I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 276

Attributes: All attributes soil 10 million.

Additional effect: Strength strength soil 10%

Additional effect, physical damage ability soil 10% (referring to power-type damage impact.)

It was still the same as the breastplate, Chen Ye also knew that the additional effect could not be improved further.

Then Chen Ye set his eyes on the remaining three suits.

After a while.

"Ding! The upgrade was successful!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host that the Polo Worker suits have all been successfully raised. Now we are starting to upgrade the effects of the Polo Worker suit!

I just upgraded all five Polo I suits.

After that, the system immediately sounded a beep.

Then, Chen Ye saw that a panel appeared again in front of him, and the five pieces of equipment that should have been in the inventory were all arranged on the panel.

The five pieces of equipment were neatly arranged up and down, and Chen Ye vaguely saw the imposing figure of Polo's workmanship.

Slowly rising on the first day, Polo Gong held a sword, raised it above his head and shouted "I am Polo Gong!"

The next moment, the picture changes.

"My empire, treat it as immortal!" Polo workers stood side by side with their legs crossed, hands in front of him pierced into the ground.

Above the wide-blade giant sword of color, behind the back, a huge golden sun shined in the sky, as if eternally immortal.

Change again.

Polo Gong was deep on a battlefield, the sun was red, and Polo Gong held up the huge shield in his hand and shouted, "Swear in the name of Polo Gong and the immortal empire! Destroy the enemy in front of you!"

With Polo Gong's voice fell.Chen Ye faintly heard the sound of countless slaying soldiers and the sound of swords fighting, and then the picture changed again.

The picture changes, and the sun has become red, as if the setting sun is about to set.

And Polodin is alone facing the sunset

, The figure is a bit lonely "My empire, I am not reconciled 1'

With the last daring roar, the picture disappeared and Chen Ye stared at him. The picture just now was Polodin's life, which shocked him greatly, and couldn't help feeling a little bit more.

One or two generations of emperors ended up like this, reminding Chen Ye of the sage who was once too unified in his hometown. There are some similarities between the two. In the end, the history was rewritten by the victor, and everything was vanished. .

After reorganizing his mentality, Chen Ye set his sights on the current Polo Gong Tianqi battle armor suit.

[Porodin’s Heaven Prayer Plate Gold War

Armor 1 suit effect, weaken the opponent's combat power by 10%.

2. The King’s Guard can summon the expellers of the Polo Gong Dynasty. The rank of expellors is randomly equal to the user level -5, and the number does not exceed the user level * 1

The guardian of the three kings can summon the five guardians of the kings. The guardian level of the five kings is the level of the equipped person -5. After the guardian dies, it can be summoned again after 48 hours.

274. Millions of exorcists assembled!(5/6)

After taking a deep breath, the updated suit effect of Borodin's Heavenly Prayer Armor set gave Chen Ye a greater shock than having browsed Borodin's life.

"No wonder Polo Gong said that he would own his entire empire if he defeated him. It turned out to be here.

Chen Ye mumbled to himself that owning this set of equipment is indeed equivalent to owning the entire immortal empire of Polo Engineering.

At this time, dozens of figures flashed above Chen Ye.

It was Callett and them.

"His Royal Highness, you are fine!"

Callett glanced around in shock.Of course

Then he asked Chen Ye, Chen Ye was not strong at the beginning, and he could still call him by his name, but now that Chen Ye has been elevated to the point where he can kill him in seconds, Calette naturally began to call Chen Xie his Royal Highness. .

"I'm fine, did the sage outside handle it?"

Chen Ye shook his head, took another deep breath to calm himself down, and then asked Kallett.

"Yes, your Highness, this is the corpse of that person."

Callett replied respectfully to Chen Ye. I don’t know why. Looking at Chen Ye now, it’s like looking at a king-like emperor, giving him a strong feeling.

Pressure from the superior.

Because in order to avoid causing too much riots against humans, Chen Ye could reduce the size of the gate of hell, suppressing Calette and the others to a few meters high, so the corpse was thrown into the space ring by Calette.

At this moment, the face of Sage Yue’s face has been taken away by the demons.Chen Hua revealed a slightly familiar face.

"Sure enough, the sage of the sage's place."

Looking at the other party, Chen Ye said secretly-:Sound.

He was assassinated by the Demon Hunter Council, and now the sages took action personally. Obviously, those sages could not sit still.

At this moment, Forrest Gump fell from above to the left.

"My lord, feel the group of strong people are gathering here."

Forrest Gump said respectfully towards Chen Ye.

"The strong?"

Hear what Forrest Gump said.Callett was taken aback.Then I closed and felt it, and sure enough, a lot of strong aura was coming towards this side.

"You go back first."

Chen Ye nodded to the left of Forrest Gump, then turned his gaze to Callet and said.

"Shall we leave? But your Highness..."

"This is an order


Hearing Chen Ye's request, the surrounding demons were all taken aback, Callette said worriedly, but before Calette finished speaking, Chen Ye frowned and said.


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