I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 264

Watching the Guardian of Light be killed.The remaining three guards couldn't sit still when mounted.

Guardian (Guardian of the King. Guardian) first attacked, his figure shook, and he rushed towards Chen Ye, with a red light bursting out of his body, and rushed towards Chen Ye.

"Are physical attacks ineffective?"

Although he has not attacked, but according to his own memory.Chen Ye had already seen this guy's thoughts. As a once-nightmare-like existence, this guy had a lot of new ideas.

Looking at the rushing guardian, Chen Ye held a red mans prisoner, the sacred code

It was turned out.

In an instant, Chen Ye's fighting spirit dissipated instantly, and he was replaced by a solemn and holy breath.


The guard's eyes moved twice, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Suzaku Talisman!"

Chen Ye swept his finger over the sacred code.

The next moment, between Chen Ye and Guardian, a huge red circle appeared in the air.


"487 hum!

Guardian looked surprised.Before I can react, the magic circle

A red flame burst out from above.

The Demon Extinguishing Flame on the Suzaku Talisman is already extremely powerful, plus Chen Ye's enchanted Flame Card for the Divine Code, the power has increased by half, and the fiery temperature instantly melted the armor on the guardian body.


"Do not!"

The guardian never expected that Chen Ye would suddenly switch to a flame attack. In the flame of extinction, he could only make two screams, and there was no movement in an instant.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the guardian of the king. Guardian, gain experience value +200 million, sacred value +1."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for personally killing the guardian of the king. Guardian, additional gains: Guardian Essence, Guardian Seal.

The Essence of Guardian: The upgrade of Heavenly Prayer Boots used for Polo Workers can increase Polo Worker's Heavenly Breastplate to level 70.

The seal of the guardian, task item, used to submit the guardian of the king.Guardian tasks.

_ "Ding! Congratulations to the (bibh) host for getting the seal of the guardian, and you can submit the task: Guardian of the King. Guardian⊥ Submit?."

"Ding! Your doll kills the Sword Destroyer*1 and gains experience value +200 million. Gains sacred value +!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have reached level 67. Please continue to work hard!"

Here, Forrest Gump continued to rush in the army of destroyers below.

"Next are you two."

Hearing the prompt from the system, Chen Ye turned his gaze to the remaining Western Guardian Qitu.

Second, everything happens between electric light and flint.The two guardian knights Yan and Bing didn't even react, and they discovered that some of the most weird guardian Qitu-Ming was killed by Chen Ye.

It’s hard for ordinary people to discover the secrets of the guardian body, and it’s the first time I saw this person.

How did they know the secret of the guardian body?

They didn't think that Chen Hua just happened to switch his attack mode.

"Damn it! We must not let him disturb my king!"

Yan and Bing gritted their teeth and all rushed over.

The guardian of the two flames, the dragon and the king.Flying out of the scarlet flame sword in Yan's hand.

The ice is another continuous ice thorn.

This time, the ice thorn did not rely on the ground, but directly built an ice bridge, as if two ice dragons covered with spikes were swallowing towards Chen Ye.

The most bizarre guardian and light and the wind is resolved. The Yan and Bing in front of them are no longer a big threat to Wang Chen Ye.

Although I don't know if the two guardian riding soil will have special effects in the previous game, Chen Ye knows that as long as they are removed in seconds.

In addition to guarding.The other four guards Qi Tu, all just close their eyes.

Seeing the two guards Qitu rushing, Chen Ye's figure suddenly rose.

"Magic! Doomsday Judge!"

Chen Ye's gaze suddenly began to change, his pupils were spinning rapidly, and Chen Ye's body was more useful than the holy light on his body.

The opposite energy is a breath of darkness, despair, and corruption.

Only in the blink of an eye, Chen Ye's appearance has changed, becoming a huge monster, dark gray skin with dark purple patterns, first-born feet, and two long-faced sharp bone spurs on each of his elbows.

One pair of paws is even more faint and cold.Looks extremely permeating.

The demons and ghosts hundreds of kilometers around were all hibernating in their cave shivering.

At the Black Iron Fort a hundred kilometers away, all this noticed a strange and dense black cloud rising from the south.

"What's going on 2"

Watching Chen Ye undergo an incredible change.The expressions of the two guardian knights also changed again. If it was said that facing Chen Bi before was facing a powerful person, then facing Chen Ye now, it is like facing a beast that is ready to choose someone and eat it- general.

Chen Ye's beast-like eyes swept across the two guardian knights in front of him coldly, and the guardian Qi Tu could not help but feel his scalp tingling.

Then the palm of his hand grabbed the hammer of the Holy Spirit on the ground far away, and saw that the hammer of the Holy Spirit was dragged and flew directly in the air back to Chen Ye's hands.


See Chen

Ye grabbed the golden mallet exuding sacred aura, and the eyes of the two guardian knights flicked again.

The power of the Holy Spirit sprinkled on the hammer of the Holy Spirit, with incomparable purity and sacredness, was incompatible with the dark and degenerate aura emanating from Chen Ye.

However, the two energies that should be incompatible with fire and water are now in the hands of Chen Ye in an extremely harmonious way.

"How could this be?_"

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