I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 126

The words "Those who believe in the Order, the Order gives you eternal life."

Like those people, he began to believe in this sentence.

"Xing Yu, go back and prepare. Tomorrow, we will go to the Yunjin Ruins together."

And sending the Lord of Great Xia to leave, Chen Ye retracted his gaze, took a deep breath, then looked at Xing Yu and said in a deep voice,

"Huh?" Hearing Chen Ye's words.Zuo Shi stood up with Xing Yu,

"Did you agree to go with me? Follow you. Although the Yunjin Ruins are dangerous. But it is absolutely exciting. When I went there yesterday, I found that there were a lot fewer monsters outside there. It must be

Something big happened."

Xing Zhi almost grinned and followed, looking at Chen Ye excitedly and said.

"A lot less monsters?" Hearing Xing Yu's words, everyone's eyes became strange.

At the beginning, most of the demons who wanted to invade Yunfeng seemed to come from the direction of the Yunjin Ruins. After thinking about it, everyone immediately understood why Xing Yu could come back safely and said that there was no danger.

At this moment, Lin Qi is sitting in a chair excitedly. Just now, she received a message from the teacher.I was summoned by the Lord of Great Xia, and I can go to the palace to meet with His Majesty the next day.

"Jingle Bell!"

Suddenly, Lin Qi's phone rang, and it showed Duan Tiannan, the genius of Tiandao Pavilion,

"You have also received a call from Your Majesty the Lord." After answering the phone, Duan Tiannan's helpless voice came out.

"En." Lin Qi responded coldly, and the Lord's summon restored her to the appearance of the proud girl in the past.

"This time the summoned, it is very likely that Master Chenxing from the national teacher will choose a genius among us as a disciple." Duan Tiannan paused and continued.

Hear what Duan Tiannan said.Lin Qi's eyes move, eyes

The middle was full of enthusiasm, and suddenly he paused: Next, what did you think of "What about Chen Ye?

"He was not summoned." Duan Tiannan's voice sounded again, causing Lin Qi's eyes to begin to change, and Chen Ye's original unattainable image immediately began to fall to the bottom of her heart. She also began to disdain Chen Ye.

"Because the Master of the National Normal University has looked for him and wanted to accept him directly as a disciple, but he refused. Besides, the one of his followers seems to be of the level of the National Teacher."

The words of Duan Tiannan echoed in Lin Qi's ears, causing her face to change suddenly, her heart seemed to have been hit hard, and she almost stopped beating.

After turning his eyes, Lin Qi, who had just gained some confidence, passed out.

135. The secret room?(5/6)

Early the next morning, Xing Yu was already waiting outside Chen Ye's villa.

When I saw Chen Ye come out, he immediately greeted him.

Chen Ye only brought three dolls.As for Lin Xue and the others, although they want to go with them, they can only think about it.

"You didn't bring those girls?" Xing asked in surprise when he looked at Chen Ye.

Chen Ye raised his eyebrows, and looked at each other in surprise. Does this guy also have a spring heart? But then, Chen Ye knew he was thinking too much.

"I mean it's fortunate that you didn't bring those women. Women are the most troublesome."

Xing Yu paused, then shook his head and said, in his eyes, it's cool to be with a woman by hunting demons to improve their strength.

As soon as he said this, Natya's cold eyes beside Chen Ye immediately fixed on Xing Yu, and the sharp spear in his hand was firmly held in his hand.

For an instant.The surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a lot.

"Why? Do you want to fight? Tell you, I'm the same as women." Seeing Natya's posture, Xing Yu carried more than one ship.But 18 is not at all scared.Said it was about to go to war.

"My lord, can I kill him?" Natya is cold

His eyes stared at Xing Yu and asked Chen Ye.

Although Xing Yu is two levels higher than her.But Natya did not counsel each other either.

"Kill me? _ The little girl has a strong tone. If you can kill me, then I will let you kill. Don't cry when you lose." Hearing Natya's words, Xing Yu said eagerly.

Seeing Xing Zhi not only had his EQ already lowered to the height of the ground, but he was still a serious straight man with advanced cancer, Chen Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Okay, we should set off now. If we want to fight, go and carry the monsters in the Yunjin Ruins." After glancing at Xing Yu, Chen Ye said lightly.

Hearing Chen Ye's words, Natya immediately retreated to Chen Ye's side, and the war spear in his hand disappeared.

Xing Yu saw this, knowing that he had no time to fight, and he also came to Chen Ye.

_ "Okay, let's set off. The Yunjin Ruins are in the northwest of Xiadu, and we will go out Congxi City Gate."

When he came to Chen Ye, he turned out a map in his hand, which was the topographic map near Xiadu.

"Just lead the way, and we will find the demon pill left behind as soon as possible."

Chen Ye didn't look at the map, but directly spoke to Xing Yu.

"Eh? You believe me so?" Listening to Chen Ye.Xing Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then his heart was faintly touched, and then he gave Chen Ye the map in his hand. "At this time, I got it from my uncle. Maybe some small places have been destroyed by the monster, but it's not too bad. I'll give it to you.

Looking at the map directly delivered by Xing, Chen Ye moved his eyes, nodded, took it directly and put it away.

Xing Yu saw Chen Ye put away the map, with a smile on his face, "Okay, let's go."

With that said, Xing Zhi directly pulled out a field four-wheel drive vehicle from the storage kit.


About that thing, Chen Ye was taken aback, and he discovered that there were a lot of runes carved on it, some of which Chen Ye had seen on the airship of the Exorcist Guild.

"After leaving the city, there is a plain to the west. This is not slower than those airships in the coming years. Let's use this."

Xing Yu vaguely felt that Chen Ye had only a seventh-rank exorcist.He worried that Chen Ye would not be able to catch up when he ran with all his strength.I thought of such a thing.

In response, Chen Ye nodded. If there is a car, he certainly doesn't want to run away.

After all, when they were in Lijiang City, Luo Xingwen and the others did not have such good conditions. Now they have

Now, it's different.

Chen Ye took the Demon Emperor and them into the car.It happened to be a group of five people. Although the back row of Chese is relatively sturdy, fortunately neither Demon King nor Natya are burly people.

The Xing Yu car seems to be quite special.There was a micro-chapter on it that could not be forged. When they left the city, the harvesters did not stop them and let them drive out.

"This is the proof that I asked my uncle to drive. As long as this car can pass the light curtain safely in and out of the city, it will not be blocked."

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