I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 236

"It's golden."

Outside the villa, the exorcists who had been nervous because of 777's red face once again picked up their hearts, looked at the direction of the room, and cried out in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying coercion rushed out of Chen Ye's villa.In the blink of an eye, it swept half of Xiaducheng.

The breath of the king was like turbulent waves, frightening all the people in the coverage area.

Whether it's an exorcist or

Desperately, under this coercion, each one opened his eyes wide and couldn't help but bow down.

"what happened?"

The king's coercion raged in Xiadu City, and the first person to react was Xia Kang, the Lord of Great Xia.

In this breath, he felt like a flat boat in the ocean, swaying constantly, as if it might capsize at any time.

"It's the direction of the Central Exorcism Academy. What a terrifying aura is definitely related to Chen Ye."

The morning star next to him was also trembling in his heart, looking at the direction of the Central Exorcism Academy, _ said in fear.

Afterwards, it seems

Thinking of something, he quickly looked at Xia Kang.

And Xia Kang was also looking at Morning Star in surprise for an instant.Both seemed to understand each other's thoughts.

"Is it the high level of the sect that has come? 1! !" The two said at the same time, the horror in their eyes was beyond words._

237. The assassin who was shaken (make up yesterday 4/6)

The powerhouses of Xiadu looked at the direction of the Central Exorcist Academy in fear. The streets were full of civilians and exorcists, and they continued to worship in the direction of the Central Exorcist Academy.

"What kind of person is it? How can he unleash such power?"

Lei looked at the direction of the Central Exorcism Academy, and Heartworm was equally shocked.

At this moment, Chen Ye didn't know what shock the king's majesty brought by the Polo I suit brought to the people of Xiadu.

Chen Ye looked at the figure falling out of the darkness in front of him with a strange look.

That person is a mask with a cat face

A woman in black tight-fitting dress perfectly presented her plump figure in front of Chen Ye.

"This is the killer sent by the Demon Hunter Council to kill me?"

Chen Ye looked strangely at the figure who had been caught off guard because he was too close to him.

Name: Dokiya


Level: 59_

Occupation: First-order seeker

"Really a woman."

Chen Ye looked-pick.Then he frowned and said.

Now the other party is in a coma, still waiting for the other party to wake up.

After thinking for a while, Chen Ye raised his hand and lightly tapped towards the woman. The woman's body seemed to be supported by an invisible force.

Immediately afterwards, a black chain appeared out of thin air, imprisoning it.

The abnormal movement around him also made the killer wake up, his eyelids opened slightly, and his eyes were too wide when he saw Chen Ye.

"You are awake."

Looking at the other party, Chen Ye concealed the effect of the Polo Worker's suit, and Chen Ye's battle armor disappeared in an instant. Then he poured a glass of water for himself and said lightly.

Dorkya didn't say

Then, I just kept looking around, looking for opportunities to see if I could escape.

Noting the opponent's movements, Chen Ye's eyes were sinking, and a weird dark arc suddenly emitted from the dark purple chain.

The arc quickly rushed to Dokia's body.More and more electric arcs stimulate Dokia’s nerves, making her whole body like countless ants biting her body

The stimulus from the body and spirit made Dokia take a deep breath, but the body was unable to move, and his unspeakable daring to take it made his eyes full of horror.

"who are you?"

Chen Ye glanced, the arc flashed

After disappearing, Chen Ye looked at the good woman Maidan and asked.

Dorchia didn't want to answer, but felt her whole body locked up, and an electric arc ran across her face again, making her refreshed.

_"Ming Kia, is the hand of darkness you call

Ming Qiya bit and replied towards Chen Ye.


Chen Ye nodded.Chen Ye was also a little surprised about the identity of the other party.

"So you are planning to assassinate me again?"

Chen Ye said briefly again, but shook his head again, feeling as if he was asking nonsense.

This time Dokia did not answer.Because she knew, Chen Ye knew the answer.

"just kill me."

Looking at Chen Ye, Dokiya quickly calmed down. She never thought that she would be assassinated and imprisoned by her in this way.

However, she knew that she was bound to die today, which was her preparation for every mission.

Chen Ye chose to refuse the other party's words.

"I will not kill you, because you are more useful to me to live."

After Chen Ye shook his head and took a sip of tea, his fingers kept tapping the desktop in front of him.


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