I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 159

Yes, you guys train well first, and when I come back, I will apply for you two to add..."

"do not talk!"

Chen Ye didn't speak, but was interrupted by Lin Xue.

"On the TV, people who say what they will do when I come back. Generally, they won't come back, so don't say it."

Lin Xue shook her head. Although she knew that they were all fake on TV, she still felt weird.

Everyone heard Lin Xue's words, all of them were full of black lines, but they didn't refute it. Ren thought about it, it was really interesting.

Chen Ye shrugged helplessly, he couldn't tell them that this was his job change mission, he had killed countless times in his previous life.

This time, Chen Ye directly asked Xia Kang to help prepare a special airship.Chen Ye left directly with someone.He wants to complete the awakening task as soon as possible to start the professional awakening. In addition, he also wants to see if the daily task system really wants to be as he thinks, there are many tasks.

If that's the case, then his follow-up plan can be implemented. Chen Ye wants to build an organization that is stronger than the Exorcist Council.

Soon after, the airship stopped


"." Chen, Master Chen Ye, there was a strong evil in front of him, and the pilot in the airship couldn't bear it anymore and could no longer escort you forward.

At this time, an eighth-rank exorcist master ran in and said awkwardly towards Chen Ye.

This is the chief of the Reapers of Xiadu of the Great Xia Kingdom. After Xia Kang knew that Chen Ye was going to the Bone Sword Forest, he was sent to escort Chen Ye.

Of course, it is an escort.It was just to let Chen Ye know how much they value Chen Ye (Li Nuo’s). Although he also wanted to send the Ninth-Rank, most of the Ninth-Rank were captured by Morningstar as the Yunjin Ruins.

Cooley, so there is no way.

"Well, go down and wait for me. After cleaning up the intruders, I will send you my location information.

Chen Ye nodded and didn't say much. He had already seen a barren area filled with evil and silvery gray outside.

Walking out of the hatch, Chen Ye looked down. Without the barrier of the airship rune, Chen Ye was immediately shocked.

"Is this the influence caused by the evil dragon Spitz?"

Take a deep breath. After all, it is not the time in the game to really see the endless barren land exuding a strong evil atmosphere.Chen Ye

Still very shocked.The evil aura made him feel a trace of depression in his heart, no wonder even Morning Star felt scared._

167. Huanglong Yanyue!(6/6)

Chen Ye stepped directly on the air, and under the support of his spiritual power, he arrived in front of a huge bone mountain without any haste.

In the bone mountain, there are many bones.The air is pressing, like cemeteries all over the world, with countless bones piled together.

And under that bone, there is a huge cave with a diameter of tens of meters.


Before Chen Ye could fall, a huge skeleton suddenly burst out of the cave, with a low roar, and the bone spurs on his body quickly pierced towards Chen Ye.

That skeleton is the original Bone Demon King of the Bone Sword Forest, and he has been hunting and killing by mistake to come in to exorcise demons.

Teachers and human beings use their bones as their nourishment, in order to conquer a large human city in the future and strengthen themselves.

However, just a few days ago, a huge dragon skull appeared and changed its fate.

When I first saw the dragon skull.It feels that this is a gift from God, if it can integrate the dragon skull into its own body, then it can even become a stronger bone demon.

However, the dragon skull was still alive, not only alive, but also directly occupying its lair, driving it out as a gatekeeper.

This makes it extremely angry, just 760 good eyes

A group of young people came to die, so it could vent their anger with these people in front of them.

Chen Ye's expression remained motionless, and the Demon Sovereign looked at the bone demon king's eyes flashing-Dao Hanguang.

With a wave of the Demon Emperor's hand, a bolt of lightning was directly thrown from the Demon Emperor's hand like a long whip.

"Stab it!"

Lightning rubbed the air around the forehead, flashing a dazzling light, and instantly wrapped around the bone demon king.

Afterwards, the Demon Emperor grabbed the Thunder Light Chain and suddenly pulled it back.

The Bone Demon Ghost King, which was comparable to the existence of the Ninth Stage, was immediately dropped.


Purify the Bone Demon King*1.Gain experience value +100,000, gain sacred value +!"___

"Let's go in."

Turning a deaf ear to the system's prompts, Chen Ye turned his gaze directly into the cave. The cave was not built with imaginary bones, but was no different from ordinary caves, with mixed soil and rock.Spitz's skull was sealed inside.

Although it was only a skull, and it was still a skull in a sealed state, but the breath radiating from it was enough to turn a thousand miles away into desolation.Any creature that steps into it will turn into an evil existence, which shows how powerful this evil dragon is.


However, this is only the second apostle, one of the three evil mind clones of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar. It is hard to imagine what the legendary apostle would be like.

Chen Ye didn't know what kind of existence, and he didn't need to know, he only knew that as long as the evil dragon Spitz's skull inside was king, he could awaken and zoom in.


"Disgusting breath, damn ant. What do you want to do to the great Spitz-sama? Damn it. When I get rid of the seal here, I must turn you all into dust under my feet!" o.co

Chen Ye and the creatures who had just entered the cave also roared twice.The whole cave was shaking, on the top of the mountain where the cave was located.Countless ghosts and skeletons rolled down, but the cave did not have a word to collapse

Accompanied by the roar, Yin Qi and evil Qi continued to mix and writhe, the ground began to tremble, with dry bones sticking out of the earth and rocks, and some rotten corpses also came out of the ground.

Chen Ye looked-condensed.After purifying and dispelling the feeling of tinnitus, he directly drew out the Holy Silver Cross behind his back and added a holy spirit power to transform into the appearance of a holy spirit hammer, allowing Chen Ye to stand in front of him and quickly

Charged toward the source of the sound just now.

Under the purification of the sound and the power of the Holy Spirit, how could those corpse monsters stop Chen Ye's footsteps, and they were all caught up in the first moments of contact with the hammer of the Holy Spirit.

The golden light kept sweeping along the way, and Chen Ye and others soon came to a wide hall.

The hall is tens of meters high, and the inside is extremely dark. Although the hammer of the Holy Spirit emits golden light, it can't illuminate everything, so the length and width cannot be estimated.


Suddenly two turquoise lights lit up in the distance, and immediately afterwards, a strange blue flame ignited quickly on the wall.

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