I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 129

Hearing that Xing Yu recognized the strength and origin of these two corpses, the traitors became more rampant, and at the same time said somewhat regretfully.

"But it doesn't matter, because in the future, you will all become one of them." After a pause, the other party looked at Xing and said with a sneer.

"Damn, you've been planning Xiadu, damn it, labor and capital have blew themselves up and you won't let you refine me into these damn things.

Xing Yu's face sank, and a decision was made in his heart.Back to Chen Ye, "Chen Ye, you go now, if you can go back alive

Then, tell Xia Du the love here

After talking about Xing Yu, the second officer seemed to be justified.

"Do you just have no confidence in our order?"

Xing Yugang was about to move, and Chen Ye's voice spread into his earworm again.

Chen Ye watched all this indifferently from beginning to end, silently thinking about whether these people would continue to kill or bring them back to exchange demon pills.

"Religious group." Upon hearing Chen Ye's words, Xing Yu was vaguely expecting.

And those traitors on the opposite side seem to have heard of the organization behind Chen Ye for the first time. If there is still a strong mystery behind Chen Ye’s back

If the forces are concerned, then they must report the news back as soon as possible.

Chen Ye glanced around, all densely packed with corpse-blocking ghosts, his eyes moved slightly, and he said faintly, "The evil things in the Yunjin Ruins are here and there...".

At the same time, Chen Ye's face became solemn, golden light radiated from his body, and his hands turned over.Two ancient books appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the sacred code of Chen Ye's integration.

In the sky, a melodious playing sound pierced through the sharp howls of the ghosts, and the two evil spirits stopped crying, carefully listening to the homophony that spilled from the sky.

Chen Ye is in the golden light

Among them, where the golden light passed, all the Yin Qi dissipated. Under this harmonious tone, Chen Ye was holding the sacred code in his hand, and the sacred aura exuding from his body was like a god descending to the world.

"This, is this a god?" Looking at Chen Ye, Xing Yu's expression was dumb. It was the first time that even the traitors saw this situation. His body instinctively rejected the golden light that was spilled on him.

"Damn it, stop him and kill them!" The head of the person changed his face and screamed in exclamation, rushing towards Chen Ye.

"Roar!" Suddenly there was a beast chant.A giant beast with golden light on its body blocked Chen Xing.

Natya and Chose also looked around with cold expressions.

Chen Ye moved, and his eyes fell on Xing Yu and Nathya.

"On behalf of the sect, I grant you such supernatural powers. Sweep away the evil in front of you."

Chen Ye murmured, his voice was sacred and solemn, and at the same time the sacred code in his hand began to emit red light, entangled with Chen Ye's golden light.

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138. Hammer of Penance (2/6)

With the solemn application, Chen Ye was not idle either.

"Weapon blessing!"

"Angel blessing!"

"Guardian Wei Zhang!"

. "Holy Light Revenge!"

"Honorary blessing!"

Every time Chen Ye shouted, the light of the sacred code in his hand was a swell, and the sacred breath quickly fell on Xing Zhi and the Demon Emperor.

Chen Ye threw all the skills that could strengthen a person's strength on the surrounding people.

The Devil Emperor just reached and did not exceed Chen

Ye Shi level, so Chen Ye's blessing is still valid, but because it surpassed Chen Ye's fifth level.So the effect is only one

Of course, it won't work if you exceed the scholar rank.

Nathya and the Demon Emperor were not surprised, but Xing Yu felt as if he was dreaming.

He felt that his body was full of power, which he had never felt before.

Although the effect of Xing Yu's promotion is still only half, Chen Ye himself has reached level 40, plus the bonus of all the skills of the Holy Code, but it is enough to increase the attribute of Xing Zhi by nearly twice.

"damn it."

Those traitors looked gloomy at the moment.They saw it with their own eyes, and finally understood why the temple had to look at this kid at all costs.

Now the two sides are endlessly ending, even if the opponent's strength improves? There are millions of obstructing corpses on his side, and there are not tens of thousands of exorcist refining obstructing corpses, and they are not afraid of each other at all.


"Do it!"

With a cold snort, the headed person first rushed towards the bright holy unicorn.

Yin Qi was surging, and in the blink of an eye, a figure of hundreds of feet high was condensed on that person.

Phantom of the huge monster.

As soon as the demon appeared, it immediately caused the world to change color, and even Xia, hundreds of kilometers away, could feel the movement here.

"It's the direction of the Yunjin Ruins."

In the palace, Chen Xing, who was with the talents of this year's Central Exorcism Academy, suddenly changed his face and looked at the direction of the Yunjin Ruins.Shen Sheng said.

He wanted to rush over at once, but thought that every time he planned to go to the Yunjin Ruins, Xia would be threatened by monsters, and he suddenly hesitated.

"Today Xingzhi went to the Yunjin Ruins with Chen Ye and the others, Chenxing, go and see, here

There are widows sitting in town, those Xiaoxiao still dare not make the storm.

Xia Kang next to him glanced at the west, and then said seriously.

Hearing what Xia Kang said, all the talents present were short.Frozen, secretly said, "Chen Ye and the others have the courage to go to the Yunjin Ruins!"

Chen Xing glanced at the talents in front of him, and then nodded towards Xia Kang, his figure flashed, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards Xicheng quickly.

The sky was forbidden for the entire summer, except for one person but that was Morning Star. Although Morning Star was extremely fast, many people still noticed it.

"My Lord Morningstar! He, I'm going now

Yunjin Ruins?" Everyone was taken aback, seeing the afterimages across the sky, and suddenly thought of them.

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