I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 274

847_ "My Emperor

I want to protect the country myself!.

All the things that have been in the past continue to appear in my mind. The aura of Polo Gong is unprecedentedly strong, and the king's aura stretches for thousands of miles, like a bright new star, attracting the attention of countless people.

"Is this the emperor's spirit?"

While dying, Sage Yue glanced at Polo Gong's direction, and it suddenly became clear that he finally understood why Polo Gong had stopped himself just now.

After that, Sage Yue was silent.

At this moment, above Polodin's head.A dark purple meteorite fell from the sky, surrounded by thunder, and the air

Rubbing out a strange purple light.

In the strange purple light, there is still a touch of golden circulation.

Look closely, the meteorite actually fell from the sky with Chen Ye holding the hammer of the Holy Spirit..


When Chen Ye fell, the purple light and darkness below quickly flooded everything around him like a tide.

In the darkness, a powerful shock wave clung to the ground and rolled in all directions, and the ground that had been smashed by Polo Gong's second hammer was lifted.

The terrifying power, even the surrounding demons did not dare to resist, they retreated one after another, looking forward in amazement

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272. Borodin's family background (3/6)

In the house of the sage.

The earthly sages are all gathered together, one by one looking at the south, their faces are not very good.

"Yue died, it was killed by the cult.

The wise man in the sun pattern robe glanced at the crowd, and then said somewhat dullly.

When the others heard the words of the Sun-stripe sage, they all stared. They all knew and died, but they all thought it belonged to the King of Demon. They didn't expect that it would be the sect they had always looked down upon.

"The people who killed us, the sect is so tired and crooked, I took people to overturn their nest in the East Asian continent.'

Among the others, the sage with fire pattern got up immediately and walked outside with an angry shout.

_"sit down

Moreover, the sage Wen Wen condensed his brows and yelled, which shocked everyone.

It was also the first time that Sun-stripe sage saw Sun-stripe sage so angry and stopped.

"And he told me before he died. Let us wipe out the cult as soon as possible. Since he said that, there must be a reason. If you rashly go to the Asian East Continent, you may not escape the same end as the moon."

The sun pattern sage took a deep breath and looked at the fire pattern sage and said in a deep voice.

"so we?"

The thunderweave sage pondered for a moment and then looked at the 8th sage.

"Call all the Chaos members and let them return as soon as possible."

Taking a deep breath, the sun-stripe sage said.

The others were shocked when they heard the decision of the Sun-stripe Sage, but they didn't say anything, and all walked out with serious faces.

'Chaos' is the name of the elite members of the Exorcism Council. There are a total of 121 people, without exception, all of them are seekers, who often wander around various continents to hunt monsters or ghosts that can threaten humans.

Except when it was created,

The damp primordial primordial chaos has never been gathered. Now that the Sunweave Sage decided so, it is clear that this time the Exorcism Council really has a big crisis.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Indestructible King Boluo Gong, gaining 5 billion experience points and gaining sacred value +1, "."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Indestructible King Polo Gong, and obtaining: Polo Ding's Belt of Heaven*1, Polo Gong's Destruction Hammer, and King's Seal*!

_ "Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Indestructible King Polo Worker, and get an extra: Hammer King Polo Worker card."

With system prompt

The sound plays.Chen Ye looked at Si Neng.

First of all, the city in front of Chen Ye has disappeared, and Chen Ye is now the king-"The lowest end of a deep resistance, Polo I has disappeared. Only the hammer of the Holy Spirit is still in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ye recovered from ancient times, and estimated that the diameter of the pit is definitely more than 10,000 meters, and the depth is only a piece of sky above.The whole is like an abyss.

"Is this the destruction of the apocalyptic catastrophe." Chen Ye had a feeling of dreaming. Although it was a skill that he personally released and caused the damage, Chen Ye still has an illusion. Perhaps this is the light and darkness

The amount of destruction caused by the last 8 catastrophes released by the fusion, the destruction of the discussion.

It's like water and fire.Although it is incompatible, as long as some means are added to convert the hydration into hydrogen and oxygen, then the power that erupts from the combination with the flame

It will be nuclear bomb level.

Chen Ye didn't know if he thought so, but he could only explain it to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ye couldn't wait to read his trophy.

_ [Polodine's Heavenly Prayer Skirt 1: The battle skirt of the ancient dynasty Polo Gong.Level requirements: 50 level.

Sex: 100,000 yuan for all attributes.

Additional effect: Light attribute affinity soil 10% (all light attribute skill effects +10%, light attribute damage received 2 10%)

Additional effect: Guardian of Light (active skill, resist 50% light attribute damage, duration 10 seconds. Cooling time 10 seconds.)____

[Porodin’s Destructive Hammer 1: The Destructive Hammer of Polodin, the overlord of the ancient dynasty.Level requirements: 70 levels.

Attribute: Physical +50 million.

Additional effect: King's Tremor: Active skill, hit the ground to cause a tremor impact, to the ground

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