I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 233

A faint blue light appeared in the middle of the colored flame, and the two pairs of fists exuded an extremely sacred and powerful aura.

"Destroying God Strike!"

, I

234. Meteor disillusionment, group attack and brush experience (1/6)

Chen Ye clearly exudes a dark, evil and depraved aura, but Pi knows why.

The demons around Cong Chen Ye felt a sense of sacredness.

However, as the object of Chen Ye's attack, Nether Demon King Vast felt more real.

The figure of Chen Ye in the front really looked like a true god.

Different from Vallett directly crushing the air, Chen Ye directly solidified the enclosed space with unimaginable force, and compressed the air and space with the power of his fist. It seems that Chen Ye’s fist is weak and weak. The upper space has been squeezed and overlapped by Chen Ye

Dao, watching Vast a bit can’t believe his eyes

However, although he didn't want to believe that Chen Ye could erupt with such a powerful force, the deep crisis emanating from above made Vast have to admit that if he was hit, his life would be absolutely in danger.

"Damn it, damn it! How could this be.

Vast began to frantically break free from the shackles of the surrounding ice cones and icicles.

But the more mania he got, the icicles became stronger under the control of Natya.

In the end, Chen Ye's fist rushed towards Vast.

"Om 687!

The collision of the space in front of Chen Ye's fists seemed to have exploded, and the brilliant light instantly appeared, and it hit Vast's body in the blink of an eye.


"Crack it~!"

A loud noise spreads for kilometers, and at the same time the sound of Vast’s bones breaking and the surrounding icicles being shaken by power, whether it is a demon or a distant monster, facing this blow, they can’t help their scalp. hemp.

But Destroying God's Strike is not just a punch.

As the light flashed, the second punch and the third lap came one after another, two consecutive punches directly covered Vaster's body

All of his bones shattered and shook them to the ground.

The familiar light on Chen Ye's fist lit up again, Vast's eyes were abrupt, and his eyes were full of panic.

This time, Chen Ye was accumulating his fists. Looking at Chen Ye's fists, Vast Cong had never experienced such despair.

In the end, no miracle occurred, the light directly drowned Chen Ye, and then rammed Vast, who had no resistance.

"Boom!" (bide)__

As if the sky had collapsed, the magic power that was rapidly condensing in the sky began to tremble crazily under this blow.

Kallett's face changed, he increased his magic output, forcibly stabilized his magic, and avoided the magic riot.

At the same time, he was a little surprised. At the top of the palace, he could only see the shining light, but he didn’t know what happened.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Demon King* 1 and gaining experience points

_ "Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the demon king and completing the sacred brilliance of the task.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the reward for completing the task: experience value + 1 billion, prestige value + 20,000, open the sacred mall!"

"Ding! Congratulations on upgrading the host to level 63, please continue


The light dissipated, Chen Ye stood there, and before him, the Demon King Vast had disappeared.

"Vast, dead?!"

After feeling for a while, Yan Ka suddenly changed his face when he realized that there was no Vast breath anymore. He looked at Chen Ye below in disbelief and asked.

"Damn it! I should have killed you in the first place!"

The death of Vast shows that Chen Ye has the power to kill the demon king. Coupled with the icicle formation that just appeared in the name of the tomb, it is calculated that he has not seen the member of the Tarakuta group Xiuyi himself, so he can naturally. Guessed that the opponent has a third order

The strong exist.

At this moment, Yanka felt extremely regretful, but Vast was dead. He stayed here, and the next person to die would be himself.

Without any hesitation.Yanka directly tore the space behind him, turned into a red flame, got in, and disappeared in front of the demons in the blink of an eye.

"That guy, ran away?"

Looking at the empty battlefield ahead.Ran Jeff said in a bit of astonishment.This is a Tier 3 Demon King, who just ran away like this.

What's more about to collapse are those demonic soldiers from the two hells who came with the two demon kings.

The two demon kings died and fled, but left them all here.

"Surrender! We surrender!"

Seeing the demon of the abyss hell staring at the front, the other two demon soldiers of hell were all terrified and knelt down and surrendered.

The devil can tear through the space and run, but they can't. The opponent has at least three Tier 3 powerhouses, or how they will fight back with the Devil of Abyss Hell, they might as well surrender now.

Looking at the heads of the two hell elite demons in front of him, Ranjeff was delighted, and he went on to include them, but suddenly, he found that the flame demon

A huge circle was born under his feet.

. "Meteor Disillusionment!"


In the first time the magic circle appeared, in the sky, countless huge element crystals of various colors cut through the air, wiping out a long arc of fire one after another in the direction of the magic circle.

Numerous elemental meteorites smashed with powerful impacts, and the impact carried by each of them has exceeded 10,000 tons and is still increasing with the speed of the fall.


In the blink of an eye, those Burning Legions had no time to react. Elemental meteorites had already rushed into the Burning Legions. Those burning flames

The devil is turning into a worm of panic and despair.

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