But Arno didn't have such restrictions, so he made a change.

He held the Codex of Life in his hand and emitted yellow light, and the power of his mind gradually penetrated into the Codex of Life to make changes!

The first principle engraved in the genes of all Kryptonians is still loyalty!

But it has become, forever loyal to Arno Stark!

The second is the original gene map hidden in the deepest and oldest.

Ancient Kryptonian genes!

The yellow light in Arno's hand went out, and the blue light emerged and turned into silk threads, which merged into the skull little by little, and used the power of space to extract the ancient Kryptonian gene.

"Infinite evolution, infinite power."

Al felt the information from the golden light thread representing the ancient Kryptonian gene, and without hesitation, the blue space thread in the palm of his hand pulled it and merged it into his body little by little.

A faint golden light emerged on Arno's body, and every cell was cheering.

The body, which was close to saturation and could only absorb sunlight slowly to grow, suddenly absorbed the sunlight from the sky like a dry sponge!

A golden light flashed in Arno's eyes, and his platinum pupils almost turned golden!

"This is... the upper limit has been raised!"

Feeling the visible growth rate of the power in his body during the growth period, Arno's mouth gradually curled up.

Even Clark, who was lying next to him, felt the scorching sunlight coming from the Godfather next to him.

It made his originally weak body instantly recover to fullness.

Arno looked at the bright sun in the sky and said to Clark:

"Come on, Clark, today will be the day you become the true god of the world."

Clark, who was getting up: ? ? ?


At this moment, all electronic devices in the world began to have snowflakes.

"You are not alone... I am General Zod..."

A blurred face appeared on the display screens in every corner of the world.

And began to play in different languages ​​in various countries.

"I came here across the stars... just for one person... Kal-El... hand him over to me..."

"Twenty-four hours... if Kal-El still doesn't show up... the consequences will be borne by the entire Earth..."


All monitors went black!

The whole world was in uproar, and the people began to panic.

Governments looked at the images of alien spacecraft sent by satellite with grim expressions.

They knew that this was not a joke by any country.

The Earth does not have such technological products now!

This time it was a real alien invasion, and the Earth ushered in the first global crisis!

And there was only one solution.

Find Kal-El!

All countries in the world issued the highest wanted order.

Find Kal-El!

And just when the whole world was looking for the so-called Kal-El.

The United States, above a military base.

Two figures stood quietly in the air, looking at the triangular alien spacecraft outside the Earth.

"Godfather, who are they and why are they looking for me?"

Clark was a little confused. His biological father just told him his real name.

And then aliens came to Earth with this name to find him.

Is this reasonable? This is not a name, it's the Death Note!

"Our people, Kryptonians, are General Zod and others who were exiled to the Phantom Zone because of the coup your father said."

"Kryptonians? Aren't they our people?!"

Clark was a little happy. In addition to the Godfather, he was finally going to see other living people!

"Hehe, don't be too happy too soon.

General Zod has a deep grudge with your parents. What do you think he came for this time?

It's for the Life Code in your body. If I didn't take it out with the power of time.

If he took it out by force, you would be dead."

Arno's words were like a basin of cold water that extinguished Clark's eager heart.

But Arno didn't intend to give him time to build up his mentality.

"This is a good place to show your power!"

"Get ready. It's time to let the world know your existence. Let them know that the hope and fear of this world are on you."

Arno glanced at the large number of monitoring equipment around the military base and nodded with satisfaction.

This can record the next miracle in all directions without blind spots.

He took out the Kryptonian spaceship brought out from the North Pole from space and sent a signal.

Suddenly, outside the earth, the spaceship where General Zod was located received the signal.

"General, it's that spaceship. It sent a signal again, and this time the location is very accurate!"

Zod opened his cold eyes."Fiora, bring Kal-El back to me!"

A female Kryptonian warrior wearing black Kryptonian armor and looking heroic stood up.

"Yes, sir."

Fiora, General Zod's adjutant, is also the most powerful Kryptonian warrior in existence besides General Zod!

She took a tall Kryptonian who was nearly three meters tall and flew directly to Earth in a small spaceship.

Arno glanced at the duo who set off from outside the Earth, patted Clark on the shoulder and reminded him:

"Your opponents are here, don't hold back just because they are from the tribe, otherwise you will lose miserably, show your strength to the fullest."

Arno said without waiting for Clark to reply, and turned into blue light and disappeared.

He was not worried that Clark would lose.

Although Clark is now a dozen years younger than in the original book, his means are no longer comparable to the original Clark.

Superman can fight the Kryptonians who have just arrived on Earth and have not absorbed the sun's rays, not because he is weak.

But because he is kind.

He never killed her, just used all his strength.

Otherwise, with decades of sun exposure, how could he be defeated by a few Kryptonians who had never been exposed to the sun?

Even if he had only been exposed to the sun for nearly twenty years, it would be no problem for him to fight Fiora and another Kryptonian big man!

Arno disappeared from the blue light and reappeared next to General Zod.

Years of fighting made General Zod's senses extremely sensitive, and he looked at the extra person beside him.

"You are..."


Arno grabbed Zod's chin with one hand and lifted him up, forcibly interrupting him.

Zod did not immediately pry open the hand that was pinching his chin.

Instead, he hit Arno's temple with his crutch.

Boom! ! !

With a loud bang, Arno did not move at all, but General Zod's entire arm was numb from the shock.

The four Kryptonian warriors guarding the control room rushed up immediately when they saw General Zod being caught.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

They slept peacefully.

"Do you surrender yourself, or do I make you surrender?"

Light words, huge harm!

"You are delusional, Kryptonians will never surrender to others!"

Arno's eyes were indifferent: "Oh."

The yellow light penetrated from Arno's palm into General Zod's brain, making his eyes dull instantly.

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