I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 202

Proved the return of the old

-Time, Chen Ye’s back-and-forth video spreads wildly on the Internet

Every video of Chen Ye has hundreds of millions of views on the Internet, and it has won countless fans. Now that Chen Ye is back, some companies even have holidays

Day, to celebrate.

206. The mission system is turned on (3/6)

At this moment.Suddenly a figure rushed in the distance.Actually faster than Chen Zao's speed.

Following that person's figure, the world became gorgeous.Everyone slowed down the time fort of God.The other party has come to Sui Duo Shen Jia.

With that figure, the strong people of the Great Xia Kingdom on the wall are all met once.Because the other party is a bald road worker.

Looking at each other, Tong Zhibo glanced at each other.Turning my heart endlessly.

No one could feel the slightest fluctuation in the blind man.

The feeling of being blind.It is a self-man of a year of heavy foundation.

And yes.Just breathtaking speed.How could it be a manifestation of an ordinary person

This kind of righteousness made me feel selfish and childish just because I became a seeker

Especially facing Chen Dui.They actually felt the dust-emperor plate from Chen Ye

"My lord, that person has been retired. He will not be 660 meters away from my lord."

The genus came to Lan Huang.And the binocular technique cloth fast cover.But he was able to determine the location of the monitoring pile with a clear risk.

After You Zong.The straight one retreated behind Chenbu.Focus on the demon emperor below.Xiren Dumoshu's mutual organization

go with.

"Is this guy really blind?"

Note found the movements of Zuoli and Jianzi.Zhisu Bo is a treasure in their hearts.The star's 6B0 behind Huang Chenwei

Name: GSD

Race: Terran

Sex: Male

Level: 70

Occupation; Ghost Sword Land (available for four occupations)

CSD is the special doll made by Chen Ye through the pink war soul: GLE.; Besides, it is also the chief culprit who killed Chen Wei in the Hall of Straight of Light for countless times.


When he was playing the game, he was very upset by this "teammate", making him (bicb) the top creative master in mainland China.

Of course, Chen Ye didn't know the battle theory and spiritual power points in the hands of various voices, and immediately raised him to level 70."-

Chen Xiongxi appeared in the palace for the second time, just like when Chen Ye left.Yiri is Xia Kang and

.The main meeting is here.To the lord of rank nine

And the nine products in the field are also coming one after another.

Some changes from before,

But all this makes them feel

"Chen Ye. This

It’s the chaos you asked us to collect before

In the hall, watch Chen Ye not speak.scene

Chen Ye was not polite to the storage tips.

There are more than 5,000 sources of disaster. If it weren’t for the Yunjin Yunjin relics, they would have cleaned it up.

"Four 1 found that the host possesses the source of unraveling the chaos up to 100. It can be submitted to the driver to awaken any 3

When Chen Ye just transferred the source of chaos to the inventory, the system


Own this

The host HT Gongzhen completed the task of awakening the exorcist and successfully awakened as "

Long Dou Tu'"

"Ding! Soul Destroying Talisman." All of them were shocked.

Congratulations to the host for completing all awakening tasks,

With Chen Ye's system mission started.worldwide

Various visions have appeared one after another around the world.

There are countless strange-looking monsters coming out of the crypt in Westland.

There are mountains in the Northern Cold Continent that suddenly rise to the top and are covered by a strange black pipe.

Suddenly, Long Ming appeared somewhere in the southern mainland.The area of ​​the king star with a radius of thousands of miles changed into a piece of ice.

East Asia, the east side is

An unnamed island appeared with a dragon with wings hovering a little bit I"

Central Continent.There are two luxurious mausoleums.Countless wearing armors, so-called king,

A certain forest.Innocent fire appeared on the middle side.The water is immortal.The other side is covered with frost, the unproclaimed is "

In a certain sea area, two seas are connected.

of course.Chen Ye didn't know all this.

"Sure enough, all professions must be fully awakened."

Hearing the prompt from the system, Chen Ye had already expected this.

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