I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 252

On the other side, listening to the slightly magnetic man’s voice, Doqiya's heart trembled, thinking of everything that happened in Chen Ye’s house. I don’t know if it was because the soul of the fallen led to the fall, Dokiah’s. There was a strange feeling in the body, and then Dokia suddenly reacted, but the reaction of the body suddenly made her face flush again.

"I, my lord. I am, Dokya."

I don't seem to be used to being so respectful

Respectfully communicate with others, it may be that Cong's fear of Chen Ye hasn't been eased yet, Ming Qiya is a little bit not very smooth when she speaks.

However, there is still an unnatural charm in the words.

Dockia called herself so soon, Chen Ye was surprised, but he didn't show it, and paused.

_"what happened?"

If Wang Ran took the initiative to contact him, there must be something wrong, so Chen Ye asked directly.

Hearing Chen Ye's cold words.Dokia didn't know why, there was a trace of unhappiness in her heart, or a trace of loss.

After sensing the emotions in her heart, Dokia suddenly stared, and she couldn't believe that she would have such emotions.

The other party kept silent, Chen Ye didn't worry, just waited quietly.

Soon, Ming Qiya also suppressed the strange emotions in her heart, took a deep breath, and heard the phone call to Chen Ye's ears without making Chen Ye frown.

"My lord, there is something in the Demon Hunting Council.

"Today's top "Wan Zhan" took the initiative to contact me and said that they would share the task with the second-placed "God's Left Hand" and the third-placed "Lao Jin".

Tomorrow, we will arrive at the Yadong Continent, when the three of us will act together to assassinate you."

Dorkya didn’t know that the restless mood she had just felt was felt by Chu Ye, but after quieting down, she reported to Chen Ye about the Demon Hunting Council.

"Does the second, third, and fourth killer work together?"

Chen Ye murmured-and then nodded lightly.

Regarding Chen Ye’s calm attitude, Ming Qiya didn’t know what she should say, because she had already said what she should say.

I've already told Chen Ye

, How the county body responds depends on Chen Ye.

Seeing Chen Ye hadn't spoken, and Duoqiya didn't know what to say, Wang Su just hung up the phone.

_ "correct."

Just when Duoqiya was talking to Chen Ye about hanging up the phone, Chen Ye's voice coldly remembered, and Ming Qiya trembled.

"My lord, please tell me."

Dorkya suppressed her beating heart.To the other end of the phone, try to calm down and say.

"According to the ranking of the Demon Hunting Council. If the first, second and third places die, then the Demon Hunting Council is yours?

Come to control it?"

Chen Ye calmly looked at the table in front of him and asked leisurely on the phone.


When she heard Chen Ye's words, Duoqiya's heart trembled, and she couldn't help taking a breath.

She knew very well what Chen Ye was doing all of a sudden. If she controlled the Demon Hunting Council, it would be controlled by Chen Ye.If the Demon Hunting Council fell into Chen Ye's control, then the Demon Hunting Council would really be destroyed, just as Chen Ye said.

In her view, the existence of the Demon Hunting Council.It’s a group of free knights who hunt down the most vicious dignitaries and demons

Organization.Once controlled by a caring person, the Demon Hunting Council will also lose its own existence.

No matter what Chen Ye wants.Dokia, who has now integrated the fallen soul and became Chen Ye's servant, can only give priority to Chen Ye's first interest.

_"," In theory, if the three of "Wan Zhan" and "God's Left Hand "Lao Jin" are not present, I am confident that I can become the number one leader of the Demon Hunting Council."

After taking another deep breath, Ming Qiya replied seriously.

"Okay, then I know, you can prepare."

Ye nodded his head, dropped a word not salty, and hung up the phone.


The phone was hung up, Ming Qiya still had a dream-like feeling.

She knew what Chen Ye said to prepare herself. It was to prepare herself to take over the Demon Hunting Council points.

Ming Qia and the left hand of the gods and Lao Jin did not have a very famous intersection. They just heard the legend of the other party. The two came to assassinate Chen Ye this time, and they were destined to die.

Here, after Chen Ye hung up the phone, he turned his gaze to the left of A-Gump, who was standing in front of him and rested.(Good job Zhao)

"Let's go a few more laps on the street, wait for you to record my location and post it to the top, the people from the Demon Hunter Council should be able to find the door by themselves.'

Chen Ye said leisurely, and then put away the basic pharmacy book on the table in front of him.

This thing seems to be more difficult than the chemical formula, Chen Ye couldn't help having a headache, but the system had to be a dead brain and had to do it by himself Yes, the ghost knows if it will be replaced by something similar.

Chen Ye already knows what the foundation of this medicine is for, maybe

, The foundation of the medicine is to replace those props with some special medicines. Otherwise, the medicines sold in the sacred mall are so expensive that it is impossible to make them by using their spiritual power alone..

, L

253. The Assassins Gather (2/6)

Two days later.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for learning the basics of pharmacy and starting a secondary profession: pharmacist!"

As Chen Ye closed the basic theory of the pharmacy, the system's prompt sound finally entered Chen Ye's earworm.

"It's not easy. No wonder the guy Xiang Tianshu always persuaded me to improve my strength first. Learning this thing is really not something that can be done overnight.

Chen Ye stretched his waist. He has millions of mental values, and he has watched it for so many days. This is just a basic theory.If you study it in depth, it might take a lot of time.

Chen Ye

I also discovered that every soil level is a hurdle, even after level 50, the attribute of each scholar level is still a soil multiplier.

Ruling finally opened a deputy career, which made Chen Ye feel relieved.

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