I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 112

No one knows better than Li Jingyue herself. She has been plunged into endless darkness. The fear and despair from the Dark Worm is something she has never experienced directly.

However, in Mingxian, she heard Chen Ye's voice again, as if calling, two rays of Yingguang appeared in front of her, and then sank into her body.

After that, she felt that her senses became more and more clear, the original darkness gradually faded away, and the vitality and vigor filled her surroundings again, and then she woke up.

Although what just happened was like a dream.

She knew on time that it was definitely not a dream, it was a process of death.

Reminiscing about what Chen Ye had heard in the county, she instantly understood that it was Chen Ye who rescued herself, and that Chen Ye pulled herself back from death on behalf of the Order, and she, in the future, will also believe in faith in religion. group,

"I swear by Yu Yue that I will be loyal to the Order in this life.

I want to understand

After all, Ning Yue turned to Chen Ye, without any hesitation, knelt down on one knee, and said solemnly to Chen Ye.

Chen Ye nodded, ignoring the shocked gaze of the people around him, just looking at Condensation Moon.

"Believe in loyalty to the Order, and the Order will give you eternal life."

Chen Ye spit out a word gently.

Natya, Chese, and the Demon Emperor all looked solemn under Chen Ye's special arrangement.

"eternal life?.!"

Hearing what Chen Ye said, everyone was shocked. This is a method that any sect will preach.

No one will believe it or even sneer

But today, everyone can see that the existence of thousands of demons can be wiped out by raising their hands, and they proudly claim to be a new member of the sect

And Condensation Moon, which was clearly dead, was resurrected under Chen Ye's divine power. All of this was really too shocking.Although incredible.But it did happen.

"Eternal life? Do you think the cult can really make people live forever?" After swallowing, Lin Cou asked He Gucheng.

He Gucheng's spirit was shocked when he heard Lin Cou’s inquiry, he hesitated for a moment, his eyes fell on

On the young Demon Emperor, "Maybe 2.6, and only in the case of immortality, can the existence of the Order be so transcendent."

The people with the title of Exorcist's strength are only the middle-level newcomers who have just obtained the title, so the other people, those real high-level people, are probably living for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect Lin Cou to believe in immortality in this life." Hearing He Gucheng's words, Lin Cou couldn't comment, then smiled and took the phone back into his arms.

-"I, Cao, have you taken all the photos? Please pass me a copy when you go back."

Watching Lin Cou's movements, He Gucheng

-For a moment.Said quickly.

"Yes. But I want a Demon King Grade Demon Pill.


, L

121. National Division, Morning Star (3/6)

Everyone looked at Chen Ye with fiery eyes, and Chen Ye's words still echoed in the ears of those around him.

"Condensation and will be the lord of the Leng Family in the future."

Chen Ye said leisurely, his eyes swept across the audience, and everyone who was swept by Chen Ye's eyes trembled.

"I am willing to appoint Miss Tai as the lord of the Leng Family!"

"I have seen Patriarch!"

No one hesitated, all bowed down together and said loudly.

The momentum was extremely unified, and it stopped after a few streets.

Three days.

Although the Leng family is not as good as that

Some holy places, but as the top production family of Exorcism County, the change of ownership is definitely a big event.

Chen Ye and the others dealt with the Leng family's affairs, and went straight back to Xiadu.

And Condensation Moon, because the Leng family changed hands, it made many people see the true strength of the Order.

For the first time, all the sacred places came to congratulate and publicly stated that the Leng family will be a force of the same level in the Tiandao Pavilion from now on, and no one can extend their tentacles to the Leng family.

And the families and forces that had been close to Leng Qiu'an originally wanted to take the opportunity to test pressure on Leng 18 Ningyue, and take the opportunity to gain some benefits.

It was when I saw that even the masters of Wushengbao, Tiandao Pavilion and even the Exorcist Guild personally congratulated everyone. Everyone was scared and dare to make trouble.

Of course, as the only one: - Lin Cou, who recorded the entire appearance of the Devil Emperor until the end, can be a lot of money among the major forces by relying on the video shot by the mobile phone.

At this moment, the Central Exorcism Academy has started. Chen Ye was specially taken care of by the Central Exorcism Academy. He arranged a small courtyard with a single-family villa. Even with Tong Shiling Linxue and the others, they also had their own separate courtyards.

"Chen Ye, today is the day for college students to choose their specialization

Son, I have prepared a lot of mentor information.Would you like to take a look?"

In the morning, Lin Xue summoned a few people and came to Chen Ye's place, and while speaking, she took out a stack of two-finger-high documents.

"So much?" Looking at the information.Condensation month was taken aback.Asked in surprise.

Although she became the head of the Leng family, she did not have to stay in the Leng family every day. Except for the cancellation of the Leng family’s system of treating women as goods by men and women, everything else in the Leng family was still handled normally, but some important things Too much cover has to undergo condensation and car handling.

During the period, Condensation Month will be more than half of the cold home

The item-level exorcism Daoxian brought it to Chen Ye.

After Chen Ye disintegrated, except for another pink war soul, no more advanced war soul appeared.

"Of course, the Central Exorcism Academy can be known as the top university in the Great Xia Kingdom. Of course, the teachers are also the strongest. No matter what you choose, there will be top tutors in any field to give you one-to-one referrals.

"Tell you, these materials have been useless for me.

When Lin Xue heard the question from Ning Yue in surprise, she immediately raised her head and said arrogantly, as if she had run the Central Exorcism Academy.

"Really?_Are you an exorcist who specializes in ice spirits?"

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