I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 260

The relationship between the Order and the Exorcist Council is somewhat subtle.But the traitors do not want to take the opportunity to deal with the Exorcist Council all the time.

"You said, the cult will not collude with those traitors, right?"

Sage Thunderwen frowned again, as if he was the one who likes to guess other people's thoughts the most.

"No, the traitor and Chen Ye

His enemies are much bigger than ours."

After listening to the sage, the sun-stripe sage said somewhat gloating.

The cult and the Exorcist Guild jointly issued missions.It completely suppresses the strength growth rate that the traitor is proud of. As long as the cult continues to exist, no one will actively become a traitor.

Anyway, the traitor organization will disappear on its own.

Obviously, this is equivalent to unshakable hatred for the current traitor organization.

Even, if it weren’t for the rapid rise of the cult, they would have to wait until the cult was fighting the traitors.

After losing both sides, he took the opportunity to wipe out both sides._

, L

260. The King's Guardian·Wind (3/6)

"My lord, we are here."

Seeing one from a distance: a majestic giant city with countless armored soldiers standing densely on it, A-Gump stopped to the left and said to Chen Ye.


In response, Chen Ye's follower Forrest Gump quickly fell from the air and landed directly in front of the city gate.

There were statues of soldiers in front of the city gate, which looked like dead objects, and Chen Ye could not feel a trace of life in the giant city in front of him.

"There is a sense of sight of the relics of the king.

Looking at the giant city ahead, Chen Ye frowned.Then said lightly


At this time, a breeze blew.The breath of Chen Ye and Forrest Gump was blown into the city,


In an instant, the giant city that originally seemed like a dead place changed.The battle statues in front of the city gate began to show up.


Chen Ye looked-moving.Looking at the statue in front, the sacred code has been summoned.

With the trembling, the stone-like shells on the surface of the stone sculptures began to fall off, revealing the original features of the statues, and the knights in bronze armor were densely packed.


Among these knight guards, there is a blue-armored knight guard, which obviously looks taller than the others, and all respectfully follow behind him.

"Intruder? Dare to disturb my king's dormancy?"

The blue knight saw Chen Ye.Said in a majestic tone.

Name: King of Guardian. Wind

Race: Undead

Level: 69


Chen Ye looked at the other side and said lightly.

At the same time, Chen Ye had already drawn the Holy Silver Cross behind his back.

next moment.A Polo work suit suddenly appeared on Chen Ye.

The majesty was instantly released from the suit.

"This, this is! The breath of my king! You are wearing my king's armor, damn! You are tarnishing the majesty of my king.

The guardian.Feng felt the aura of Chen Ye's body, and his expression suddenly changed. After seeing the Polo work suit on Chen Ye's body, Feng immediately said angrily.

"Huh, so famous nonsense."

"Forrest Gump, you go to solve those expelled.".

Chen Ye didn't bother to talk nonsense with these monsters, snorted coldly, and after giving a few words to A-Gump, he directly

He lifted the cross and rushed up.

"Weapon blessing!

"Angel blessing!"

"Guardian Wei Zhang!"

"Vengeance of Light!"

"Chakra: Flame!"

"Honorary blessing!

"The Hammer of the Holy Spirit!"

As Chen Ye threw a series of BUFFs, the earth-character frame in Chen Ye's hand suddenly turned into a giant hammer in midair.


The great mallet smashed into Chen Ye's hand, sweeping the air buzzing, and the air below was even more compressed.

"Too slow, hehe hehe, prepare to be sanctioned by the king's guardian wind.

Watching Chen Ye's methods, the Guardian of the Wind was also surprised, and after speaking, he let out a weird sharp smile, which made his scalp numb.


The golden mallet in Chen Ye's hand was smashed at the position of the guardian of the wind, and the earth trembling violently in a radius of several tens of kilometers.

As for the ground in front of the ancient city, Chen Ye had smashed a huge pit.

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