I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 166

With the approach of the Daxia Kingdom fleet.Chen Ye and Tong Zhibo also noticed them.

The two quickly landed on the deck where Lin Co was, and all the people on the ship rushed out, looking at Chen Ye with fiery faces.

If it weren't for the fear of offending Chen Ye, I'm afraid they would all shout out.

"Chen Ye, I didn't expect you to come here in person."

Looking at Chen Ye, Lin Cou walked over with a smile.

"Tong Shiling and Lin Xue should have been rescued back to Xiadu


After taking a look at Lin Cou and Tong Zhibo, Chen Ye thought for a while and followed them in.

Tong Zhibo heard Chen Ye say so.He was relieved immediately. Originally, he was afraid that Chen Ye’s sudden appearance would annoy Zhaoguo that day, and what impact would it have on Tong Shiling’s safety? Seeing that Mr. Demon Sovereign was not with Chen Ye, Tong Zhibo immediately Suddenly.

However, Lin Cou had already guessed the news that Amaterasu Kingdom was about to surrender, so there was no surprise.

"Chen Ye is too great, your majesty may want to talk to you about something."

At this time, Tian Gai

Walking up, while talking, he held a communicator and handed it to Chen Ye respectfully.

He discussed with Lin Cou and the two on the way, and felt that this kind of thing was better if the country lord Xia Kang personally entered into Chen Ye. After all, the two did not have the face of Xia Kang himself, so if Chen Ye refused by then.Then they dare not persuade.

The two also greeted Xia Kang in advance, and after weighing the pros and cons, Xia Kang agreed to their suggestions.

Chen Ye frowned when he heard Xia Kang.Every time this guy finds himself, there is nothing good.

Frowning, Chen Ye still picked up the communicator.

"You said Amaterasu will surrender to me?"

Chen Ye narrowed his eyes, obviously he didn't care very much, but after another thought, Xia Kang actually wanted to follow him personally. This, he probably understood the old boy's thoughts.

"Well, since they are going to surrender, then I will give you an Amaterasu province."

After pondering for a moment, Chen Ye said suddenly.

"agreed? !"

Hearing what Chen Ye said, Xia Kang in Xiadu also moved his eyes. Although he knew that as long as Chen Ye agreed to surrender, Amaterasu Kingdom would definitely be classified as Great Xia Kingdom. He didn't expect Chen Ye to be so straightforward.very

Even if it is really necessary to revoke the status of Amaterasu Kingdom, Amaterasu Kingdom becomes Amaterasu Province, that is equivalent to destroying the country!

"Suck in, okay! Then thank you Mr. Chen Ye, if you have any questions in the future, you can dispatch the power of my Great Xia Country.'

After taking a deep breath, Xia Kang stared at him, and said solemnly directly into the communicator.

"That `s a deal."

Chen Ye replied and hung up the phone. What he wanted was Xia Kang's words.In this way, no matter what I do in Daxia Kingdom, I will be able to directly receive the support of the entire Daxia Kingdom.

"In that case. Tell Amaterasu

, We will now go over to take over the Great Xia country, so that they are ready to surrender and meet.

Chen Ye narrowed his eyes, looked at the east, and said lightly. Tian Gai didn't hesitate and immediately agreed. He brought so many people in order to wait for Chen Ye to agree and take over Amaterasu directly....

When Chen Ye and his warship arrived at the port of Amaterasu Island, officials and lords of Amaterasu had gathered on the port. They were all dressed in loose non-combat robes and waited respectfully in the port.

The people of Amaterasu watched the warships of Daxia Kingdom coming over, and they were actually facing the golden sun that appeared in the sky before.

Suddenly the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Although they don't know what kind of battle is happening on the sea battlefield.But according to the news brought back by some people who escaped by chance, their proud spirit control skills will all fail under this golden sun.

When I heard the news that people brought back, everyone didn’t believe it, but now watching the golden sun helplessly is like a beacon to disperse the fog, one king and two nets dispelling the air in the sky for hundreds of miles. , Suddenly no one dared to have the slightest doubt.

Jin Ri not only dispelled the air resistance, but also added 2% of Chen Ye’s basic attributes to each of Daxia’s soldiers.

In other words, ordinary people can be born to mention the realm of the Great Master Exorcist, and each of them who are exorcists themselves are more combative.

And those exorcists who have reached the stage of the ninth stage have even touched the threshold of the morning star level, and mastered that kind of power once, which is equivalent to enhancing the understanding of the seekers, which is also useful for the kings and others to become seekers in the future. great help,

The King of Tianzhao Kingdom looked at the ninth-rank surpassing breath that was exuding from the people in the front, and the corners of his eyes twitched. He glanced at the minister who had made a bad idea before, wishing to slash him.

"Supply Master Chen Ye!"

Seeing Chen Ye's figure, the minister knelt down and shouted,-without regard for face.

As the minister in front of him bowed to his knees and bowed in a loud voice, all the officials and lords of Amaterasu behind him twitched at the corners of their eyes. Unexpectedly, the courtier was so spineless when he surrendered, but they did not hesitate to bow down.

In the end, the king of Amaterasu was left alone.Seeing my courtiers kneeling all around, there was a twitch in my heart. I was unwilling on my face, so I could only kneel down on the ground and bow down.

On the ship of Daxia State.The soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom who was landing in Hong Kong looked at the lord of a country who bowed down below, and their hearts were extremely excited.

Standing on the battleship as if they were Chen Ye, they were standing tall.A look of arrogance

"Is this the lords of the various parties in Amaterasu? They are all 9th-Rank, all because of the fusion of demons.

Following Chen Ye, Tian Gai, who often dealt with Amaterasu Kingdom, was also the first time he saw the lords of Amaterasu Kingdom. Seeing those lords exuding a haze and violent aura, each of them reached the level of ninth rank. Suddenly frowned.Some disdain in my heart.

Although these guys do not lose their humanity like the traitors, they are all affected by the demons. It will not be long before the entire Amaterasu Kingdom will become a kingdom of demons.

However, before that, I am afraid that the Great Xia Congress will be in crisis first. After all, the exorcist integrated with the demons does not want the demons to deal with so easily.

I don't know why, looking at those kneeling in front of him, Tian Gai always felt that something was wrong.

174. Demon Lord?(1/6)

Seeing Chen Ye stepping down from the battleship, the minister who was kneeling on the ground was overjoyed on his face, moving his knees and quickly came to Chen Ye.

Master Chen Ye.As the representative of Amaterasu, I offer you our loyalty.

The court official said excitedly with Chen Ye.

At the same time, the court official pulled out a strange black jar from the storage kit.

The jar was sealed by a strange rune, and it seemed to contain something.Golden silhouette.

Chen Ye encountered this situation for the first time.He felt it.The power of light is extremely repellent to that jar.It's like I met an old enemy


"what happened?"

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