Mr. Paradox ignored the two hands that were groping him, and said slowly:

"I can take you back, but your universe is dying, are you sure?"

Wade: ? ? ?

"What did you say dying? Say it again!"

Sure enough, Wade, who was acting as an investigator, was stunned at first.

Then he grabbed Mr. Paradox's collar angrily and stared at him closely.

How close was it? It was basically forehead to forehead, and their mouths were less than one centimeter apart.

Mr. Paradox could even smell the chive pancake that Wade had for breakfast.

At this moment, his serious face finally couldn't hold it anymore, and he pushed Wade away.

"God, I should be thankful that your face is no longer the rotten face of a Shar Pei dog roasted by fire.

Otherwise I swear, I will really spit on your face if we are so close!"

Wade pulled out the long knife from his back and put it on Mr. Paradox's neck, saying viciously:

"Damn it, don't talk nonsense to me, you dead sissy broadcaster.

Explain to me what my universe is dying means!

Otherwise I will chop off your head and use it as Hulk's chamber pot!"

Mr. Paradox did not change his expression and calmly pushed the long knife on his neck with two fingers.

"You may not know that there must be a point-drawing person in every universe in the multiverse?

And your universe, World X, Universe 10005, its point-drawing person disappeared, so it will gradually die out."

Wade patted his head:

"Wait, wait, let me think about it.

You mean, a person named Dian Dian died in my universe!

So the whole universe must die with him, is that right?!"

Mr. Paradox gave Wade a thumbs up and praised him:

"Yes! Absolutely correct, Mr. Wilson seems to accept it quickly!"

"Yeah, your mother's head! Are you fucking sick?

Just because of a so-called point-drawing person, the entire universe is going to be eliminated!"

Facing Wade's anger, Mr. Paradox said indifferently:

"Sorry, this is not something we can decide, the rules are like this."

Wade was about to kill this guy with a knife, and suddenly gat to a key point.

"Rules? Wait! I understand!

What you just said is that the person who draws the points of my universe disappeared, not died!

Could it be that I am actually the person who draws the points, and because of my departure, the entire universe is heading for extinction?!"

Mr. Paradox was speechless by Wade's inexplicable confidence.

He pointed to the screen in front of him, and an old man with a pierced chest suddenly appeared on the screen.

"You are not the person who draws the points, he is the person who draws the points of the X world, Wolverine, Logan."

Wade looked at the dead man on the screen and felt that the sky had fallen.

"Olishet! Why? Why is it this Twilight Wolf and not me!

Am I not more handsome and manly than him?

Let this old guy who will die with emotion be the point, it would be strange if my universe does not perish! Damn it!!!"

"This is not something I can decide, this is fate."

Wade listened to Mr. Paradox's cold words, but did not give up hope, but filled in his own mind.

"Wait a minute, since Logan is dead and the universe is about to perish, there must be a reason why you called me here.

Is it, oh my god, I am the savior! I am the savior of the X-Men!!!"

Mr. Paradox became completely impatient with his inexplicable confidence one after another, and stopped beating around the bush with Wade and directly cut off his hope.

"I brought you here not because you are some shitty savior, nor are you a point-drawing person. That person can only be Logan!

I brought you here because of the rules. I give you two choices.

First, I will send you back to your manor owner's world to continue to be a slave. I have no right to interfere with that world. You can enjoy your old age in that world.

Second, I will send you back to your original 10005 universe that is about to die, and greet death with your damn X world!

Just like that, make a choice!"

With hope shattered, Wade calmed down:

"How much time does my universe have?"

Mr. Paradox glanced at his watch and replied lightly:

"It should take about a few thousand years for natural extinction at a normal flow rate."

Wade: ? ? ?

"Thousands of years? Are you kidding me? Thousands of years is nothing!

In thousands of years, the Marvel Universe has been destroyed and restarted countless times! I don't care about that!"

However, before Wade could be happy about thousands of years, Mr. Paradox poured cold water on him again.

"But II don't plan to follow the normal flow rate, that's too slow!

A universe that should have perished, I actually have to wait for thousands of years? Is this reasonable!

No, this is unreasonable! So I'm going to use the time tearing machine to eliminate it in advance! In 24 hours, it will be permanently destroyed! "

His eyes were a little crazy. This was the TVA way of doing things, the way Kang Zai Shi did it, not the bullshit way of waiting for the universe to die naturally like the new king!

These words simply made Wade's anger max out, although he escaped from the X world because of Vanessa's breakup.

But this does not mean that he doesn't care about that world anymore, he still has many friends in that universe!

Shirley, Peter, the blind old woman and other people he cares about!

Wade rushed forward and grabbed Mr. Paradox's clothes with one hand, and with the other hand he was about to draw a knife and chop him into pieces.

But a group of TVA fighters holding orange light sticks suddenly appeared behind Mr. Paradox and surrounded him.

Seeing this, Wade was very sincere, and his anger turned into a smile. He smoothed Mr. Paradox's wrinkled clothes.

"You said you too, we are on a private date, why do you bring so many assistants~ Isn't this destroying the romantic atmosphere?"

A trace of disdain appeared in Mr. Paradox's eyes.

"Humph, you are a man of insight. "

Wade took two steps back with a smile on his face, and took out his hood covered with green blood and sand from somewhere and put it on.

The blood flowed through the eyes and corners of the hood, making Deadpool look a little hideous.

Mr. Paradox suddenly had a bad premonition, and just as he was about to speak, a foot suddenly kicked him hard in the crotch.

"Surprised? Still want to destroy my world? No way!

My world, I will save it, whether you like it or not!"

Deadpool's voice became a little low and came out of the mask, and he took out a time traveler.

Mr. Paradox's pupils shrank, that was his time traveler.

He covered his der~, endured the severe pain and stood up, angrily yelling to the TVA fighters who felt the same way:

"What are you looking at! Stop him for me! "

But it was too late. By the time the TVA fighters rushed over, Deadpool had already pressed the time traveler in his hand and disappeared.

The pain from Deadpool's last kick completely broke Mr. Paradox's defense, and he shouted angrily:

"Fuck! Go and get him back!

I'm going to send him to the void, fuck the special universe, I don't care!

No matter how strong that guy is, he can't come to TVA to do me!"


Can't? That's not necessarily true...

Countless different parallel universes flashed through Arno's eyes.

Modern, ancient, cyber, zombie, hell and countless other parallel universes passed into his eyes.

In the end, his dark pupils were filled with a deep green.

That was...

A world tree woven by countless green lines!!!

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