arno.

He widened his eyes.

That was...


Arno mercilessly broke Thanos' neck and threw him on the ground like garbage.

Thanos, the overlord of a generation, fell!

Fat Thor, who came out of the Avengers base in the distance, looked at this scene and tears flowed unconsciously.

"Loki, did you see that? Not only did I cut off Thanos' head for you once.

Thanos also had his neck broken once in the same way he did to you.

In total, he died once more than you did. If you knew, you would be very happy."

Thor smiled brightly, but tears could not stop flowing down.

"But what's the use? You still can't come back...

Father, mother, Heimdall, can't come back, I have nothing..."

Thor burst into tears. At the moment when Thanos' neck was broken, he could no longer hold back and cried like a 300-pound child.

The other people next to Thor wanted to comfort Thor, but they couldn't say it.

Just like Thor said, his parents, younger brother, and best brother are all dead, and even his hometown Asgard was destroyed. He has nothing left.

It can be said that Thor is the one who grows the fastest and becomes the strongest among them, but he is also the most miserable one.

What can they say? Let him cry, he will feel better after crying...


In the endless green space, Loki on the golden throne wanted to get up and reach out to touch the crying Thor in the picture.

But countless timelines entangled his whole body, making it difficult for him to move, and even the small action of reaching out his hand was extremely difficult.

Loki just left the throne slightly, and countless timelines pressed his body back, causing him to hold the timelines on his body tightly.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye, and He murmured as He looked at Thor in the picture as before:

"This time, everything will be fine, it will be fine, brother, I promise..."

This time, I will write the story...


With the death of Thanos, Arno felt an extremely sublimated feeling from the depths of his soul.

The spiritual power, which was originally a little behind the physical strength, was completely equal to the physical strength!

The next moment, the body and the spirit began to merge together like water and milk!

The fusion of spirit and body made Arno feel that every cell in his body was cheering and jumping for joy, and this comfort made him close his eyes intoxicated.

At the same time, the joy of the cells made the bright yellow sun light on the surface of his body shine through!

This dazzling light could not even be blocked by the destruction suit on his body, and the silver-gray destruction suit was illuminated into golden yellow!

When the power of spirit and body was completely integrated, the sun light on his body began to converge.

Arno opened his eyes again.The black pupils turned into a white-gold color like the sun.


Arno exhaled lightly.

The front suddenly changed like a natural disaster. An extremely terrifying hurricane plowed out a hellish abyss with overwhelming power and continued to spread forward.

At this speed, it will take only a few seconds for the hurricane to reach the city and destroy the entire city.

Although this is not his Earth, Arno is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

A blue light flashed, and he appeared in front of the hurricane.

This time he did not use super speed, but space transfer.

He stood in front of the hurricane without any movement.

The hurricane that could easily destroy a city was directly consumed by the invisible biological force field the moment it touched him.

A call is a disaster, and a thought is also salvation.

This little thing did not affect Arno's mood. He clenched his fist with satisfaction.

Obviously, the physical body has not been strengthened much, but with the balance of mental strength, he feels that he is now terribly strong!

This is a more complex evolution of life!

Compared to when he was the god of the world before, he is now more worthy of the title of God.

The omnipotent God!

He had a feeling that even if Thanos was given six Infinity Stones, he might not be able to take him away with his snap of fingers.

"Do you want to experiment?"

Arno said to himself with some curiosity, and grabbed the peerless blade that attacked from behind.

Looking at the twisted but not completely dead General Corvus Glaive, he was not surprised at all.

"Want to avenge your father and wife?"

Arno looked at General Corvus Glaive with a smile on his face.

Six stones appeared in his hand and were thrown directly in front of General Corvus Glaive.

"Come on, pick them up and try to destroy me with them."

General Corvus Glaive looked at Arno in disbelief. He had never heard such a request for death in his life!

But the extreme hatred made him not care so much. He let go of the peerless blade and reached out to take the stones on the ground.


A red light unexpectedly passed through the body of General Corvus Glaive.

"You really want to take it?"

Arno looked at General Corvus Glaive, who was cut into two pieces on the ground, teasingly, and waved his hand to make the six Infinity Stones disappear.

Although he wanted to try it, it was just a thought.

He was not stupid enough to let others take six Infinity Stones to see if they could wipe him out.

Seeing General Corvus Glaive, whose resentment was about to turn into substance, Arno stopped teasing him and crushed the peerless blade in his hand.

As the peerless blade was destroyed, General Corvus Glaive's face instantly turned pale, and then turned into ash and dissipated...

Arno looked at General Corvus Glaive, who turned into ash, indifferently, and said leisurely:

"It's good that the weapon is not destroyed and you are not dead, but it's most reliable to control your own destiny."

General Corvus Glaive deposited his soul in the weapon, making him almost immortal.

But at the same time, there is also a huge disadvantage, that is, if the weapon is destroyed, he will die.

As for Arno himself, he felt that it was stupid to store his soul in an object.

Although he was not dead, he had left himself with a fatal handle.

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