I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 228

On all sides of the Demon King's Palace, the crowd of black beasts crazily approached here.

All the demons in the Guangwang Palace were extremely dignified, and even the Demon Lord Kallet was waiting.

At this moment, he needs to preside over the enchantment, and the following protection work can only be entrusted to the demon generals.

Soon, countless monsters came like a flood.

And in front of those monsters.There are other magical generals who were originally leisurely.

Facing the flood of monsters, then

These demon generals did not dare to underestimate them, let alone let those beasts catch up with them, wherever they dared to stay leisurely, they all panicked towards the demon

"The devil is too human! It's the beast tide 1 the beast tide is coming!"

The group of demons rushed into the Demon King's Palace in a panic. Among them, the cyan-skinned demon that Chen Ye had seen before shouted at the same time.

"Lanjef, immediately open the guardian barrier."

Glancing at the monster that was less than a hundred miles ahead, Calette yelled downward.

The already prepared Ranjeff did not dare to hesitate, and immediately activated the guardian barrier of the Demon King's Palace itself.

I saw a dark purple halo rising from the ground.It's like a translucent shield, with dark and purple thunders constantly moving.

In the blink of an eye, those monsters had gathered.

The magical riots have driven those monsters into madness, no matter where they are enchantments, they are all moths to the fire.Bumped towards the barrier.

The dark purple thunder and lightning spread rapidly when those monsters touched the guardian boundary outside the Demon King's palace.

The beasts that had come into contact with thunder and lightning stopped one after another, their bodies stiffened in place, and the beasts used by the back stepped on them.

Dark purple

The thunder and lightning are like a long snake, and they are quickly transmitted to the outside through the bodies of those monsters.

In the blink of an eye, a thunder pool of dark surging appeared in the devil's palace.

The magic power of the abyss hell is gathering here, so that the magic power in the Demon King's palace is extremely abundant, and there is no need to worry about the problem of consumption.

However, there were too many beasts around, and soon, the enchantment was filled with the bodies of the beasts, covering the enchantment.

More and more evil spirits piled up, causing the barrier to make a sound similar to the bending of a wooden board.

The (Wang Dehao) barrier outside the Demon King’s Palace is also there

Vibrant violently.

Chen Ye, who felt that the growth rate of spiritual power in his body was somewhat abnormal, also sank his will into the clone.

With the strong magical blessings around him, Chen Ye found that he was already free to move around.

"What happened outside?"

Chen Ye was a little surprised, feeling the magic power almost densely described around him, and quickly looked outside.

"Turn on the Yan Jian of Burning Demon!"

As soon as Chen Ye walked out of the hall, he immediately heard Ranjeff's low drink.

Immediately afterwards, I saw around the Demon King’s Palace, Chen Ye thought it was a decoration

The eight evil statues used suddenly opened their eyes and looked around.

Then, the hot purple flames blasted out from the mouth of the demon statue quickly, passed through the barrier, rushed into the group of monsters, burned those monsters to ashes instantly, and cleared a blank area in the blink of an eye.

230. Four pieces of fat!(3/6)


Look at the flames around.Chen Ye's face suddenly changed

Although the demon point of the abyss hell is not bad.

Mr. Benfu, what is going on? 2 Lord Demon Lord.One

The previous Green Skin Demon General was from Ranjie.Frowning.

He can feel it.This Devil’s Palace has always been rented

"Master Demon King will take over as soon as the demon gathering enchantment comes

Lan Jie glanced at the other person.

I have on top of my head

Chen Ye moved here

the Lord!"

"What the hell happened here? 2 The place of the flame hell is

Chen Ye nodded and looked at the strange Bai Qi

"Not in the new era, because the magic power supplies you."

Golas One

"Is that so?"

Hear Golas' explanation.Chen Ze was also scared 1

The magic of the whole hell.He could really think of it, this photographer

Concluding that magic is the root of hell demons and monsters, they kill chickens and get eggs.

Thinking of this, Chen Ye

, The protection of Gaogongzhidian

Outside the barrier, Mopu has already woken up.

These store orders dare not move forward.Such a killing.


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