I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 222

He knew that Chen Ye would push the cult to the world sooner or later, because many invaders appeared on other continents,

If you can grasp this opportunity, it will definitely be beneficial to the Exorcist Guild.

Seeing Tong Zhibo leaving, Chen Ye set his gaze on the teachers and students who were onlookers in the distance.

"Evacuate all those onlookers.

Chen Ye arranged an arrangement, and the guards around him responded and immediately walked towards the teachers and students.

Chen Ye's eyes turned, and finally fell on Yao Jin.

Facing Chen Ye, Yao Jin was a little nervous at the moment.

Because she found that Chen Ye was making progress too fast, and she was almost worried about whether Chen Ye would look down on it.

Their allegiance to Bai Wu-mai.

At the beginning, she chose to serve Chen Ye as the master. In addition to Chen Ye's conspiracy to destroy the Black Witches and the Dark Demon Hall, she also hoped that Chen Ye could lead the White Witches to rise.

Bi Yi has been paying attention to news about Chen Ye and his organization behind his back. Apart from Chen Ye and the cult, the entire Asian East Continent is no longer worthy of their loyalty.

Now that the other party is here, Chen Ye certainly has no plans to let them go. After all, the subordinates who sent the door to the door, according to the original oath, pay attention to the oath, unless collectively betrayed the Witch clan, otherwise it is impossible to betray him .

The people of the white witch line all admired Chen Ye. Chen Ye’s deeds have been circulating in the Great Xia Kingdom. When they knew that the owner of the oath was Chen Ye,

All of them weren't full, and they even wanted to join Chen Ye on the spot.

Chen Ye lifted his eyelids and glanced at the audience.

Without exception, the eyes of those people looking at Chen Ye were full of admiration and fanaticism.

"You must be loyal to me."?"

Chen Ye looked at the front, in the expectation of Bai Wu's line of people, faintly interfering.

Hearing Chen Ye's words, everyone suddenly relaxed

After a few anger, they were really afraid that Chen Ye would let them leave as soon as they arrived.

"We are willing to follow our lord Chen Ye to the death!"

Yao Jin lowered her head and said softly towards Chen Ye.

Then, the people behind him immediately agreed."100.

"I will swear to follow my lord Chen Ye!" The voices of the crowd made the teachers and students of the academy leaving in the distance buzzed in their ears.

And those guards.They all looked back.Looking at that gang of Wu people with admiration, becoming Chen Ye's subordinates would be equivalent to becoming members of the sect.

And the person who becomes the order can even be said to become

Superior existence.

"Well, since you are loyal to me, you are loyal to the cult. Those who dare to harm the interests of the cult, our cult will send people to chase after you, even if you run to the end of the sky I won't let anyone betray anyone."

Sweeping his eyes forward, Chen Ye let out a low cry, and the words in it made the heat in everyone's eyes subside, all of them looked at Chen Ye seriously.

The atmosphere became solemn, and even made people dare not breathe. Chen Ye's expression moved again afterwards.

I saw Chen Ye wave his hand, and a bunch of golden crystals appeared on the ground.


From now on, you are the members of the fourth regiment of the thirteenth riding and earth regiment. These crystals happen to be one of each of you, hold them all in your palms and scratch them, and then line up one by one to find me."

After Chen Ye finished speaking, he turned and returned to the house.

"Have you heard all?"

Watching Chen Ye return to the room, Yao Jin also stood up, turned to the back, and gave a low voice.


The people of the Wu Clan outside shouted in unison, and they all understood that they were now members of the cult.

In the distance, those exorcist guards.One by one

The people who looked at the witches were even more envious. They even wondered if those who were kneeling were themselves.

Not only did he join the cult, he was even directly assigned to the Tusanqi Tutu.

This group of witches don’t know, but these local exorcists in Xiadu are all very clear about the existence of the Tusan Knights.

At the beginning, GSD was in the sky like a god descending from the world, so they can remember it now.

As for the thirteen knights’ position in the sect, to them, it is like the guard of the kingdom of Xiadu, revealing a mysterious and powerful atmosphere everywhere.

Two hours later, 574 members of the Wu clan including Yao Jin had seen Chen Ye alone and gathered in the courtyard.

After scanning, Chen Ye found that among these people, all of them had reached the level of a senior exorcist, and even nearly half of them had the strength of a master exorcist.

Such forces, if they hadn't always wanted to take back the Altar of the Sorcerer God back then, I'm afraid they could already call in to create a Holy Land force.

Five hundred and seventy-four people.All were transferred by Chen Ye.

(Does it for money?) Different from learning skills alone, after changing jobs, these guys will

As the level is enough, the face automatically turns on the skills.

But they can't make multiple job transfers like Chen Ye, they only have one job, and they can only learn the skills of one job.

Moreover, the skills in it are controlled by Chen Ye.He can check all the skills of the team anytime, anywhere, or based on some unique skill pools.

Among them, the witches and exorcist professions of the Witch tribe have been transferred the most, and they are also yearning for them. Chen Ye found that the enthusiasm of the white witches is very respectful to living things, and it is easier to accept the existence of gods, and becoming a witch is most suitable of.

The exorcist was blocked by Chen Ye

All the magic skills are removed, only the giant attack skills are retained.

Chen Ye wants to create a real army of dungeon professions.

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225. Chen Ye's Status (4/6)

Two days later.

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