I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 150

And there will be more element balls falling.

-Time, lightning, cold light, flames, and shadows continue to build abuse on and around the altar.

And that arrogant ghost dragon is also constantly wailing bombarded by those elemental balls.

"Damn it, what's the matter? How could this guy control so many attributes of spiritual arts? Isn't it just the ability to practice spiritual arts?

The ghost dragon roared in the explosion.Constantly questioning the bottom.

And the sorcerer of the dark witch line obviously didn't expect Chen Ye to bring such a large-scale move.

Looking at the struggling ghost

Long, Chen Ye frowned.Obviously I don't want to wait any longer.

Chen Ye's palm was attached to the weapon behind his back again, and the sacred code suddenly appeared with his other hand.

"Is this guy?."

Seeing Chen Ye's actions, Yao Jin immediately remembered Chen Ye's previous move in the Black Mountain Ghost Territory, and her expression suddenly changed and she wanted to stop it.

After all, the whole Black Mountain was leveled at the previous moment, and she didn't know whether the Altar of the Wizard God could support Chen Ye's.

Before Chen Ye could do anything, the shaman god altar below began to tremble crazily.

"What happened


The violent shaking shocked the wizard of the Black Witch. He quickly looked at Sigu, obviously he didn't know the source of this shock.

"My power, damn, my power, damn witch race, what have you done? !"

Suddenly, the ghost dragon howled first.While tumbling on the altar, he shouted at the dark wizard.

I saw that the surrounding choke gas began to converge towards the witch god altar below, and then seemed to be dissatisfied with the king’s scattered yin aura between heaven and earth. Even the choke gas that had been out of control on the ghost dragon because of its resistance to elemental bombing began to be strengthened by the altar.

Line extraction.

"Damn it. What's the matter? Why is my strength losing so fast?"

The wizard who was looking at the writhing ghost dragon suddenly discovered in horror that the power in his body was also rapidly flowing into the altar.

The weaker black witches on the altar have all been drawn into power at this moment and turned into a corpse of the county king.

Just when the wizard was panicked, he suddenly found a familiar figure standing outside the altar.

Holy, Holy Lord? 11

Seeing a middle-aged man with a grim face suspended in front of the figure, Wu

The teacher suddenly stared and screamed.

Chen Ye's eyes also noticed the other person when he first appeared.

Name: Tang Kuo

Sex: Male


Level: 51

Occupation: traitor

Tang Kuo looks ordinary, without the slightest characteristic, the kind that you can't find in the crowd.

But it is such a person.It was actually the master of the Dark Demon Hall that had always caused great headaches for Daxia Kingdom.

As if noticing that he was being spied on, the Holy Lord raised his head and moved

His eyes turned to Chen Ye.

Binghan's eyes seemed to freeze the air, and his eyes fixed on Chen Ye.

"Is that the young kid?" Looking at Chen Ye, the Holy Master asked indifferently.

"Yes, Your Highness, the one with the giant soldier behind is Chen Ye.

The figure next to him who had passed the news to the black witch before said respectfully towards Tang Kuo.

Nodded, Tang Kuo turned his gaze to the Demon Sovereign, feeling the fluctuations in the Demon Sovereign, Tang Kuo's gaze suddenly moved slightly.

He found that the blue-skinned young boy

Son, the fluctuations emanating from his body are actually stronger than him.

"Chen, Mr. Chen Ye, that person is the holy master of the Dark Demon Hall, and he is also a powerhouse beyond the 9th rank.

Just when Tang Kuo swept his eyes from her body, Yao Jin felt that all her hairs had exploded, as if she had been swept by death, and her scalp numb.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Tang Kuo nodded, flipped his palm and turned into countless vines, like tentacles, one after another sank into the altar.

With the tentacles connected to the altar.Both the ghost dragon and the dark wizard felt that their power was lost faster, and they all sank along the vine into the holy

The body of the Lord.

_ "Yes, damn, you have been thinking about making the altar." Why? Do you know how to control the altar?"

Watching Tang Kuo's movements.The dark wizard asked with double eyes, suddenly bloody and horrified.

"The Altar of the Witch God has stored the power of the Witch Clan for thousands of years, and it must be activated by the purest wizards of the black and white veins. And awaken the power within.

Tang Kuo absorbed the power in it, and said lightly.

"Junior, do you really think that the blood donation of the Bai Wu line can open the altar? It's really a joke. If I didn't help you, you would

It is impossible to see the opening of the altar.

Tang Kuo said, watching the wizard mockingly and said with a sneer.

"You used to be a wizard of the White Witch family? No, you lied to me! Damn, no, no!"

Listening to the other party's words, the dark wizard's heart was shaken and he screamed. He wanted to stop the activation of the altar, but it was too late. All his power had been absorbed by the altar. Together with the power of the ghost dragon, all passed through the altar. Crossed into Tang Kuo's body.

Looking at the opponent, Chen Ye stared, and watched the opponent's level 51 jump to 63:

159. Second-order seekers?(4/6)

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