I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 225

"President, what do you think? How could such a powerful artifact be in Chen Ye's hands, and it would be too dangerous to take things completely.

Tong Zhibo rolled his eyes and didn't know why. At this moment, when he faced the president who he awed in the past, it was like looking at Xia Kang today, but he had no previous worship at all.

Perhaps this is the true appearance of the president, the majesty of the past, Pi Guo is like Xia Kang when he faced those courtiers.

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227. Frozen Summer Capital (6/6)

"Do you really want to see it?"

Looking at the other party, Chen Ye smiled slightly. He didn't intend to hide it. He could just take this opportunity to let those who doubted see it.The power of this Glacial Rift Sword.

"Can you?"

I heard Tong Zhibo's words.Xia Qiyang was still a little lost, but Chen Ye's words immediately refreshed him.

Since Chen Ye said so.Then it means that the Glacial Rift Sword is really on Chen Ye.

Hear what Chen Ye said.Even Tong Zhibo looked curious after-staring, looking forward to the artifact that claims to be able to freeze Tier 3

, Completely suppressed his shame because of the wrong guess.

The corner of Chen Ye's mouth raised.

In the expectant gaze of the two, Chen Ye folded his left palm and right fist, covering the empty mouth of his fist in his palm.

As Chen Ye's fist slowly separated "six six zero", two golden blades of light appeared in Chen Ye's fist.

When Chen Ye completely removed his fist, a beam of light more than one meter long flickered on Chen Ye's handworm.

Gradually, the golden light began to dim, revealing the phantom of a blue long blade inside.

"This is the Glacial Rift Sword?"

Looking at the light in Chen Ye's hand

Mang, Xia Qiyang frowned, it was indeed similar to the image on the machine back then, but he didn't feel the slightest anger.

Chen Ye did not answer, but calmly looked at the long blade in his hand.


The next moment, the golden light faded, the ice blue cold light flashed for an instant, and an ice blue long blade appeared in Chen Ye's hand.


For an instant.Tong Zhibo and Xia Qiyang only seemed to hear the air shock, as if they made the sound of particle collision.

Immediately afterwards, the temperature dropped sharply throughout Xiadu.

In an instant

, Chen Ye's room had already condensed a layer of silvery white frost.

Both Xia Qiyang and Tong Zhibo's expressions changed.

Especially Tong Zhibo, looking at the ice blade in Chen Ye's hand, gave him a chill of soul trembling.

"What's the matter? Master Chen Ye's villa!"

The exorcist guards who guarded the periphery felt the deep chill in the villa, which made them tremble all over, feeling that their bodies were about to freeze to pieces.


Chen Xing, Zuo Shi, Xiang Tianshu, Lin Cou, Duan Tiandao and others appeared one after another around Chen Ye's villa.

Everyone looked at the front villa with solemn expressions.

They knew very well that there were two extremely cold things in the villa, which made them feel fear instinctively.

"It's so cold, even the body of my seeker can feel the chill, what is inside?

On the left, the body trembled, and he looked at the person ahead, and said in amazement.

No one answered, because they didn't even know what happened to Guomian.

In the room.

With Chen Ye as the center, the icy blue chill spreads rapidly to the periphery like tentacles, wherever it passes,

Directly turned into blue ice.

In an instant, Chen Ye's entire villa turned into an ice sculpture.

Inside the room, Chen Ye, as the holder of the Glacial Rift Sword, was not affected at all.

And both A-Gump Zuo and Xia Qiyang were already covered by hoarfrost.

As for Tong Zhibo, his hands and feet are cold.I feel that I am going to be invaded by this anger at any time.

"No, I can't take it anymore."

Tong Zhibo exclaimed, and his figure rushed out instantly.

When he went out, he felt that the chill behind him was still increasing.

"Is it President Tong?"

Tong Zhibo rushed out of the villa, and the faces of the people outside suddenly changed. When they saw Tong Zhibo, they exclaimed again.

"Tong Zhibo, what happened inside?"

Chenxing's figure moved, blocking Tong Zhibo, watching him ask seriously.

"Yes, for that sword, Chen Ye took out the Glacial Rift Sword. It was all caused by the chill that radiated from that sword."

After swallowing, after hesitating, Tong Zhibo chose to tell everyone the truth.


When it came to Tong Zhibo, the seekers and exorcists present gave out a scream.

"Glacial Rift Sword? Well, that kind of artifact really exists?"!"

Chen Xing's expression is also very strange, looking at Tong Zhibo and asking in disbelief,...

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