I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 193

Profession, Sharpshooter (Mechanical Heart)

"Level 70!"

Ye stared blankly.Suddenly, I was very surprised.

At this moment, Chen Ye suddenly felt a terrifying aura rushing toward his face, and his expression moved twice again.

And the ruin girl suddenly raised her head


_ "Eight-Five Zero" figures appeared instantly, it was the Demon King Yanka who had just blocked Chen Ye.

Man, you angered me."

Looking at Chen Ye, Yanka said coldly.

"The wind!"

Suddenly, the ruin girl screamed. A wormhole of tens of meters cracked. A mecha similar in size to an ordinary demon clan

Fly out of it.

"what is this?"

Looking at the mecha that suddenly drilled out.Yanka's complexion changed slightly.I don't know why, facing this strange metal object that I have never seen before.Deep in his heart, there was a trace of jealousy.

Chen Ye looked-moving.A sign was drawn directly in his hand.It was the identity card that Callett gave him before.

Although the ruined girl has seventy levels.But the difference between seventy eyes and seven soils is nearly double the attributes.And the levels are too different.Your own BF skills have no effect on the ruin girl.

He's not sure if the mecha of the ruins girl can be right

Paying the other party is related to your own safety.Chen Ye thinks it's better to call Callette.

If Callett comes in time.Maybe they can take the opportunity to kill this guy,


Chen Ye grabbed the token, and a ray of light rose into the sky, instantly rushing into the sky.

"It's the token of the Demon King. His Royal Highness is in danger!" The flame demon restrained him.


Ran Jie secretly cursed, and he could only solve the guy in front of him first.


With a cold snort, Ranjeff's body stood up

Moment changes.In the blink of an eye, he turned into a black-winged monster with an individual size of several hundred meters.

At the same time, of course the demons in the Demon King's Palace also noticed the signal sent by Chen Ye.

"Didn't Ranjeff go? Why did His Highness Chen Ye still send out a distress message? Could it be that he has encountered many enemies"

The guards of the Demon King's Palace changed their expressions.When I was about to report to Kallett, I saw Wu Guang a prisoner in the palace.Callett has rushed out.

"Half stay here to garrison the palace, and all the other general guards will go with me."

The demon guard of the High Hall of King Moroccan

The voice resounded throughout the palace, and I saw a horrible drama, and several figures rushed out of the Demon King’s Palace and destroyed it.

"You guy, what did you do?"

Yanka watched Chen Ye make such a big movement, and suddenly there was a bad distance, the viewer Chen Ye asked.

"It's nothing, just think I might not be able to beat you, so I call someone to help."

Chen Ye looked at Yanka and also sneered, saying lightly.

"Called a helper? ⊥ Is it Callette."

Yanka looked at Chen Ye, and her heart suddenly sank.

"Damn it. You dare to play

Me, I am going to kill you!"

Yanka's face kept changing.

In the sky, the phantom of a huge flame demon with a height of thousands of feet appeared in the sky.

"It's Yanka! Damn it."

Calette, who was coming towards Chen Ye, saw the huge flame demon phantom that Yanka had transformed into the sky in the distance, and his face suddenly changed.The speed is even faster, the speed of a thousand kilometers

Here, the flame-wrapped claws of the huge phantom flicked across the air, like several long red flame dragons falling rapidly.

"High Energy Alert!"

The light in Mecha Gale's eyes flashed, and immediately blocked Yanka's claws.


Several consecutive rounds were shot out at high speed, hitting the phantom of the giant claw in the blink of an eye, shaking the giant claw for a while.Paused.But another giant claw of the phantom came quickly.


The huge claws hit the violent wind, and the violent wind burst directly under the huge force of the giant melon phantom.

"Hahaha, fly."

Blast the wind.Yanka sneered disdainfully and then looked at Chen Ye.That look like looking back at the ants.

Chen Ye was very upset.

Looking at the huge phantom burning evil celebration, the ruin girl's face was solemn, and she quickly raised her left hand.The watch quickly scans and locks the other party.

"Come out" G-0!"


The sky changes instantly.

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